On 06/09/2015 10:37 AM, Jeff Darcy wrote:>> Am I misunderstanding
>> I have two regions, "A" and "B" with servers
"a" and "b" in,
>> respectfully, each region. I have clients in both regions.
>> communication is fast, but the pipe between the regions is terrible.
>> I'd like to minimize inter-region communication to as close to
>> write operations only and have reads go to the server in the region the
>> client is running in.
>> I have created a replica volume as:
>> gluster volume create gv0 replica 2 a:/data/brick1/gv0
>> b:/data/brick1/gv0 force
>> As a baseline, if I use scp to copy from the brick directly, I get --
>> for a 100M file -- times of about 6s if the client scps from the server
>> in the same region and anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes if I the client
>> the server in the other region.
>> I was under the impression (from something I read but can't now
>> that glusterfs automatically picks the fastest replica, but that has
>> been my experience; glusterfs seems to generally prefer the server in
>> the other region over the "local" one, with times usually in
excess of 4
>> minutes.
> The choice of which replica to read from has become rather complicated
> over time. The first parameter that matters is cluster.read-hash-mode,
> which selects between dynamic and (two forms of) static selection. For
> the default mode, we try to spread the read load across replicas based
> on both the file's ID and the client's. For read-hash-mode=0
> we do this.
> * If "choose-local" is set (as it is by default) and
there's a local
> replica, use that.
> * Otherwise, select a replica based on fastest *initial* response.
> Note that these are both a bit prone to hot spots, which is why this
> method is not the default. Also, re-evaluating response times is as
> likely to lead to "mobile hotspot" behavior as anything else -
> clients keep following each other around to previously idle but now
> overloaded replicas, moving the congestion around but never resolving
> it. Thus, we only tend to re-evaluate in response to brick up/down
> events. Probably some room for improvement here.
> That brings us to read-subvolume and read-subvolume-index. The
> difference between them is that read-subvolume takes a translator
> *name* (which you'd have to get from the volfile) and only applies
> to one replica set within a volume. It's really only useful for
> testing and debugging. By contrast, read-subvolume-index applies
> to all replica sets in a volume and doesn't require any knowledge
> of translator names. Either one is used *before* read-hash-mode;
> if it's set, and if the corresponding replica is up, it will be
> chosen.
> Yes, it's a bit of a mess. However, as you've clearly guessed,
> this is a pretty critical decision so it's nice to have many
> different ways to control it.
>> I've also tried having clients mount the volume using the
>> options cluster.read-subvolume and cluster.read-subvolume-index, but
>> neither seem to have any impact. Here are sample mount commands to
>> what I'm attempting:
>> mount -t glusterfs -o
>> or 1> a:/gv0 /mnt/glusterfs
>> mount -t glusterfs -o xlator-option=cluster.read-subvolume-index=<0
>> 1> a:/gv0 /mnt/glusterfs
> I would guess that the translator options are somehow not being passed
> all the way through to the translator that actually makes the decision.
> If it is being passed, it definitely should "force the decision"
> described above. There might be a bug here, or perhaps I'm just
> misunderstanding code I haven't read in a while.
> Also, please not that synchronous replication (AFR) isn't really
> intended or expected to work over long distances. Anything over 5ms
> RTT is risky territory; that's why we have separate geo-replication.
> .
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of geo-replication. I was
unaware that AFR was not recommended for long distances, but am unsure
whether you were simply pointing out that it's geo-replication that is
intended for long-distances or that it, specifically, is a solution for
situations (my situation) where both regions have active clients and
want optimal performance.
Tinkering with geo-replication, I see I'm able to mount either the
"master" volume or the geo-replicated "slave" volume, giving
me the
impression that I can point the client to the appropriate volume given
the region it's in as a means of getting the performance I want.
The result loses some transparency, not only in that the client needs to
choose (there is no longer a single volume everyone mounts), but also in
that if it chooses to mount the slave volume, it needs to be careful
with writes to it.
I'd almost expected glusterfs to prevent writes to the slave volume;
this appears to not be the case. Rather, slave files created in the
slave volume are not propagated to the master (makes sense). Slave
modifications to master files or deletions of master files are respected
-- glusterfs seems to "disown" slave-modified content (deleted files
aren't resurrected, even if the master version gets modified, and
modified files aren't replaced even if the master version changes or is
In short, it would seem that either were I to use geo-repliciation,
whether recommended or not in this kind of usage, I'd need to own both
which volume to mount and what to do with writes when the client has
chosen to mount the slave.
Finally, given that ping times between regions are typically in excess
of 200 ms in my case, would you strongly discourage AFR usage?