Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "two plots side-by-side with persp3d(rgl)"
2009 Apr 08
persp3d and rgl.viewpoint for rotating 3D plots
Dear R-users,
within the rgl-package, I would have a question about the usage of persp3d in combination of rgl.viewpoint.
I am not able to figure out how to let a 3D plot rotating around likewise the example in ?rgl.viewpoint. It seems that when I use persp3d(...) I see something on my screen, which is different from what I get when it's rotating. Is there any different behavior between
2005 May 15
Save parameters from optim during iteration procedure
Dear R-users,
I am going to try to be as clearer as possible, showing also an example.
1) I have a function (in my real case it's much more complex)
2) I use "optim" to minimize
3) I want to use as method L-BFGS-B for several reasons
4) I know I could use "trace=6" (in "control") in order to see "live"
the procedure
5) I would like to see separately the
2006 May 16
optim with specific constraints on possible values
Dear R-users,
I am working with some grid-search optimization for 13 values of an
object function.
At glance one may compute the object function for each possible
combination of set of parameters, but in my case would not be feasible:
taking for example 13 possible values for each parameters like, in
logarithm scale, 10^seq(-3,3,.5) will lead to 13^13 combinations of
As a second trial
2009 Oct 15
ImageMagick not seen by movie3d function from rgl package
Hello R-users,
I have downloaded and installed a binary version for Windows OS of ImageMagick (ImageMagick6.5.6-10-q16-windows-dll.exe), I have installed the rgl package and i've tried running the following example from ?movie3d()
plot3d( cube3d(col="green") )
M <- par3d("userMatrix")
play3d( par3dinterp( userMatrix=list(M,
2006 Jul 28
Extracting from a matrix w/o for-loop
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era
Nome: non disponibile
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20060728/957eb23c/attachment.pl
2012 Mar 12
How to add/draw a persp3d graph to a plot with an existing surface/graph
Dear R users,
I have been trying to draw the following 3d graphs: The solid region bounded
above by the paraboloid z = 9 - x2 - y2 and below by the unit circle in the
I wanted to visualize the solid region bounded by those two graphs. I could
draw those two 3d graphs separately, but I could not get those two to work
in one single plot.
Here's my code for the paraboloid:
x <-
2012 Aug 27
RGL plot : lighting problem when triangle3d and persp3d are used in the same plot
Dear all,
I have tried to plot a triangular matrix with the function persp3d(rgl).
for example
The two extreme points are not plotted (value=1 and value=10). It seems
because the half of the matrix have 'NA' and perp3d need planar
quadrilateral face. So I decided to use the
2013 Jun 25
Correct scaling of axis in persp3d plot
I want to format my axis in my persp3d plot.
With my data, which I attached I created a persp3d plot with the following code, which I summarized from different code snippets I found:
library(rugarch)library(rgl)library(fGarch)fd <-as.data.frame(modelfit,which ='density')color <-rgb(85,141,85,maxColorValue=255)x <-seq(-0.2,0.2,length=100)y <-c(1:2318)f
2011 Dec 05
Persp3d freezes when run from within Python
G'day everyone,
I've been trying to get an interactive OpenGL plot to work from within
Python 2.6 using Rpy2 and the persp3d function. The problem is that the plot
seems to freeze upon activation. All interactivity is lost even though it
works fine when run from within the R console (version 2.11.1). Is this a
known issue? Any ideas as to what might be causing this, or possibly how to
2011 Sep 09
rgl: axis/viewport/box problems in persp3d()
Dear expeRts,
I am a new user of rgl, below is my first trial to plot a simple function in 3d.
I managed to put the axes in the right locations, but:
(1) The xlab, ylab, and zlab arguments are ignored; how can I put in axes labels?
(2) Since I removed the axes in persp3d() the viewport is too small; is it possible
to keep the size of the viewport?
(3) The box is not correctly drawn, there
2009 Feb 28
rgl persp3d bounding box color problem.
Hi guys,
I hit on a problem when I use rgl.
Could you try to run the code here in this link and see why the first persp3d gives a red bounding box and the second shows black?
(sorry for not pasting the code here directly but my previous email got filtered by this list so I suspect my code looks like spam to the spam filter)
I'm expecting black color to be
2006 Jan 30
Subsetting a matrix without for-loop
Dear R-users,
I'm struggling in R in order to "squeeze" a matrix without using a
Although my case is a bit more complex, the following example should
help you to understand what I would like to do, but without the slow
Thanks in advance,
Carlo Giovanni Camarda
A <- matrix(1:54, ncol=6) # my original matrix
A.new <- matrix(nrow=3, ncol=6) # a new
2013 Apr 19
extracting the diagonal of an inverse matrix
Dear R-users,
I would like to know whether there is a way to extract a diagonal of an inverse matrix without computing the inverse of the matrix itself. The size of my matrices are really huge and, also using sparse matrix, computing the inverse leads to storage problems and low speed.
In other words, given a square matrix A, I aim to know diag(B), where B=solve(A), without computing solve(A).
2011 Oct 31
3D Graph Surface and single points (eg wireframe with points)
I just want to make a 3D plot of a surface of a cone and want to plot some single points around.
I tried wireframe but cannot find how to plot single points
I tried scatterplot3d but there the surface is not simple to plot. And: How can I rotate the point of view by the z-axis
I tried persp3d but how can I add some single points?
2012 Nov 02
rgl package and animation
I am trying to figure out how to use rgl package for animation. It
appears that this is done using the play3d() function. Below I have
some sample code that plots a 3D path and puts a sphere at the point
farthest from the origin (which in this case also appears to be at the
end of the path). What I would like to do is animate the movement of
another sphere along the length of the path
2011 Jun 07
rgl: insert pauses in animation sequence / movie formats other than gif?
Two questions related to creating animated movies with rgl:
1. I've created an rgl scene with 5 different views I want to display in
a movie, but I'd like to insert pauses (say, 5 seconds)
at each view. How can I do this?
I first created 5 userMatrix's, then
play3d( par3dinterp( userMatrix=list(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)),
,duration=2*60/5) )
then tried simply repeating each twice,
2004 Jul 30
optimisation procedure with flat log-likelihood
Dear R-friends,
I use
optim(par=c(mystartingpoints), fn=myloglikelihoodfunction, gr=NULL,
method=c("L-BFGS-B"), ## I would like to do not use any
control=list(trace=6, ## just to see what it's going on
maxit=c(20000)), ## to be sure the it
doesn't stop reaching the max iterations
2006 May 09
draw a graphic using segments to represent data
I'd like to draw a graphic using different color line segments to
represent microarray data. It simply likes this:
Data=cbind(c(1, 2, -1, 3, -2.2), c(1, 3, -1, -1.8, 4))
The first col No represents y'axis position (negative down and positive
up). The second col No represents a length of segment (negative segment
should be on left of y, and positive on right). Also the
2008 Sep 01
play3d() translation
Hi All,
I would like to be able to use play3d() to translate the view along a
surface, and zoom in and out. All the examples in play3d() function
description are of rotations.
I would also like to know if there is a method of creating a legend of for
the 3d surface using rgl package.
Thanks in advance.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 14
Plotting rows (or columns) from a matrix in different graphs, not using "par"
Dear R-users,
I would like to ask whether it's possible (for sure it would be), to
plot each rows (or columns) in different graphs and in the same figure
region without using the function "par" and then struggling around with
"axes" and labels etc.
Luckily, I would always have "rows + columns = even number" and the same
The next one could be a