Rowland penny
2019-Aug-24 06:33 UTC
[Samba] no connections yet target is busy, can't unmount
On 23/08/2019 23:29, Zalth via samba wrote:> New to samba. Win7 machine cleanly shut down on home network, umount still reports "target is busy". What needs tweaking? > > With the Win7 machine shutdown, umount succeeds (seemingly only) after restarting smbd, for example: systemctl restart smbd > > Samba version 4.5.16-Debian > > Samba is installed standalone, (from /etc/samba/smb.conf: > server role = standalone server )[quote] Generally, how can I get a dump of a running configuration? What query do I need to run to get a listing of the actual options being used when running, for example when a particular option is not set in smb.conf? Or if it is set in smb.conf, what is the actual setting being used? [/quote] Please do not open a new thread on the same subject. type 'cat /etc/samba/smb.conf' in a terminal then cut & paste the ouput into a reply to this thread. It might also help if you tell us how you 'mount' the share. Rowland
manually, when it needs to be accessed from the Win7 computer. noauto,user,rw,exec
Rowland penny
2019-Aug-24 13:09 UTC
[Samba] no connections yet target is busy, can't unmount
On 24/08/2019 13:59, Zalth via samba wrote:> manually, when it needs to be accessed from the Win7 computer. > > noauto,user,rw,exec > >Please post your smb.conf I cannot help you from your one line cryptic posts, I ask for something and just get a one line reply, usually nothing to do with what I ask. Please be more verbose, if your first language isn't English, type it in your language and I will run it through Google translate. Rowland