similar to: best updating method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "best updating method"

2007 Sep 07
Custom Analyser .. where to put it ??
Hi, I m trying to use a custom analyser to add my french stop words... i m reading the tutorial at : My problem is that i ve no idea where to put my custom Analyser class like : class GermanStemmingAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = FULL_GERMAN_STOP_WORDS)
2006 Aug 30
AAF Sorting by date - what am I doing wrong?
I''m trying to sort my search results by Date, in descending order. I''ve done quite a bit of reading through the forums here, and I''ve tried two different suggestions. This just returns results in the same order as a search without a sort: sort_fields = [] sort_fields <<"ferret_created_at",:reverse => :true)
2006 Aug 30
Hi there, I''m working with some legacy data where customer phone numbers are stored with hyphens between the area code, exchange, and number (e.g. 555-555-5555). Is this the best way to store a phone number? Perhaps not, but it''s the way they were being stored, so I have to work with this format. Right, so when I save a record the log tells me acts_as_ferret indexed the
2006 Sep 22
Searching untokenized fields
Hi .. I tried to exclude certain objects from my search, by adding appropriate term queries .. i = i.field_infos.add_field(:type, :index => :untokenized, :term_vector => :no) i << {:type => "Movie", :name => "Indiana" } i << {:type => "Movie", :name => "Forrest" } i << {:type =>
2006 Aug 10
IMPORTANT: Rails update 1.1.6
for those who didn''t read it somewhere else: the bug being adresseb by 1.1.5was not completely fixed, so now theres another security update: anybody using engines, dont update since this update will break the plugin, more info for fixing the bug in this case also in the blog. -- Michael
2005 Dec 14
Query question
I have an index in which I want different records to be accessible to different users. I think I can do this by adding a "users" field to each record in the index and narrow down my queries to only those records matching the current user''s userid. I have the userids separated by commas. What would be the right way to query for a certain user? I have to make sure that I
2006 Aug 29
uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED
I''m getting "uninitialized constant UNTOKENIZED" when I try to do something like the following: class Url < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => {''name'' => {}, ''description'' => {}, ''url'' => {:index => Ferret::Document::Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED},
2007 Aug 03
can''t search for OR (as in the state)
I''m trying to search a Model by the state field using Acts As Ferret. The query for this is ''+state:NY'' (substitute state abbreviation for NY). This works find however ''+state:OR'' returns nothing, though just ''portland'' will pull up matches within that state. I''m pretty sure it''s reading OR as an or conditional
2006 Jan 20
Questions about Searching
Hi, I have some questions about searching with Ferret. I have a user index with first_name, last_name and full_name (which is just first plus last with a space). Here are a couple of questions: 1) If I store the fields tokenized, it appears as though queries are case-insensitive. However, for untokenized, the query is case-sensitive. How can I make the untokenized searches case-insensitive?
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field. Here''s the index description: acts_as_ferret :remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index => :untokenized}, :city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2006 Jul 12
Reverse sorting
I am getting strange results when I reverse sort a query. I am sorting by date, but it doesn''t seem to be related to dates (I have tried just integers). I also paginate the results. Items in the result set are sometimes duplicated and the not ordered at all. When I try a non-reverse sort I don''t see duplicates and the ordering is correct. Any ideas what is going on? Thanks
2006 Dec 28
Sorting/Ordering Search Results
Hello All, I am having an issue with AAF and sorting results of a search. Right now, I have results being split onto pages of 10. The results are being sorted alphabetically, but not across multiple pages - it''s just sorting the 10 it pulls down on each page. I noticed another post from April regarding this same issue ( where the issue was
2006 Oct 02
Another web app using Ferret
I am apart of a team that runs a student site called Studicious ( We have been using Ferret from the beginning, and recently added acts_as_ferret and sorting to the system. As you can see if you try the search, sorting is not working as expected. I am using this code (w/ find_by_content): :sort =>, :reverse => false)
2006 Jul 31
Sorting performance
I''m using acts_as_ferret to index one of my rails models. Right after I start the app the first request that orders by some ferret field will take very long. Subsequent ones seem to be fast. I guess some caching is going on. Any tips on solving this? Pedro.
2006 Nov 01
aaf and stop words; query parser
I''ve been trying to implement acts_as_ferret in my latest project and ran into a snag. If I do a search for ''auditor state'' then the search works perfectly. If I include a stop word, as in ''auditor of state'', then I get no results. I''d prefer not to set stop words to nil and index everything. The solution, that I have yet to attempt, is to use
2006 Jul 15
FieldQuery not returning anything
Hey .. The QueryParser RDoc page explains to me on how to search for a specific value in a specific field. This is not working the way i thought it should be, what am i doing wrong? Here''s an example .. I''m storing model data in the index like this: doc << "object_id",, Field::Store::YES) doc << "type",
2007 Jul 09
Problems with sorting of search results
Hey .. maybe someone got a hint for me .. I''ve got a problem with the sorting of search results .. strangely enough, the sorting is fine on my mac development environment, but not okay on my linux live system. I got a field in my index called hierarchy. It contains long strings like: Living together > Family > Brother-In-Law Living together > Family > Marriage > Wife
2007 Mar 29
nil''s representation in the index?
How are ruby nil values represented in the index? Thanks, John
2006 Apr 19
How to do case-sensitive searches
Forgive me if this topic has already been discussed on the list. I googled but couldn''t find much. I''d like to search through text for US state abbreviations that are written in capitals. What is the best way to do this? I read somewhere that tokenized fields are stored in the index in lowercase, so I am concerned that I will lose precision. What is the best way to store a