Hello Mathieu,
Thank you for replying.
What do you think about reconstructing every RAID VD with 128KB stripe size?
Indeed, with this value, if one day i decide to use stripped volume, 128KB is
the common value of logical stripe size.
Thanks again,
Have a nice end-of-weekend
Geoffrey Letessier
Responsable informatique & ing?nieur syst?me
UPR 9080 - CNRS - Laboratoire de Biochimie Th?orique
Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at ibpc.fr
Le 12 juil. 2015 ? 11:49, Mathieu Chateau <mathieu.chateau at lotp.fr> a
?crit :
> Hello,
> If these 4 virtual drives are then put together to get one big volume, it
will goes as the slower one.
> I would put the LSI to 64K to get same size everywhere anyway, even if
it's transparent/hidden from an OS perspective
> Cordialement,
> Mathieu CHATEAU
> http://www.lotp.fr
> 2015-07-12 11:16 GMT+02:00 Geoffrey Letessier <geoffrey.letessier at
> Dear all,
> Because I?m currently reconstructing all my GlusterFS volumes, I just
noticed that all of my RAID virtual drives did not necessarily have the same
stripe size and I wonder whether it would be better to reconstruct/rebuild these
virtual drives with the same stripe size ... What do you recommend ?
> Actually, 2 virtual drives of 4 have a stripe size set to 64KB (Dell Perc
H8xx RAID controller default settings) and the 2 left are set to 256KB (LSI
MegaRAID 9286-8e default settings). With iozone tests, i notice Dell Perc VD
have better results than LSI ones. (~1.3-4GBs vs ~1.2GBs) and I wonder if these
parameters are not in cause...
> It?s very urgent for me to know what i have to do because I need to
reconstruct and set all my volumes and back transfert roughly 40TBs in
distributed and replicated volumes as quickly as possible?
> Thanks by advance,
> Geoffrey
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Geoffrey Letessier
> Responsable informatique & ing?nieur syst?me
> UPR 9080 - CNRS - Laboratoire de Biochimie Th?orique
> Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique
> 13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris
> Tel: 01 58 41 50 93 - eMail: geoffrey.letessier at ibpc.fr
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