similar to: print table (data.frame) to pdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "print table (data.frame) to pdf"

2011 Nov 12
Subsetting data leads to funky plots
I'm trying out a basic plot, but something about the way I subset my data leads to problems with the plot. Here is the first bit of my data set year,date,location,quadrat_juvenile,photo_location,photo_exists,genus,count,divers 2005,2005-04-30, 1 Fringing Reef,1, 1 Fringing Reef Coral Transect Pole 1-2 Quadrat 1,t,Acanthastrea,0,HP+MEM 2005,2005-04-30, 1 Fringing Reef,1, 1 Fringing Reef
2011 Feb 21
Species accumulation curves with differential sampling effort
Hello! I'm a PhD student working with coral reef fish diversity in Mexico. I want to do species accumulation curves but I have differential sampling effort for each "sample". Do you know or have developed an R script that consider the differential effort of each sample? PRIMER and other programs use each pack of species as a replica without the possibility of telling the program that
2007 May 18
Goodness-of-fit test for gamma distribution?
Hi all, I am wondering if anyone has written (or knows of) a function that will conduct a goodness-of-fit test for a gamma distribution. I am especially interested in test statistics have some asymptotic parametric distribution that is independent of sample size or values of fitted parameters (e.g., a chi-squared distribution with some fixed df), because I want to fit gamma distributions to
2008 Mar 19
one/multi-dimensional scaling with incomplete dissimilarity matrix
Dear David, you asked this question a while ago on the R mailing list and got no answer. I have the same problem and was wondering if you had found a solution Cheers Loic Loic Thibaut, PhD candidate, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, School of Marine Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, 4811, Australia. Tel + 61 747 815 735, Fax: + 61 747 251 570, email:
2008 Nov 12
.Random.seed is double
Hi I am experiencing a problem with the random number generator. When I call any function that involve RNG such as "runif" or "sample" I get this error: .Random.seed is not an integer vector but of type 'double' I can't coerce the random seed and it's recommended not to alter it anyway. Can anybody help me? Thanks and kind regards, Piero Visconti, PhD
2011 Sep 13
mvpart analyses with covariables
Hi all, I am fairly new to R and I am trying to run mvpart and create a MRT using explanatory variables and covariables. I've been following the procedures in Numerical Ecoogy with R. The command (no covariables) which works fine - ABUNDTMRT <- mvpart(abundance ~ .,factors,margin=0.08,cp=0,xv="1se",xval=nrow(abundance),xvmult=100,which=4) where abundance is 4th root
2012 Aug 22
(Slight) calculation discrepancy in escalc (metafor package)
Hello, I recently started using the metafor package (version 1.6-0) in R (2.15.1, 64-bit Windows 7) and noticed that I was getting slightly different values when I manually calculated the standardized mean difference versus what escalc was giving me. Here''s a very simple example: escalc(measure="SMD", m1i=5,m2i=10,n1i=5,n2i=5,sd1i=1,sd2i=2,vtype="LS") The result
2012 Apr 14
R Error/Warning Messages with library(MASS) using glm.
Hi there, I have been having trouble running negative binomial regression (glm.nb) using library MASS in R v2.15.0 on Mac OSX. I am running multiple models on the variables influencing the group size of damselfish in coral reefs (count data). For total group size and two of my species, glm.nb is working great to deal with overdispersion in my count data. For two of my species, I am getting a
2008 Sep 25
Hi, I'm trying to customize a window with 2 graphs. I'm able to do the first one with something like this general example par(mfrow=c(1,2),cex.axis=0.85,cex.lab=0.80,mai=c(1.3,1,0.5,0),las=3) bplot<-barplot(bar.values,names.arg=cf.names,width=0.5,ylab="% Area held") abline(h=0.3,lty=3,col="red") abline(h=0.1,lty=3,col="blue")
2012 Sep 11
Maintaining specific order when using aggregate or change order on axis
Hi All, I'm using the following code to produce some stacked bar graphs. *setwd("C:\\Users\\Tinus\\Documents\\NMMU\\R\\Seamounts")* *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* * * *#Extract mean values from data file* * * *Coral <- SChla[185:223,] #Reduce SChla to Coral only* *coral <- with(Coral , aggregate(cbind(Pico, Nano, Micro), list(Depth),FUN=mean))*
2006 Nov 24
low-variance warning in lmer
For block effects with small variance, lmer will sometimes estimate the variance as being very close to zero and issue a warning. I don't have a problem with this -- I've explored things a bit with some simulations (see below) and conclude that this is probably inevitable when trying to incorporate random effects with not very much data (the means and medians of estimates are plausibly
2012 Oct 23
plotting multiple variables in 1 bar graph
I'd greatly appreciate your help in making a bar graph with multiple variables plotted on it. All the help sites I've seen so far only plot 1 variable on the y-axis Data set: I have 6 sites, each measured 5 times over the past year. During each sampling time, I counted the occurrences of different benthic components (coral, dead coral, sand, etc.) over 5 transects in each site site
2006 Feb 16
cv.glm function error message in a loop
Dear list, I am modelling fish distributions using the glm-function followed by the step-function, and then want to cross-validate the model via the cv.glm-function from the {boot} package. I am working on fish distributions on coral reefs. The code I have works for one fish species. Since I have 227 fishes, I wrote a loop. Now the cv.glm-function comes up with an error message: "Error in
2010 Jun 16
Hello comunity, I'm trying to find a similar function as decile of SPSS, NTILES (10) some of you know about that, I will appreciate your help in advance. In SPSS VARIABLES=Sales (A) /NTILES (10) /PRINT=NO for example if I have Next data input: case IdCust Sales Profit 1 265 140.81 314.31 2 266 1778.96 408.32 3 267 2663.66 820.85 4 268 2994.14 913.73 5 269 2185.58 686.64 6 271 105.21
2005 Jan 09
Coral with Xen
Hi! Coral isn''t working from Xen. If you can please try it, maybe i''m just doing something wrong. However it works from outside Xen with the same setup. Can Xen cause this kind of DNS errors? Try something like: or -- /Varga Péter/ ------------------------------------------------------- The
2011 Feb 08
which multivariate regression?
Hi R-Users, I have a student doing work with lionfish and she has been trying to analyse a multivariate dataset to see what variables/factors are influencing the behaviour of lionfish. We have attempted a number of analyses, including rpart, relimpo and standard linear regression but we are not having much luck with quality output. The data is very non-normal and we would appreciate some advice
1999 Jun 09
Port 7 scan
Over the last several day, we''ve been getting pretty regular scans from a non-existant host on our port 7. Any idea what they are looking for/what are some of vulnerabilites with echo? Thanks Coral Cook
2006 Jan 21
Xen Starting DomainU:Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working
hi, I am trying to start a new domainU but got the error: Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working I have struggled with it for a long time. I found somebody else report this but can not find a solution. The xen version is xen-3.0 latest version. I do not have a initrd. Domain0 works fine but when I create a new domain, it always gives an error as above. Thanks,
2007 Nov 12
how to assign a group mean to individual cases?
I need advice on how to create a variable that is the group mean of another variable. For example, I have a variable called x for which each row in the data set has a value. I also have a nominal variable called g that indicates which of 100 different groups each row belongs to. So, I want to create a new variable called w, which is the group mean of x for which ever group the row belongs to (as
2007 Nov 13
group mean, minus each row's value
I used the following to assign each row the group average, where w is the new group average variable, x is the variabale to be averaged, and g is the nominal group indicator: w <- ave(x,g) Now I want to calculate the group average, but WITHOUT each row's value of x. Is there an easy way to do this? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, but for the life of me I can't