Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "snow Error."
2010 Sep 07
Problems in snow: can't open connection with nodes
I'm working with snow and created a local cluster. So far, the same code has
always worked (please see below). However, now I receive a message that the
connection with the nodes cannot be opened. I restarted my workstation but
that didn't help. Is there a known solution for this problem? Thanks a lot
for any help.
bram foubert
cl =
2008 Sep 30
prblems changing directory in mpi snow clusters
Dear R Users,
I am attempting to use snow with rmpi.
My configuration is:
- R Version 2.7.2, rmpi
- RMPI 0.5-6
- DeinoMPI 1.1.0
- Windows Xp SP2
I can sucessfully create a cluster and execute simple commands but for
some reason, I cannot change the working directory in my nodes.
> noclusters<-2
> cl <- makeCluster(noclusters, type = "MPI")
2 slaves are spawned
2006 Dec 12
I'm trying to use expression() to write a text to a graphic in the margin.
writes a perfect beta greek character, but I need to add a subindex
"max", and I'm trying:
simply writes "beta max" in the plot.
Please, Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
2007 Aug 06
Is there a way to know which library is giving a warning?
Specifically, I'm getting a set of warnings:
"Too many open raster files"
Thanks and best wishes,
Javier Garc?a-Pintado
Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC)
Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n, 08028 Barcelona
Phone: +34 934095410
Fax: +34 934110012
e-mail:jgarcia at ija.csic.es
2007 Feb 01
In a nutshell, I've got a data.frame like this:
> assignation <- data.frame(value=c(6.5,7.5,8.5,12.0),class=c(1,3,5,2))
> assignation
value class
1 6.5 1
2 7.5 3
3 8.5 5
4 12.0 2
and a long vector of classes like this:
> x <- c(1,1,2,7,6,5,4,3,2,2,2...)
And would like to obtain a vector of length = length(x), with the
2007 Feb 01
indexing without looping
I've got a data.frame like this:
> > assignation <- data.frame(value=c(6.5,7.5,8.5,12.0),class=c(1,3,5,2))
> > assignation
value class
1 6.5 1
2 7.5 3
3 8.5 5
4 12.0 2
> >
and a long vector of classes like this:
> > x <- c(1,1,2,7,6,5,4,3,2,2,2...)
And would like to obtain a vector of length =
2011 Feb 03
problem with parLapply from snow
The following function use to work, but now it doesn't giving the error
"> CallSnow(, 100)
Using snow package, asking for 2 nodes
2 slaves are spawned successfully. 0 failed.
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
2 nodes produced errors; first error: no applicable method for 'lapply' applied to an object of class "list"
Where this is the
2010 Aug 25
Problem with clusterCall, "Error in checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult)) : "
Hi all,
I am trying to use snow package to do a parallel MCMC. I have read a few
guides and articles, the following is that I came up with.
When I run it I got the error message:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(lapply(cl, recvResult)) :
4 nodes produced errors; first error: could not find function "ui.Next"
The data is a longitudinal data with few repeated readings on a number of
2007 May 21
help with this indexing
Hi all,
Let's say I have a long data frame and a short one, both with three
colums: $east, $north, $value
And I need to fill in the short$value, extracting the corresponding
value from long$value, for coinciding $east and $north in both tables.
I know the possibility:
for (i in 1:length(short$value)){
short$value[i] <- long$value[long$east==short$east &
2006 Nov 23
which() over a matrix
A brief question that I am not able to resolve by my own, but I presume
it's easy for you:
I've used apply to find the values closer to 0 in each row of a matrix:
closer.to.0 <- apply(abs(myarray),MARGIN=1,"min")
My question is how could I use which (or another way) to obtain a vector
that indicates which columns contains these "closer to 0" values?
2013 Feb 07
R intermittently crashes across cluster
I am having an interesting problem and I wonder if anyone else has
seen this behavior.
I am running R 2.11.1 with SNOW 0.3-3 on a Dell cluster running CentOS 5.5.
I create my cluster using:
cluster<- makeCluster(nodes,type="SOCK",port=10191) # nodes is a
vector of compute nodes
I then wrap a loop around clusterApplyLB to evaluate my function
multiple times, with
2006 Dec 19
xaxt="n" for image()
The argument xaxt="n" for removing the x axis from a image plot does not
work for me.
I'm really using a function called plot.grassmeta() in library GRASS
that is a wrapper for image(), but it seems to me that the problem is
not in plot.grassmeta() but in image().
If I'm right could you tell me if there is a way to remove one axis from
a call to image()?
Thanks and wishes,
2007 Jan 05
gstat package. "singular" attibute
I'm using the gstat package within R for an automated procedure that
uses ordinary kriging.
I can see that there is a logical ("singular") atrtibute of some
adjusted model semivariograms:
.- attr(*, "singular")= logi TRUE
I cannot find documentation about the exact meaning and the implications
of this attribute, and I dont know anything about the inner calculations
2009 Aug 05
Strange problem with Rails and Tomcat
Hi all,
I´m having a strange problem in my rails app hosted on Tomcat:
The ''div'' element which stores the validation errors of a model doesn´t
seem to be ''refreshed'' after each request,so I end up with the following
In the first request:''5 problems ocurred''
In the second request:''10 problems ocurred''
and so on...
2019 Nov 26
Como enfocar un problema
Tengo que analizar unos datos, donde tengo unas piezas fabricadas y el n?mero de ciclos qie aguantan hasta q se parten.
Algunas piezas son de un fabricante, otras de otro,.. En cada ciclo a algunas piezas se le somete a algun tipo de tratamiento termico, a otras a otro, algunas se pintan, otras no...
Por ejemplo, para una pieza tengo los siguientes datos:
Ciclo. Tratamiento. Pintado.
2013 Apr 18
parSapply can't find function
Here is the code, assuming 8 cores in the cpu.
cl = makeCluster(rep('localhost', 8), 'SOCK')
x = vector(length=50)
x = sapply(x, function(i) i=sample(c(1,0), 1))
pastK = function(n, x, k) {
if (n>k) { return(x[(n-k):(n-1)]) }
else {return(NA)}
predR = function(x, k) {
pastList = lapply(1:length(x), function(n)
2013 Jan 16
Help with a parallel process
Hi R-Core,
i am using nnet and DEoptim,
pred_regm1 <- function(A) {
regm1 <-
somar=DEoptim(pred_regm1,c(1,0.00001,0.01), c(25,0.999,0.95),
2011 Sep 17
Problem using SNOW with data frame as a function argument
I would like to use SNOW to parallelise some computations to be made on columns of a data frame, using different parameter values for each SNOW "worker".
I gather(?) clusterMap() is the appropriate SNOW function to do something like this. I suspect the problem lies in the fact that I am only supplying one data frame argument for the flow.dat function argument yet the a, b, and x
2014 Mar 12
Sobreponer dos mapas
Estoy tratando de sobreponer un mapa sobre otro, uno que sirva de ?background? y otro con datos. Mi primer intento lo hice usando el paquete PBSmapping.
Aquí lo que hice:
estados <- importShapefile(?Entidades_2013.shp") #Aquí cargamos las entidades federativas (32 entidades)
zonas <- importShapefile(?zm.shp?) #Aquí cargamos las zonas metropolitanas del país
2012 Jun 28
undefined S4 class in parallel computing at snowfall
Dear All,
I have a question of how to export S4 class specification to
clusters/workers in parallel computing. The package I used is snowfall. The
problem is reproducible as follows. Any hint is greatly appreciated.
Edwin Sun
=== begin ===========
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 2)
setClass("catt", representation(aa = "numeric"))