similar to: help with predict and plotting confidence intervals

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "help with predict and plotting confidence intervals"

2006 May 17
for loops and counter interpolation
Hi I'm sorry about the triviality of my problem. I have a vector (v) of three columns (logA, logB, id). I want to compute (and plot) the correlation between logA and logB for different thresholds of id (e.g. >30, etc). So I tried: for(i in 1:100){ points(cor(v$logA[v$id>i], v$logB[v$id>i], use="complete.obs"), i)) } (i created a plot object already) but it comes with
2012 May 26
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the plot of max distance between two ecdf curves
Hi all, given this example #start a<-c(0,70,50,100,70,650,1300,6900,1780,4930,1120,700,190,940, 760,100,300,36270,5610,249680,1760,4040,164890,17230,75140,1870,22380,5890,2430) length(a) b<-c(0,0,10,30,50,440,1000,140,70,90,60,60,20,90,180,30,90, 3220,490,20790,290,740,5350,940,3910,0,640,850,260) length(b) out<-ks.test(log10(a+1),log10(b+1)) # max distance D
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. Predicted values, change of symbols
Dear Wiz[R]ds, I am deeply grateful for the help from Duncan Murdoch, Gray Calhoun, and others. We are almost there. For whatever reason, I can't change the symbol from a circle to a triangle in the upright posture plots. Any ideas? I have included the problem in full. # tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma # concentrations supine and upright # supine datasu <-
2009 Nov 29
Plotting observed vs. fitted values
Dear Wiza[R]ds, I am very grateful to Duncan Murdoch for his assistance with this problem. His help was invaluable. However, the problem has become a little more complicated for me. Now, in each plot, I need to plot the observed and fitted values of a supine and upright posture experiment. Here is what I have and how far I got. # tritiated (3H)-Norepinephrine(NE) disappearance from plasma #
2013 Nov 07
R interface to C API Rf_logspace_{add,sub}?
Is there an R-language interface to the R API C-language functions Rf_logspace_add() and Rf_logspace_sub()? I don't see one but I may not looking under the right name. Various packages have functions which do that same sort of thing (log(exp(x)+exp(y)) and log(exp(x)-exp(y)) without unnecessary floating point errors). They have names like matrixStats::logSumExp(lx, na.rm=FALSE, ...)
2003 May 22
Plot observed vs. fitted values (weighted nls)
Dear WizaRds, Given the experimental data, csdata<-data.frame( time=c(0,1,3,9,20), conc=c(638.697,395.69,199.00,141.58,112.16) ) weighted nls is applied, wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2) { pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time) (resp - pred) / sqrt(pred) } # cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2), data=csdata,
2009 Nov 28
Plot fitted vs observed values
Dear Wiza[R]ds, # I have the following experimentally observed data: csdata <- data.frame( time=c(0,1,3,9,20), conc=c(638.697,395.69,199.00,141.58,112.16) ) # weighting resp means response wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2) { pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time) (resp - pred) / sqrt(pred) } # Fit using nls cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2),
2003 Oct 30
'nls' and its arguments
Dear R experts! I'd to fit data by 'nls' with me-supplied function 'fcn'. 1) I'd like 'fcn' to accept arbitrary arguments, i.e. I defined it as f(...) {<body>}. (Ok, that's not actually impotant). 2) Second, I would NOT like to supply every parameter in the formula. To illustrate this, let's look at the last example of 'nls' help
2009 Jul 14
plotting confidence intervals
Hi R People: If I have a fitted values from a model, how do I plot the (1-alpha)100% confidence intervals along with the fitted values, please? Also, if the intervals are "shaded" gray, that would be nice too, please? I check confint, but that doesn't seem to do what I want. Thanks in advance, Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and
2004 Nov 24
confidence interval of a average...
I have a sample of lung capacities from a population measured against height. I need to know the 95% CI of the lung capacity of a person of average height. I have fitted a regression line. How do I get a minimum and maximum values of the 95% CI? My thinking was that this has something to do with covariance, but how? My other thinking was that I could derive the 0.975 (sqrt 0.95) CI for the
2011 May 18
matrix help (first occurrence of variable in column)
Dear R help, Apologies for the less than informative subject line. I will do my best to describe my problem. Consider the following matrix: mdat <- matrix(c(1,0,1,1,1,0), nrow = 2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = list(c("T1", "T2"), c("sp.1", "sp.2", "sp.3"))) mdat In my actual data I have time
2009 Apr 15
Kruskal's MDS results
Dear List, I'm trying to interpret the results of the Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling algorithm (isoMDS, MASS package). The 'goodness of fit' is reported as "The final stress achieved (in percent)". What does this mean exactly? I've tried to google for an answer but I've not come up with a definitive answer. Regards, Dieter -- Dieter Vanderelst
2011 Dec 04
Complex multiple t tests in a data frame with several id factors
I have assayed the concentrations of various metal elements in different anatomic regions of two strains of mice. Now, for each element, in each region, I want to do a t test to find whether there is any difference between the two strains. Here is what I did (using simulated data as an example): # create the data frame > elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:3, geno=c('exp',
2010 May 12
what the problem could be if i am suddenly unable to add abline to the scatter plot?
I am doing very regular stuff like the following: attach(wtana) fm<- lm(Body.Wt.on.SD1~Heart.Wt, data=wtana) #fm<- lm(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1~wtana$Heart.Wt) lrf<- loess(Body.Wt.on.SD1~Heart.Wt, wtana) #lrf<- loess(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1~wtana$Heart.Wt) plot(Body.Wt.on.SD1,Heart.Wt) #plot(wtana$Body.Wt.on.SD1,wtana$Heart.Wt) #lines(spline(Heart.Wt,fitted(lrf)), col=2) abline(fm, col=4)
2009 Mar 04
flaw in CRAN package "wavelets": Daubechies "d8" not recognized by function wt.filter
> wt.filter("d8") #### HOW COME ???? Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "wt.filter" object: invalid object for slot "transform" in class "wt.filter": got class "function", should be or extend class "character" > wt.filter("d10") # OK An object of
2013 May 17
zigzag confidence interval in a plot
Dear All, When I plot the values and linear regression line for one data set, it is fine. But for another one I see zigzags, when I plot the confidence interval >cd Depth CHAOsep12RNA 9,94 804 25,06 1476,833333 40,04 1540,561404 50,11 1575,166667 52,46 349,222222 54,92 1941,5 57,29 1053,507042 60,11 1535,1 70,04 2244,963303 79,97 1954,507042 100,31 2679,140625 >
2017 Jun 03
[PATCH v2] nv110/exa: update sched codes
v2: Add missing delays This patch adds proper delays to maxwell exa shaders. rendercheck tests seem consistent with/without this patch. I haven't extensively tested them though. Trello: Signed-off-by: Aaryaman Vasishta <jem456.vasishta at> --- src/shader/exac8nv110.fp | 10 +++++-----
2017 Jun 10
[PATCH v3] nv110/exa: update sched codes
This patch adds proper delays to maxwell exa shaders. rendercheck tests seem consistent with/without this patch. I haven't extensively tested them though. Trello: Signed-off-by: Aaryaman Vasishta <jem456.vasishta at> --- src/shader/exac8nv110.fp | 10 +++++----- src/shader/exac8nv110.fpc | 18
2009 Aug 11
How do I plot: regression line, regression line + s.d, regression line - s.d on the same chart?
Hello all, I've got a scatter plot, for which I create a regression line using: reg<- lm(yvars~xvars) and can plot the regression through the scatter just fine. I'd like to add two additional lines on the scatter plot: one being regressionline+standard deviation, the other being regressionline-standard deviation, thus creating some kind of 'band' for the scatter. Any help will
2023 Nov 30
back tick names with predict function
?s 17:38 de 30/11/2023, Robert Baer escreveu: > I am having trouble using back ticks with the R extractor function > 'predict' and an lm() model.? I'm trying too construct some nice vectors > that can be used for plotting the two types of regression intervals.? I > think it works with normal column heading names but it fails when I have > "special"