When connecting to the TrippLite unit with SNMP, via:
# cat /etc/nut/ups.conf
maxretry = 3
driver = snmp-ups
port = poweralert-061036722874.baymaterials.local
snmp_version = v2c
mibs = ietf
community = tripplite
# /lib/nut/snmp-ups -a scotty
Network UPS Tools - Generic SNMP UPS driver 0.97 (2.7.4)
Duplicate driver instance detected! Terminating other driver!
Detected SU2200RTXLCD2U on host poweralert-061036722874.baymaterials.local (mib:
ietf 1.5)
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x81 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x81 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x81 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x81 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
[scotty] unhandled ASN 0x80 received from
The pile of unhandled ASNs is what had me worried about relying on the SNMP
connection in the first place...
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From: David Zomaya <David_Zomaya at tripplite.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 19:57
To: Aaron Stewart <aaron.stewart at baymaterials.com>; nut-upsuser at
alioth-lists.debian.net <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net>
Subject: Re: Tripp-Lite USB "REMOTE SHUTDOWN"
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> The issue showed up with shipping firmware but persists after I loaded
Ah, you're referring to the WEBCARDLX firmware (i.e. the management card
installed in the UPS). There's also a UPS firmware that isn't generally
updated in the field I thought you were referring to (that displays on the LCD
and is reported via the WEBCARDLX too, probably ends in 16 on that unit).
That firmware should have no impact on this issue, but thank you for clarifying!
> Hardware S/N is 3104JLCPS795200451.
We should get a support ticket open for you like we did with another user. Can
you shoot me a direct email (off-list) with your contact information (shipping
address and contact number)? I do plan to give the mailing list an update
when/if I get to root cause, but I don't have that yet. In the interim,
I'd like to see what we can do for you (or anyone else that runs into
this... strangely it does not occur on most/all units).
> Is there any hope for using it over SNMP with NUT instead?
It should work. The WEBCARDLX supports the RFC1628 "UPS MIB" and that
is what the ITEF driver uses. Generally, our support for the RFC1628 MIB works
in all recent versions.
I can set up some tests later this week or early next week to demonstrate, but
feel free to shoot over the specifics of the errors you see and your config if
you'd like.
Thank you,
David Zomaya
Tripp Lite
david_zomaya at tripplite.com
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