Myriam -
This is the right list in principle, all the packages you use are CRAN packages,
not Bioconductor.
However I am at a loss as to how you wrote your code: both pegas and seqinr have
"read.<something>()" functions, but neither has read.dna();
similarly both pegas and seqinr have "dist.<something>()"
functions, but neither has dist.gene(). Did you just extrapolate those function
names and parameters from other function calls?
In any case: please start from a minimal, reproducible example that comes close
to what you are trying to achieve, then post again. Here are the three URLs we
usually recommend to get things started. Use a small number of small example
files, don't nest your expressions until you are sure they produce what you
think they do, and take it step by step. (read the vignette)
> On 2019-01-21, at 21:08, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at>
> "Do not work" does not work (in providing sufficient info). See
the Posting
> guide linked below for how to post an intelligible question.
> HOWEVER, I suspect you would do better posting on te Bioconductor list
> where they are much more likely to know what "fasta" files look
like and
> might even have software already developed to do what you want. You could
> well be trying to reinvent wheels.
> Cheers,
> Bert
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 5:35 PM Myriam Croze <myriam.croze07 at>
> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I need your help. I am trying to calculate the pairwise differences
>> sequences from several fasta files.
>> I would like for each of my DNA alignments (fasta files), calculate the
>> pairwise differences and then:
>> - 1. Combine all the data of each file to have one file and one
>> (mismatch distribution)
>> - 2. calculate the mean for each difference for all the file and again
>> a mismatch distribution plot
>> Here the script that I wrote:
>> library("pegas")
>>> library("seqinr")
>>> library("ggplot2")
>>> Files <- list.files(pattern="fas")
>>> nb_files <- length(Files)
>>> for (i in 1:nb_files) {
>>> Dist <- as.numeric(dist.gene(read.dna(Files[i],
"fasta"), method
>>> = "pairwise",
>>> pairwise.deletion = FALSE, variance =
>>> Data <- merge(Data, Dist, by=c("x"), all=T)
>>> }
>>> hist(Data, prob=TRUE)
>>> lines(density(Data), col="blue", lwd=2)
>> However, the script does not work and I do not know what to change to
>> it working.
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
>> Myriam
>> --
>> Myriam Croze, PhD
>> Post-doctorante
>> Division of EcoScience,
>> Ewha Womans University
>> Seoul, South Korea
>> Email: myriam.croze07 at
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