On Thu, 26 Nov 2015, Digimer wrote:
> On 26/11/15 11:51 AM, Shraddha Barke wrote:
>> Hello guys!
>> I'm Shraddha , an opensource enthusiast and a regular contributor
to the
>> linux-kernel project. I'm currently an intern at Linux Kernel
>> through the Outreachy program. I started contributing to opensource
only 5
>> months ago but I'm already quite active. I would like to join the
>> project.Any help on getting started is appreciated :)
>> Kind Regards,
>> Shraddha
> I'm not a centos dev, so I'll let others speak to specific ideas.
> came to mind though was, perhaps, look at the bug reports on centos and
> red hat, find some in your field of expertise and see if you can solve
> them. Any fixes in RH will propagate to centos (and vice-versa, I would
> expect).
> Welcome!
Thanks for the quick reply!
I found many bug trackers related to RedHat. Could you please provide some
links as to which ones need to be fixed ?
Sorry for the newbie question>
> --
> Digimer
> Papers and Projects: alteeve.ca/w
> What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of a person without
> access to education?
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