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Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 2:02 AM Sidoti, Salvatore <sidoti.23 at>
> Greetings, Colleagues:
> I have several Likert-type ordinal data sets consisting of animal responses
with repeated measures. I was able to implement a CLMM model easily enough with
the package `ordinal`. However, the package does not support repeatability
> Assuming that I subset my data according to treatment and/or sex, I am keen
to try the `ordinalRR` package. According to the package documentation
(, performing
`summary()` on the output from the function `ordinalRR()` returns the point
estimates for each rater and for each pairwise combination of raters. However,
is it possible to return an overall repeatability value and a 95% credible
interval across all raters?
> What follows is a stock procedure from the package reference document:
> library(ordinalRR)
> # load the dataset that comes with the package
> data(followup)
> # preprocess data to accommodate the package functions
> followup.pre <- preprocess(followup)
> # perform the analysis
> followup.random <- ordinalRR(followup.pre)
> summary(followup.random)
> Call:
> ordinalRR(followup.pre)
> Data: 30 parts, 3 operators, 2 repetitions with 4 ordinal categories.
> Random-effects model MCMC chain: 1000 burn-in and 10000 retained.
> Simple repeatability and model parameter estimates by rater:
> Rater j Repeatability a_j d_{j,1} d_{j,2} d_{j,3}
> 1 0.900 12.0 -1.5 -0.1 0.6
> 2 0.900 10.9 -1.6 -0.3 0.5
> 3 0.933 12.7 -1.5 -0.2 0.5
> Simple repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) point estimates for
pairs of raters:
> Rater j Rater j' (R&R)_{j,j'}
> 1 2 0.808
> 1 3 0.900
> 2 3 0.850
> Kind Regards,
> Salvatore Sidoti
> PhD Candidate
> The Ohio State University
> Columbus, Ohio USA
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