There is some problem getting data with the WDI package. It gets data from
World Development Indicators and other databases of The World Bank. I let
the code run for several minutes and nothing happens. Sometimes it gives a
time out message. I ran the same code last year and it worked. Any idea
what the problem is and how to fix it?
> dat1EU = WDI(indicator = c('NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS',
'NY.GNS.ICTR.GN.ZS'), country = c('EU'), start=1977, end=2020)
> dat1OED = WDI(indicator = c('NY.ADJ.NNAT.GN.ZS',
'NY.GNS.ICTR.GN.ZS'), country = c('OED'), start=1977,
end=2020)Warning message:
In open.connection(con, "rb") :
Timeout of 60 seconds was reached
The following command works and gives the correct output.
> WDIsearch('savings')
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