The crucial parts here were "if it registers as a serial port" and
I think - so it does register.
Use a client like socat, netcat, maybe minicom or even screen or plain echo
if on Unix/Linux systems, or e.g. putty (assuming by "com7" that you
are on
On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 8:52?AM Laurent via Nut-upsdev <
nut-upsdev at> wrote:
> Le 11 septembre 2023 16:20:55 GMT+02:00, FatGear <fatgear1 at> a
> ?crit :
>> Hi,
>> I don't know what are you talking about but i found out that with
my windows machine it works with viewpower,
>> you will see that in the screenshot.
>> FatGear
>> Le 11/09/2023 ? 13:00, nut-upsdev-request at a
?crit :
>> Does it register a serial port? If yes, try 1200bps and send a line
consisiting of a single capital letter Q and look if it responds.
> Hi,
> My screenshot is to big
> Com7
> 9600 bits per second
> Parity none
> Stop bit 1
> Flow control none
> I don't know how send data to an usb port.
> FatGear
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