similar to: sunflowerplot error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "sunflowerplot error"

2010 Nov 17
slicing list with matrices
A list contains several matrices. Over all matrices (list elements) I'd like to access one matrix cell: m <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:3])) l <- list(m1=m, m2=m*2, m3=m*3) l[[3]] # works l[[3]][1:2, ] # works l[[1:3]][1, 1] # does not work How can I slice all C-c combinations in the list? S?ren -- S?ren Vogel, Dipl.-Psych. (Univ.), PhD-Student, Eawag,
2009 Nov 22
Define return values of a function
I have created a function to do something: i <- factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C", NA), 793, rep=T, prob=c(8, 7, 5, 1))) k <- factor(sample(c("X", "Y", "Z", NA), 793, rep=T, prob=c(12, 7, 9, 1))) mytable <- function(x){ xtb <- x btx <- x # do more with x, not relevant here cat("The table has been created,
2009 Mar 11
chisq.test: decreasing p-value
A Likert scale may have produced counts of answers per category. According to theory I may expect equality over the categories. A statistical test shall reveal the actual equality in my sample. When applying a chi square test with increasing number of repetitions (simulate.p.value) over a fixed sample, the p-value decreases dramatically (looks as if converge to zero). (1) Why? (2) (If
2009 Mar 06
Summary grouped by factor
### example:start v <- sample(rnorm(200), 100, replace=T) k <-"locA", "locB", "locC", "locD"), 25) tapply(v, k, summary) ### example:end ... (hopefully) produces 4 summaries of v according to k group membership. How can I transform the output into a nice table with the croups as columns and the interesting statistics as lines? Thx,
2009 Mar 07
Recode factor into binary factor-level vars
How to I "recode" a factor into a binary data frame according to the factor levels: ### example:start set.seed(20) l <- sample("locA", "locB", "locC", "locD"), 100), 10, replace=T) # [1] "locD" "locD" "locD" "locD" "locB" "locA" "locA" "locA"
2012 Jun 27
formula version of sunflowerplot() fails when axis label specified
Hello, R-help, does anybody have already a work-around for the problem that the formula version of sunflowerplot() throws an error when provided with a value for xlab (or ylab) different from NULL: > sunflowerplot( Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, xlab = "A") Error in model.frame.default(formula = Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, : variable lengths differ
2007 Aug 14
Using sunflowerplot to add points in a xyplot panel
Hi, I use panel.points to add points to a xyplot graphic. But I like to use the sunflowerplot to plot my points because this is very superimposed. It is possible to use this? I try but it dont work directly. It may be need to put this function inside a panel.??? Thanks Ronaldo -- Where there's a will, there's a relative. -- > Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior | .''`.
2009 Mar 08
Summary of data.frame according to colnames and grouping factor
A dataframe holds 3 vars, each checked true or false (1, 0). Another var holds the grouping, r and s: ### start:example set.seed(20) d <- data.frame(sample(c(0, 1), 20, replace=T), sample(c(0, 1), 20, replace=T), sample(c(0, 1), 20, replace=T)) names(d) <- c("A", "B", "C") e <- rep(c("r", "s"), 10) ### end:example How do I get the
2011 Dec 12
Colours for sunflowerplot
Dear fellow R users, I would like to draw a "sunflowerplot" because I have data (decade by month) that plots multiple times on the same x-y co-ordinates. Further I would like to colour each of the points/sunflower leaves on the plot according to the group they belong to (i.e. which type of event each represents within that decade and month). I thought that this would be relatively
2009 Nov 13
shrink list by mathed entries
Hello a <- c("Mama", "Papa", "Papa; Mama", "", "Sammy; Mama; Papa") a <- strsplit(a, "; ") mama <- rep(F, length(a)) mama[sapply(a, function(x) { sum(x=="Mama") }, simplify=T) > 0] <- T papa <- rep(F, length(a)) papa[sapply(a, function(x) { sum(x=="Papa") }, simplify=T) > 0] <- T # ... more
2009 Mar 25
pca vs. pfa: dimension reduction
Can't make sense of calculated results and hope I'll find help here. I've collected answers from about 600 persons concerning three variables. I hypothesise those three variables to be components (or indicators) of one latent factor. In order to reduce data (vars), I had the following idea: Calculate the factor underlying these three vars. Use the loadings and the original var
2008 Sep 07
Regression with nominal data
Hi, y is nominal (3 categories), x1 to 3 is scale. What I want is a regression, showing the probability to fall in one of the three categories of y according to the x. How can I perform such a regression in R? Thanks for your help S?ren
2010 Jan 29
cbind, row names
Hello, I read the help as well as the examples, but I can not figure out why the following code does not produce the *given* row names, "x" and "y": x <- 1:20 y <- 21:40 rbind( x=cbind(N=length(x), M=mean(x), SD=sd(x)), y=cbind(N=length(y), M=mean(y), SD=sd(y)) ) Could you please help? Thank you S?ren
2010 Apr 16
Return a variable name
Hello, how can I return the name of a variable, say "a$b", from a function? fun <- function(x){ return(substitute(x)); } a <- data.frame(b=1:10); fun(a$b) ... returns a$b, but this is a type language, thus I can't use it as a character string, can I? How? Thanks for help, S?ren
2010 May 08
Adding NAs to data.frame
Hello, after the creation of a data.frame I like to add NAs as follows: n <- 743; x <- runif(n, 1, 7); Y <- runif(n, 1, 7); Ag6 <- runif(n, 1, 7); df <- data.frame(x, Y, Ag6); # a list with positions: v <- apply(df, 2, function(x) sample(n, sample(1:ceiling(5*n/100), 1), repl=F)); # a loop too much? for (i in 1:length(df)){ df[unlist(v[i]), i] <- NA; } summary(df); This
2010 Dec 03
Linear separation
In I found what linear separability means. But what can I do if I find such a situation in my data? Field (2005) suggest to reduce the number of predictors or increase the number of cases. But I am not sure whether I can, as an alternative, take the findings from my analysis and report them. And if so, how can I find the linear
2009 Feb 27
add absolute value to bars in barplot
Hello, r-help at r-project.orgbarplot(twcons.area, beside=T, col=c("green4", "blue", "red3", "gray"), xlab="estate", ylab="number of persons", ylim=c(0, 110), legend.text=c("treated", "mix", "untreated", "NA")) produces a barplot very fine. In addition, I'd like to get the
2008 Oct 09
Plot grouped histograms
r11 -- r16 are variables showing a reason for usage of a product in 6 different situations. Each variable is a factor with 4 levels imported from a SPSS sav file with labels ranging from "not important" to "very important", and NA's for a sample of N = 276. (1) I need a chi square test of independence showing that the reason does not differ depending on the
2023 Apr 25
xyTable(x,y) versus table(x,y) with NAs
x <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3) y <- c(1, 2, 1, 3, NA, 3) > str(xyTable(x,y)) List of 3 $ x : num [1:6] 1 1 2 2 NA 3 $ y : num [1:6] 1 2 1 3 NA 3 $ number: int [1:6] 1 1 1 NA NA 1 How many (2,3)s do we have? At least one, the third entry, but the fourth entry, (2,NA), is possibly a (2,3) so we don't know and make the count NA. I suspect this is not the intended logic, but a
2023 Apr 25
xyTable(x,y) versus table(x,y) with NAs
Le 25/04/2023 ? 10:24, Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) a ?crit?: > Hi all, > > Posted this many years ago (, but either this slipped under the radar or my feeble mind is unable to understand what xyTable() is doing here and nobody bothered to correct me. I now stumbled again across this issue. > > x <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2,