On February 1, 2019, there will be some major changes to DNS with regards to
> A number of DNS software and service providers have announced that we will
all cease implementing DNS resolver workarounds to accommodate DNS authoritative
systems that don?t follow the EDNS protocol. Each vendor has pledged to roll out
this change in some version of their software by the ?Flag Day.?
[?] > Domains served by DNS servers that are not compliant with the standard will
not function reliably after February 1, 2019, and may become unavailable.
> If your company?s DNS zones are served by non-compliant servers, your
online presence will slowly degrade or disappear as ISPs and other organizations
update their resolvers. When you update your own internal DNS resolvers to
versions that don?t implement workarounds, some sites and email servers may
become unreachable.
It turns out that freebsd.org is effected by this:
> This domain will face issues after the 2019 DNS flag day. It will work in
practice, BUT clients will experience delays when accessing this domain. We
recommend you request a fix from your domain administrator! You can refer them
to https://dnsflagday.net/ and technical report
Who is the person that should be looking at this for FreeBSD?
More information, including links to test suite, at: