2016-07-08 11:41 GMT+02:00 Kevin Lemonnier <lemonnierk at
ulrar.net>:> That's not really what happens, the files won't be set read only as
> gluster has no idea what files are in the VM disk.
> The shards being healed will be locked, not set read only, that means
> the process trying to access a locked shard will just hang, waiting for
> the lock.
> With smaller shards that should be mostly transparent though, since healing
> 64 Mb is very fast.
So, the best way is to figure out the best ratio between shard size
and performance.
Keeping the shard size as small as possible but at the same time
trying to reach the best performance.
If performance would be the same with 10MB shard or 100MB shard, the
10MB is better because allows a faster healing.