On 3/3/2016 12:57, Peter Ankerst?l wrote:> Hi!
> I have sort of exactly the same question as Erik:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2014-July/259055.html
> I have bought a https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ultimate-gps and want
to use the PPS output to discipline my clock.
> But the only source of information on how PPS works in FreeBSD I could find
is this: https://docs.freebsd.org/doc/8.0-RELEASE/usr/share/doc/ntp/pps.html and
it clearly states the two ways to provide a PPS signal. "The PPS signal can
be connected in either of two ways: via the data carrier detector (DCD) pin of a
serial port or via the acknowledge (ACK) pin of a parallel port?
> Since the Pi doesn?t have any DCD pin i would like to use a generic GPIO
for this. There is a linux kernel module for this:
GPIO is supported on the Pi, I'm using it on 11-Current on my home
control software to drive relays on my pool hardware (e.g. valves,
heater, VFD motor drive, etc) and it is working very well. I don't
believe tapping into that at the kernel level to expose a pps signal
(e.g. on /dev/pps or something of the like) would be very difficult at
all, since the low-level driver capability is already present.
If I get some free time I'll dig around a bit and see if I can cobble
something up. It's of some interest to me as well since I have a GPS
clock here that currently talks to a serial port on an Intel-based
machine and being able to move that to a $35 "appliance" for NTP using
the Adafruit setup looks sort of attractive given that the Pi plus the
module would be under $100 all-in.
Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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