similar to: non linear regression with nls

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches similar to: "non linear regression with nls"

2009 Feb 10
summary of a list
Hello, I'm using the following for loop to find regression curves using a list of functions (formList), a list of starting values (startList), uppervalues (upperList) and lower values (lowerList). A sample of the list of function I use in the loop is the following: FormList <- list(PTG.P ~ fz1(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz2(Portata, a, b), PTG.P ~ fz3(Portata,a, b, d, e), PTG.P ~
2009 Feb 10
plotting the result of a nonlinear regression
Hello, to plot the result of a singular non linear regression (using nls) I usually use the function plotfit, for example: r.PTG.V<-nls(PTG.P~ fz1(Portata, a,b), data=dati, start=list(a=10, b=10), nls.control(maxiter=200), algorithm='port', trace=TRUE, na.action=na.omit, lower=list(a=0, b=10), upper=list(a=100, b=100)) plotfit(r.PTG.V) I tried to use the function plotfit on the
2001 Jul 05
plotting time
Hi, all. I'm trying to create a plot that has a range of about an hour on the x axis, starting at about 10:15. I have a way I'm currently doing it but it's not working. this is what I want on the x axis: | | | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------- 10:15 10:25 10:35 10:45 10:55 11:05 11:15 what's the best way to plot this out like this? currently,
2007 Sep 23
nls fits by groups
Dear Colleagues, I am trying to estimate several non-linear models simultaneously. I don't want to use non-linear mixed model, but non-linear model with same form, but it should be estimated separately according to variable group (I have lots of groups that have lots of observations....). I would like to have unique parameters for each group. e.g. something like this mod <- nls(y ~
2004 Dec 27
R: Richiesta informazioni
Dear Andrea. Your request seems vague. And also: be careful, even if some of the people reading the list understand italian you are expected to post your requests in english. In short: read the FAQ and at least "An introduction to R". But you seem to be lucky, on the CRAN you will find a document by Vito Ricci, in italian, about time series analysis:
2008 Nov 21
list creation interpolation
Hello all, I apologize if this is simple or has already been answered somewhere, but I'm not sure what to search for although I have tried and didn't come up with anything so.. Here's my question. How can I interpolate list names or do I have to do it post list creation. Since that's not very clear here is some sample code of what I wanted to do: >
2008 Mar 13
Using loop numbers in write.csv
This is a question I have wanted to ask for a while but hesitated because I was sut sure I would find the answer on my own, but as of dice. 1) Is there a way to use the loop number in naming things in R. Specifically I have a simulation that has two loops. I would like to be able to write out the results to a csv file after each iteration. something like: for (i in 1:10){
2009 Sep 18
lapply - value changes as parameters to function?
Hi, I'm trying to get better at things like lapply but it still stumps me. I have a function I've written, tested and debugged using individual calls to the function, ala: ResultList5 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=5, SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations ) ResultList8 = DoAvgCalcs(IndexData, Lookback=8, SampleSize=TestSamples , Iterations=TestIterations ) ResultList13
2007 Oct 11
Hello I have a view which have 2 radio buttons : ... <td style="width:5%">Actuel</td> <td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:actuel, value = "1", checked = false, options = {}) %> <td style="width:5%">Last</td> <td style="width:10%"><%= radio_button_tag(:last, value = "1", checked =
2008 Jun 24
loop with files
I'm trying to make a loop with many files... > library(dplR) > > files <- system("ls *.rwl", intern=TRUE) > > files [1] "cimfasy.rwl" "rocquce.rwl" > for (i in files) {a <- read.rwl(i,header=0)} There are 70 series There are 21 series > class(a) [1] "data.frame" This loop import all the files rwl in a single data.frame ( a
2006 Mar 02
Custom SQL Question
Hello, can search with following SQL Statement: def execute_search @result = Search.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM customers WHERE firstname LIKE ? LIMIT 10",params[:firstname]] render :template => "search/resultlist", :layout => false end My question is, how do I use 2 or more Parameters - and with the "%"? (I Like to use SQL-Statements because
2010 Jun 03
cumsum function with data frame
Dear list, I have a problem with the cumsum function. I have a data frame like the following one variable Year value EC01 2005 5 EC01 2006 10 AAO1 2005 2 AAO1 2006 4 what I would like to obtain is variable Year value cumsum EC01 2005 5 5 EC01
2008 Oct 05
efficient use of lm over a matrix vs. using apply over rows
I have a large matrix, each row of which needs lm applied. I am certain than I read an article in R-news about this within the last year or two that discussed the application of lm to matrices but I'll be darned if I can find it with Google. Probably using the wrong search terms. Can someone steer me to this article of just tell me if this is possible and, if so, how to do it? My simplistic
2002 May 18
Vuoi Davvero Guadagnare con Internet? Bene, salva su disco questa pagina per averla a portata di mano anche se il tuo PC non ? connesso a Internet, poi copia quanto segue in Word o in Blocco Note e stampalo, cos? lo potrai leggere con pi? attenzione. Questo Sistema ? diverso da tutti gli altri, quindi non essere precipitoso nel valutarlo senza averlo compreso a fondo, ma ti assicuro che
2013 Nov 06
Multiple String word replacements: Performance Issue
Dear experts, I?ve been on this for weeks now, and couldn?t find a solution..Sorry for the long description. I figured I post many details, so you get the problem entirely, although it?s not hard to grasp. **Situation:** Data frame consisting of 4 million entries (total size: 250 MB). Two columns: `ID` and `TEXT`. Text strings are each up to 200 characters. **Task:** Preprocessing the text
2008 Jun 30
Rebuild of kernel 2.6.9-67.0.20.EL failure
Hello list. I'm trying to rebuild the kernel, but it fails even without modifications. How did I try it? Created a (non-root) build environment (not a mock ) Installed the kernel.scr.rpm and did a rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec 2> prep-err.log | tee prep-out.log The build failed at the end: Processing files: kernel-xenU-devel-2.6.9-67.0.20.EL Checking
2009 Jul 23
[PATCH server] changes required for fedora rawhide inclusion.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at> --- AUTHORS | 17 ++++++ README | 10 +++ conf/ovirt-agent | 12 ++++ conf/ovirt-db-omatic | 12 ++++ conf/ovirt-host-browser | 12 ++++