similar to: Retrieving Vertices Coordinates from SpatialPolygons

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1300 matches similar to: "Retrieving Vertices Coordinates from SpatialPolygons"

2011 Feb 11
Extract a slot value from a 'SpatialPolygons' class object
Dear R-users, I’m currently trying to extract the value of a slot (area) but can’t find out how to do that. >str(overlperc) List of 1 $ :Formal class 'SpatialPolygons' [package "sp"] with 4 slots .. ..@ polygons :List of 1 .. .. ..$ :Formal class 'Polygons' [package "sp"] with 5 slots .. .. .. .. ..@ Polygons :List of 1 .. .. .. .. .. ..$
2009 Dec 11
how to simulate brown, white and pink noise time series
Dear List, Is it possible to simulate a time-series in R based on 1/f noise? Many Thanks Enrico Crema --------------------------------------- Enrico R. Crema PhD Candidate Institute of Archaeology, UCL AHRC Centre for the Evolution of Cultural Diversity, UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL Personal Webpages:
2018 Jun 01
rasterize SpatialPolygon object using a RasterBrick object
I am trying to rasterize a SpatialPolygon object by a RasterBrick object. The documentation of the raster::rasterize function explicitly says this is allowed. Here's what I am doing # load the raster package library("raster") # create a raster brick object using the example from the brick function documentation b <- brick(system.file("external/rlogo.grd",
2005 Dec 30
How extract the names of ID in SpatialPolygons object
Hi dear user, Anybody can tell me how extract the names of ID in SpatialPolygons object, I am try to link a data frame attributes with spatial polygons, but the row names of data frame is not the same that ID poligons. Thank for all Fernando [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Oct 08
Pregunta sobre manipulación de shapefile
Gracias Beatriz, efectivamente, lo que indicas en tu ejemplo es lo que obtengo al final de mi proceso. En todo caso pruebo tu opción con mis datos, si es como imagino seguro que es más rápida de montar y más elegante que tratar el resultado de un sink() (recuerdo que en su momento lo intenté con fotify pero no supe bien como atacarlo, no conocía el enlace que me mandas, por tanto lo pruebo de
2017 Jun 01
[spatstat] Convert shapefile to pixel image
Dear all, I am currently working with the spatstat package, using windows and pixel images. First: My aim is to transform a shapefile (see attached) into a pixel image. My idea is to start transforming the shapefile into a Spatial Polygon file: x <- readShapeSpatial("200001441.shp") y <- as(x, "SpatialPolygons") z <- as.owin(y) Given z, I want to identify each
2008 Feb 04
how to get points from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2017 Jun 01
[spatstat] Convert shapefile to pixel image
On 02/06/17 01:17, Lluis.Hurtado at wrote: > Dear all, > > I am currently working with the spatstat package, using windows and pixel images. > > First: > > My aim is to transform a shapefile (see attached) into a pixel image. > > My idea is to start transforming the shapefile into a Spatial Polygon file: > > x <-
2014 Oct 08
Pregunta sobre manipulación de shapefile
Oscar, al final no he podido esperar hasta mañana Con: library(maptools)library(sp) poligonos <- readShapeLines("C:\\...\\DATOS\\MUNICIPIO.shp") sink("C:\\ ... \\DATOS\\MUNICIPIO.csv") coordinates(poligonos) Consigo un fichero con la suficiente estructura para tratarlo fácilmente y de una tacada montar la tabla .csv tal y como he indicado en un correo anterior Necesito el
2006 Jan 07
maptools, write.polylistShape
Dear Roger, I am trying to use the write.polylistShape() function of maptools for the first time and realize that it handles list of polygons of class 'polylist'. However, it seems that no as.polylist() function exist in the package. The question behind that is: in your opinion, which would be the best way to convert a list of matrix of polygon nodes coordinates into an object of
2006 Mar 21
Getting polygons from contiguous grid cells having same value in sp
I have been using the sp package to deal with gridded data. I would like to know how to extract the vertices (x,y) of polygons that outline areas of like-valued cells in a grid. Here is a simple 3x3 grid: 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 x <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) # define a 3 x 3 array of points y <- c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) h <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y)) # make these an sp object of the points
2009 Jul 16
Problems generating image from tiff file
I imported the attached tiff file and converted the coordinate system to long lat and graphed it: californiatiff<- readGDAL("california1.tif") proj4string(californiatiff) > rasterprojection <- spTransform(californiatiff, CRS("+proj=longlat") however, when using the plot command for rasterprojection, I get a blob. I can see the outline of the state of california and
2013 Jan 04
SpatialPolygon with the max value gets no color assigned in spplot function when using "at" parameter
Hi, I would like to do coloring of map regions based on the region values "weight". The approach I am taking is first to break regions into equal intervals, classIntervals(spdf$weight,4)$brks #4 intervals in this case and coloring all regions within the interval with the same color col = brewer.pal(4,"RdYlGn")) The max "weight" is as well the boundary of the
2000 Apr 04
stochastic process transition probabilities estimation
Hi all, I'm new with R (and S), and relatively new to statistics (I'm a computer scientist), so I ask sorry in advance if my question is silly. My problem is this: I have a (sample of a) discrete time stochastic process {X_t} and I want to estimate Pr{ X_t | X_{t-l_1}, X_{t-l_2}, ..., X_{t-l_k} } where l_1, l_2, ..., l_k are some fixed time lags. It will be enough for me to compute
2011 Aug 17
dotchart vs. dotplot ... groups
I'm trying to create a dotplot with some grouping. I've been able to create what I want using dotchart (basic graphics), but can't quite get it using dotplot (lattice). I prefer to use lattice (or ggplot2) because I think it's a bit easier to control some other aspects of the plot appearance. Basically, w/ lattice I've not been able to get the y-axis label to include the
2009 Aug 30
Trying to rename spatial pts data frame slot that isn't a slot()
Dear List, I am analyzing the home range area of fish and seem to have lost the individuals ID names during my manipulations, and can't find out how to rename them. I calculated the MCP of the fish using mcp() in Adehabitat. MCP's were converted to spatial points data frame and exported to qGIS for manipulations. At this point the ID names were lost. I brought the manipulated
2012 Aug 15
shade overlapping portions of circles (or other shapes)
I'm making some illustrations and it would be convenient to automatically shade the overlapping portions of circles. These illustrations are for Social Choice theory, a field in political science and economics. I've wrestled together some examples so you can see what I mean, but have not mastered the "color overlapping sections" problem (as you will see):
2014 Oct 17
Holding a large number of SEXPs in C++
Background: I have an algorithm which produces a large number of small polygons (of the spatial kind) which I would like to use within R using objects from sp. I can't predict the exact number of polygons a-priori, the polygons will be grouped into regions, and each region will be filled sequentially, so an appropriate C++ 'framework' (for the point of illustration) might be: typedef
2006 Oct 07
merge and polylist
Greetings: I would like to kindly ask for a little help. The rough code is: #________________________________________________________ dat=data.frame(read.delim(file="all.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", dec=".",na.strings = "NA")) nc=read.shape("astae.shp",, verbose=TRUE) mappolys=Map2poly(nc) submap
2005 Feb 09
FW: Drawing maps of UK
Hi Guys Thanks for this! As I am a beginner, I bet I'm running into some really basic problems. Using the example from the Map2poly function in maptools: try <- read.shape("euadmll.shp") mappolys <- Map2poly(try) # this produces 14 warnings() of the type: # 1: level 2 circularity at 62 in: .mtlbuild(.mtafters(r1), rD) # etc # 14: From next release, default hole handling