similar to: Opening a script with the R editor via file association (on Windows)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Opening a script with the R editor via file association (on Windows)"

2000 Sep 12
Editor alternative
I'm using version 1.1.1 under Windows NT and Windows 2000. I'm unable to get any editor other than Notepad to work. (I don't have use for any of the Unix editors - vi or Emacs) but would like to use EditPadPro, which has some nifty features, including the ability to spawn Rgui from within it. (No syntax highlighting programmability yet, but maybe soon). Anyway, I have
2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all, I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt. Anyone know one? Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards Atenciosamente Ana Patricia Martins ------------------------------------------- Serviço Métodos Estatísticos Departamento de Metodologia Estatística Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210
2006 Sep 04
RGui problem in Windows XP with demo() and help()
I just installed R-2.3.1pat under Windows XP as well as the associated RWinEdt. If I start RGui from its shortcut (but do _not_ also start RWinEdt) and then try to execute demo() or help(), I get a RWinEdt pop-up error window with message: File "D:\WP\WinEdtData\WinEdt\D:/WP/WinEdtData/WinEdt/R.ini" does not exist! Qualifier -e/-E does not specify an existing file! First
2002 Jan 05
R-WinEdt question - answer
The answer to my question was contained in , although it helped to receive the restatements that were emailed to me. As mentioned by Uwe Ligges, Renuad Lancelot, Niels Waller, my mistake was not starting R before using R-WindEdt. Below I will copy the instructions on using R-WinEdt by Renaud Lancelot (except for the last paragraph which is
2004 Jul 07
text editor for R
Hi, What is the best text editor for programming in R? I am using JEdit as the text editor, however, it does not have anything specific for R. It will be nice to have a developing environment where the keywords are highlighted, plus some other debugging functions. Yi-Xiong [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Jul 04
Script file editors for Windows - submit highlighted text?
Greetings, I use S+, Stata, SAS and R depending on the weather... The script file editors in S+, SAS and Stata all allow me to submit a portion of a developing script file to the running process. In R I have to use an external editor and either source the entire file or do lots of copy-and-pasting. Are there any editors out there which interface to R more closely and let me submit a section
2007 Aug 03
Opening a script with the R editor via file association (on Windows)
Is there an easy way to open an R script file in the R Editor found in more recent versions of R on Windows via a file association? I am looking for functionality akin to how the ".ssc" file extension works for S-Plus: upon double-clicking on a ".R" file, Rgui.exe starts up and loads the script file in the R Editor. As far as I can tell, Rgui.exe does not have a command line
2003 Jul 24
R-WinEdt problems
Hello, I've done most all the various steps outlined in a recent posting to the mailing list archives (and in the help files) to load and run R-WinEdt. I can get it to run fine but I am not successful in getting it to interface with RGui (1.6.2, not minimized). I try to use the R-line, R-source, R-paste buttons with no success. [All the necessary *.edt files appear to be in the proper
2006 Oct 18
Latex editor recommendations
This question is not oriented towards R, but is posted here because I have the impression that there are at least some Latex users among the contributors. The question is: What editors for Latex are to be recommended? I have located one: What other alternatives are there? I am (for the most part) using Windows XP. Tom
2005 Sep 21
error when loading rwinedt
the error msg is: > local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Error in if (RWinEdtVersion) RWinEdtVersion <- scan(file.path(InstallRoot, : argument is of length zero Error: .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RWinEdt' > version _
2003 Mar 24
Scripting with an external editor
I've had time to return to the "external editor" project. The following function does almost what I want, which is to allow an external editor to feed command lines to R. ext.editor<-function(editor) { ext.input<-pipe(editor,"r") eval(parse(ext.input)) close(ext.input) } While the description of parse() indicates that it should parse input line by line, the
2003 Oct 02
r editors
Hi , I am programming on a windows system and have problems using notepad which is my main editor.Each time I try to open the editor from the R IDE, R crashes. So I always have to copy my codes from notepad and paste in R to run them. CAn someone tell me if I am doing anything wrong or is there a better editor(freeware) which I could get. thanks cilver ===== ===================== Sylvie B.
2008 Dec 31
Instalación de WinEdt para R
Buenas tardes a todos: Primero que nada un saludo y desearles un feliz 2009. Escribo para que me asesoren con la instalación de un editor de R, estube siguiendo los pasos de un manual 1. Instalar R 2. Instalar WinEdt 5 (V. 5.2 o superior) 3. Instalar *SWinRegistry *(disponible en *Packages ! Install package(s) from local zip ¯les... * 4. Instalar
2003 Oct 08
winedt or another editor for linux
Have got anybody experience using winedt and R in Linux - perhaps with wine Or exist another editor with the ability to parse r code into R in Linux, because k-edit etc. using only syntax-highlithing ??? many thanks, christian [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2001 Nov 30
Script editor for R on Linux
Hi all, Could you point me to a script editor in Linux that will allow me to a somewhat easy pasting of section(s) of an R script or function into R for execution? Something like WinEdt+RWinEdt macro in R for Windows? (My time is a bit pressed. I haven't succeeded in my attempts to install ESS for XEmacs. No doubt due to my confusion and lack of competence. I am abandoning it for the
2004 Apr 07
Re: [R-gui] Editor in R
S??ren H??jsgaard wrote: > Dear all, > I have used R (Windows) for teaching statistics to agronomists and biologists - and they love R!! Yet there is one immediate short coming of R: The lack of an integrated editor. A plain editor (e.g. similar to notepad in windows) in which people can write their code, highlight the piece of code they wish to "submit" and then press a single
2002 Jan 04
No subject
I have been unsuccesful in attempting to use R-WinEdt (I managed to get to a version of winedt that has a menu for R, but then I don't how to run an R-command from there). I found the discussion in to be rather short. Has anyone written any explanations of how to run R from WinEdt that they would be willing to share with me? Thanks.
2004 Nov 22
RWinEdt, other text editors and R2.01 a problem in pasting commands
Dear All, In the last few days I started using the last version of R as I encountered a problem with R1.9 and the use of RWinEdt, however the problem shows with R2.01 as well. More precisely 1. I install R2.01 after removing old verions of R 2. I Install RWinEdt package versione RWinEdt_1.6-2 and SWinRegistry_0.3-2 and everything seems fine 3. I recall the RWinEdt library (library(RWinEdt)) and
2006 Nov 06
Colour-coded Editor for R Code
Do any of you know any simple programming editors for R scripts which offer basic colour-coding and bracket-matching facilities? Dregging through scripts to find a missing comma or parentheses is something I'd rather do less of... Jon Minton [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 10
Installing R and an editor on a USB drive
Hi, I have adviced my students to install R and an editor on a USB drive for working in the computer class. With R everything works fine following these instructions: But several editors (e.g., Tinn-R and WinEdt) require administrator rights. I have found out that Emacs (Vincent Goulet's Emacs for Windows Modified