Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Does R support [:punct:] in regexps?"
2009 Jan 20
Stacked barplot with two stacked bars besides each other
I have a particular barplot I would like to generate, but I am having
trouble getting it to work. What I would like is in effect two barplots
with stacked bars merged into one. For example, I have two samples
(yoda1,yoda2) on which I measure whether two variables (var1,var2) are
present or absent for a number of measurements on that sample.
> var1 <- data.frame(yoda1=c(3,7),
2009 Apr 06
Collapse data matrix with extra info separated by commas
I would like to reshape my data for presentation purposes from something
like this:
> test <-
> test
a b c
1 A 1 1
2 A 1 2
3 A 2 3
4 A 2 4
5 B 1 5
6 B 1 6
7 B 1 7
to something like this:
a b c
1 A 1 1,2
3 A 2 3,4
5 B 1 5,6,7
This seems
2009 Apr 28
Mathematical label in a plot with a percent sign
I am trying to produce a plot with an xlabel that reads (x >= 5%) with
the >= turned into the correct epression. I can do this up to the
percentage sign by specifiing xlab=expression(x>=5). Whatever I do to
include the % sign as well doesn't seem to work.
xlab=bquote(x>=5.("%")) almost works but includes brackets.
Anyonw know how to solve this one
PS I am
2009 Dec 02
Extract html tables to data.frames
I would like to scrape some html tables from a web page and convert them
to a data.frame so I can perform further analysis. Could anyone tell me
the best way to do this? Would it be more appropriate to use an
external tool first?
Daniel Brewer, Ph.D.
Institute of Cancer Research
Molecular Carcinogenesis
2010 Nov 19
expand comma separated field vertically in data.frame
I have a data.frame like this:
a 1,2,3,4 b1
b 6,7 b3
And I would like to transform it to this:
a 1 b1
a 2 b1
a 3 b1
a 4 b1
b 6 b3
b 7 b3
I have been looking at ddply but can't seem to work it out. ANy help
would be gratefully received.
Daniel Brewer, Ph.D.
Institute of Cancer Research
Molecular Carcinogenesis
2009 Jun 24
order by decerasing 1st variable and increasing 2nd variable
I have a data.frame which I would like to sort with the primary key
decreasing while the secondry key is increasing e.g.
x <- data.frame(One=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5),Two=c(2,3,1,2,3,3,3,3))
I would like to order it so it looks like this:
One Two
8 5 3
7 4 3
6 3 3
4 2 2
5 2 3
3 1 1
1 1 2
2 1 3
i.e. primarily decreasing in the 1st column but if there is a
2008 Mar 26
Adding name labels to x-axis of matplot
I have a gene expression matrix with columns being samples and rows
being genes. I would like to display the expression values for each
gene. I have two groups which I colour differently. The aim is to see
if there is any difference between the two groups consistently across genes.
So the following works well:
2009 Dec 23
COnfidence intervals for estimates of linear model
I would like to calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the estimates
of a linear model and I just wanted to check that I am doing it correct.
Is it just:
Estimate + 1.95996*Std.Error to Estimate - 1.95996*Std.Error
or is there another approach that doesn't assume a normal distrbution?
Thanks. Apologies for my naiivity
2010 Dec 10
melt causes errors when characters and values are used
I am finding that the melt function from the reshape library causes
errors when applied to a data.frame that contains numeric and character
columns. For example,
ID variable value
1 1 date a
2 2 date b
3 3 date c
4 1 value <NA>
5 2
2008 Jun 17
Capturing coxph warnings and errors
I have a script that takes a subset of genes on a microarray and tries
to fit a coxph model to the expression values for each gene. This seems
to work fine but in some cases it produces warnings and/or errors.
For example:
Error in fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 6)
In addition: Warning message:
In fitter(X, Y,
2010 Dec 02
Suitable test for ordinal variable vs continuous variable trend
Dear all,
For a population of about 200 I have a continuous variable and an ordinal variable. The question I would like to ask is whether the continuously increases (or decreases) as the rank of the ordinal variable increases. I was thinking that a Spearmen's rank correlation or or a chi squared trend might be appropriate. I don't have any experience dealing with ordinal variables so I
2009 May 05
Bristol mirror GPG problem ubuntu repository
I am getting a GPG error with the ubuntu repository at the bristol UK
When my source.list has this line:
deb http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/bin/linux/ubuntu/ intrepid/
On an "apt-get update" you get this:
W: GPG error: http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk intrepid/ Release: The
following signatures were invalid: BADSIG D67FC6EAE2A11821 Vincent
Goulet <vincent.goulet at
2009 Sep 08
Fitting a linear model with a break point
I would like to test some data to see whether it has the shape of a step
function (i.e. y1 up until x_th and then y2 where x_th is the
threshold). The threshold x_th is unknown and the x values can only
take discrete values (0,1,2,3,4).
An example would be:
data<- data.frame(x=1:20,y=c(rnorm(10),rnorm(10,10)))
I was thinking along the lines of fitting some sort of piiecewise linear
2008 May 08
cpower and censoring
I would like to do some power estimations for a log-rank two sample test
and cpower seems to fit the bill. I am getting confused though by the
man page and what the arguments actually mean. I am also not sure
whether cpower takes into account censoring or not.
Could anyone provide a simple example of how I would get the power for a
set control/non-control clinical trial where censoring occurs at
2008 Oct 24
pwr.2p2n.test when the ratio of n1/n2 is known
I am trying to do a power calculation for a difference in proportions
test where I want to estimate the sample size required. I know (well
estimate) that group one (n1) is 10% of the population and group 2 (n2)
is 90% of the population. I know the effect size (h). pwr.2p2n.test
only allows one variable to be left null whereas I would like both n1
and n2 to be determined where I know there
2009 Jan 27
Memory issue?
I have a script that sometimes produces the following error:
Error in assign(".target", method at target, envir = envir) :
formal argument "envir" matched by multiple actual arguments
Do you think this is a memory issue? I don't know what else it could be
as it doesn't always occur even if the script is run with exactly the
same data.
Does rm() actually free up
2009 Jan 29
Use SOCKS proxy
Is there anyway to set up R so that it uses a SOCKS proxy in Linux? I am
getting some strange issues with the Institute's new web filtering
system and want to be able to test whether a problem I have with the
biomaRt package is caused by it.
Many thanks
Daniel Brewer, Ph.D.
Institute of Cancer Research
2010 Mar 24
Bulk editing of mySQL tables
I have started to use RMySQL and I would like to use R to make batch
changes to data. What it the best way to do this? Is it to download
the table using dbGetQuery, manipulate the data in R and then
dbWriteTable to delete the existing table and replace it with the local
What I am concerned about this is that it might lose some mySQL table
configuration options and it isn't a
2008 Jun 02
Ancova: formula with a common intercept
I have some data with two categorises plus/minus (p53) and a particular
time (Time) and the outcome is a continuous vairable (Result). I set up
a maximum model.
ancova <- lm(Result~Time*p53)
> summary(ancova)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.05919 0.55646 0.106 0.916
Time -0.02134 0.01785 -1.195 0.241
2010 Dec 10
Remove 100 years from a date object
I have some data that has dates in the form 27.02.37. I convert them to
a date object as follows:
But this gives me years such as 2037 when I would like them to be 1937.
I thought of trying to take off some time i.e.
as.Date(camCD$DoB,format="%d.%m.%y") - 100*365
But that doesn't seem to work out correctly. Any ideas how to