On 23.09.2015 18:32, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:> "Eugene M. Zheganin" <emz at norma.perm.ru> writes:
>> I'm trying to understand why the sshd still starts after local
>> out-of-the-box, and what it takes to make this extremely vital service
>> to start before non-system (local) ones. I bet I'm not the first
one to
>> ask, so why isn't this already done ? Seems quite easy for me.
> "non-system (local)" services can also be extremely vital:
quagga, for
> instance.
> In practice, it is probably fine to move sshd before LOGIN.
I have spoken with some local FreeBSD gurus and some of the FreeBSD
developers. There's two opinions on that:
- conservative one: no rcorder modification is required, however, LOGIN
target should be splitted in two, for maintaining a working
securitylevel feature, LOGIN1 and LOGIN2. And sshd should require
LOGIN1. And all the non-base services should require LOGIN2. And this
requires modification of all the ports, thus making this way unuseable.
- modern one: rcorder coding is required, to start base system services
befor the non-base. I have spoke with one of the pkgng authors, he's
able to help, but this requires some funding, because he's currently
working on pkg and cannot provide more resources on fee-free basis. So,
the question is, can we fund this from FreeBSD Foundation or some other
sources ? Reading this thread I understand that this question arises
quite often, and it seems like noone is willing to code on his own.