On Tue, 2015-08-04 at 23:54 -1000, parv wrote:> Please CC me as I cannot properly use my laptop, Thinkpad X200 (i386).
> 8-stable has been crashing a lot since source update of Jul 2015[0]. After
building debug kernel, kgdb shows lock reversal order & in ufsdirhash. File
systems (/, var, misc) are all UFS, with var & misc having soft updates
> Crash had happened just after boot (during mktemp); when I tried to delete
a directory (/misc/obj); when I tried to edit (vi /etc/fstab) so that / would be
mounted readonly. Most recent crash ...
> http://imagebin.ca/v/2B50NARvIHsH
> Any clue would be appreciated.
> - parv
> [0] crash also happened while svn was trying to update source of 8. Now
"svn log" wants to connect to the remote repo instead of showing the
current revision.
When you say you built a debug kernel, does that include option
WITNESS_KDB? If so, remove that so you can find the real error. LORs
related to ufs_dirhash have been reported for years, and nobody with the
appropriate skills seems to be interested in fixing them; they just get
declared to be harmless. (IMO the spewage related to this makes witness
essentially useless.)
-- Ian