Am 31.01.24 um 17:45 schrieb Kees van Vloten via samba:>
> Op 31-01-2024 om 17:21 schreef Stefan Kania via samba:
>> Hi all,
>> it's again a question about FL 2016 and if samba supports it. If
>> how can I use it without powershell.
>> In FL 2016 there is the possibility to put a user into a group and the
>> membership is time based. So I could put the user Foo into the group
>> 'domain admins' for 30 minutes and after 30 minutes the system
>> remove user foo from the group.
>> But to activated this feature you have to give a powershell command:
>> ----------------
>> Enable-ADOptionalFeature "Privileged Access Management
Feature" -Scope
>> ForestOrConfigurationSet -Target"
>> -----------------
>> This feature once enabled can't be disabled anymore
>> Then I could add a user to a group:
>> ---------------
>> Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Members
>> -MemberTimeToLive (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 30)
>> ---------------
>> After 30 minutes Foo will be removed automatically.
>> But if this feature is supported by samba 4.19 or 4.20 with FL 2016
>> activated, how could I set this?
> I am not aware of the developments on this.
> But in general, what I would do is: execute the powershell command and
> then check with "samba-tool group show" of ldbsearch what
> where set.
> If you know what it does under the hood, it is easy enough to create
> some scripting to mimic the behaviour.
> - Kees.
I can install powershell on my DC but the Linux-powershell is not
supporting the ad-commands :-(
Maybe someone has a different solution to my problem. We have a lot of
Admins managing the AD (all over the world). Yes it's samba :-). We want
to restrict admins from login to the DCs via ssh. Ssh login should only
be possible if an admin sends a request via a ticket system and the
ticket management team then adds him to a special group for a certain
period of time. During this time he can login via ssh. After the time is
over, he will be removed automatically from the group, so then he can't
login on the DC anymore. That's why I thought about time based group
membership. But this function needs FL 2016.
Allow only users of a certain to login via ssh is not the problem.
>> Stefan