Dear Sir, Could you please forward this e-mail to your engineering department. I am a ham radio person who wants to transmit from the Earth to the moon and back to the Earth by phone not by Morris code. This will be a very weak signal. I need an extra 13.8 dB of gain. Could you please help me distribute the attached paper to someone who could take this project into the next level? Please reply to this e-mail. 73's Mike n6ief -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Small paper.doc Type: application/msword Size: 53248 bytes Desc: not available Url :
I just read your paper and this would be close to trivial to do but almost useless. If you really want you could cobble together a prototype with off the self software. is a FOSS speech recognition program. That will effectively convert the audio into phenoms. Most voice synthesizers have a text to phoneme translator so that code is available. Just use any number of voice synthesizers to provide play back. The real issue is why? You could just read the text if you wanted and not use the synthesizer at all. Buy just transmitting the phonemes you will loose inflection. I actually thought about the same thing about ten or fifteen years ago. On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Mike Lebo <mike.lebo at> wrote:> Dear Sir, > > Could you please forward this e-mail to your engineering department. I am a > ham radio person who wants to transmit from the Earth to the moon and back > to the Earth by phone not by Morris code. This will be a very weak signal. I > need an extra 13.8 dB of gain. Could you please help me distribute the > attached paper to someone who could take this project into the next level? > > Please reply to this e-mail. > > 73's > > Mike n6ief > _______________________________________________ > Speex-dev mailing list > Speex-dev at > > >
> Could you please forward this e-mail to your engineering department. I am a > ham radio person who wants to transmit from the Earth to the moon and back > to the Earth by phone not by Morris code. This will be a very weak signal. I > need an extra 13.8 dB of gain. Could you please help me distribute the > attached paper to someone who could take this project into the next level?Mike, If you don't like Morse, how about K1JT's WSJT suite of modes? They were designed by Joe Taylor--who is an EME'er and very competent ham. They are all keyboard-to-keyboard modes, so you can cut out the whole voice side of things. No point in involving analog modes when you can keep it all digital. Best of luck. Cheers, David n0ymv
Ken Linder (KC7RAD)
2008-Aug-22 23:22 UTC
[Speex-dev] Digital speech within 100 Hz bandwidth
HA! Just when I was getting ready to drop myself from this list, along comes a ham radio question! Shoving digital voice down a 100 Hz pipe would be mighty darned tough/impossible. N0YMV has a good suggestion. Try those WSJT modes. They use narrow bandwidth and are fun to play with. There are documented instances where moon-bounce QSOs have been completed with these modes. No, it's not voice, but it does work. Oh, JT65 mode in WSJT is designed specifically for EME communication. I used the HSCW (high speed CW) for meteor scatter & had a lot of fun with it. Best of luck in your EME endeavor. Oh, what is your call??? 73s Ken - KC7RAD I have used . ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Willmore" <davidwillmore at> To: <mike-lebo at> Cc: <speex-dev at> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 8:45 AM Subject: Re: [Speex-dev] Digital speech within 100 Hz bandwidth>> Could you please forward this e-mail to your engineering department. I >> am a >> ham radio person who wants to transmit from the Earth to the moon and >> back >> to the Earth by phone not by Morris code. This will be a very weak >> signal. I >> need an extra 13.8 dB of gain. Could you please help me distribute the >> attached paper to someone who could take this project into the next >> level? > > Mike, > > If you don't like Morse, how about K1JT's WSJT suite of modes? They were > designed by Joe Taylor--who is an EME'er and very competent ham. They > are all keyboard-to-keyboard modes, so you can cut out the whole voice > side of things. No point in involving analog modes when you can keep it > all digital. > > Best of luck. > > Cheers, > David n0ymv > _______________________________________________ > Speex-dev mailing list > Speex-dev at > >