similar to: Two similar zoo objects with different structures, how to get same structure?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Two similar zoo objects with different structures, how to get same structure?"

2010 Feb 24
Calling Data frame objects with spaces in their names
Hello I have the following data frame which I read from an EXCEL file, and when i try to call one of its columns with a space in their names I am not being able to. For example if I do EURODOLLAR$ED1.Comdty Date I obtain the following error: Error: inesperado símbolo en "EURODOLLAR$ED1.Comdty Date" I have also tried using . or _ instead of the space and have obtained no succes. How do I
2009 Feb 10
Replacing dot with empty space
Hello, everyone How do I replace dot with empty space in "ED4.Comdty"? I need to get "ED4 Comdty" tried sub() in many different ways, like sub({.}, " ", "ED4.Comdty") etc but could not do it. Thanks in advance, Sergey
2009 Feb 03
Automatic creation of columns in zoo object
Hello, everyone I have a question. Assume I have the following zoo object: <- structure(c(1524.75, 1554.5, 1532.25, 1587.5, 1575.25, 1535.5, 1550, 1493.5, 1492.5, 1472.25, 1457.5, 1442.75, 1399, 1535.75, 1565.25, 1543.5, 1598.5, 1586.5, 1547, 1561.5, 1504.75, 1503.75, 1483.75, 1468.75, 1453.75, 1410, 1546.75, 1575.25, 1554, 1609, 1597.5, 1558.5, 1573, 1516.25, 1515.5, 1495, 1480, 1465,
2010 Mar 08
Data.frame issue (pls help)
Hi: I want to obtain a particular value from a data.frame. Following is my dataframe: > Quotes BID ASK Name CT2 GOVT 99.92969 99.9375 CT2 TUM0 COMDTY 108.53125 108.5469 TUM0 CT5 GOVT 100.10156 100.1094 GT5 FVM0 COMDTY 115.56250 115.5703 FVM0 TYM0 COMDTY 116.93750 116.9531 TYM0 If I try to run: QuoteTUM0BID = Quotes[Quotes$Name %in%
2011 Sep 08
How to specify a variable name in the regression formula without hard coding it
I have a matrix called mat and y is the column number of my response and x is a vector of the column numbers of my terms. The variable name of y can change, so I don't want to hardcode it. I can find out the name as follows: > names(mat)[y] [1] "er12.l" Then I can run the regression by hard coding the variable name as follows: > mod <-
2006 Feb 22
Error in RBloomberg
Hello R-Experts, Currently I'm using "RBloomberg" package in R-2.2.1 in Windows machine ( XP). When I'm running one specific example using blpGetData given in help file I'm getting the following error message. conn <- blpConnect() edb <- blpGetData(conn, "ED1 Comdty", "PX_LAST", start=chron("1/1/06"),
2020 Aug 03
[PATCH] drm/nouveau/acr: fix a coding style in nvkm_acr_lsfw_load_bl_inst_data_sig()
This patch performs the following changes: 1. remove a redundant parentheses around the nvkm_acr_lsfw_add() calls 2. do assignment before this if condition, it is more readable Signed-off-by: Jing Xiangfeng <jingxiangfeng at> --- drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvkm/subdev/acr/lsfw.c | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git
2009 Jun 30
beadarray package
Dear R users, I am using the beadarray package. I am trying to upload raw bead-level data using these commands: ######################################################## library(beadarray) datadir <- ("C:/Computer_programs/R/beadarray/cecilia") targets = read.table("targets.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, = TRUE) BLData = readIllumina(arrayNames =NULL,
2005 Mar 31
Bloomberg data import SOLVED
Together with Enrique's running start and Prasad's work, we figured out how to get tick data and bulk data from Bloomberg into R. Here is a code snippet which builds on Enrique's. ---------------------------- require("RDCOMClient") blCon <<- try(blCon <- COMCreate("Bloomberg.Data.1"), silent=TRUE) # Always check the class of blCon before proceeding! #
2011 Oct 04
ggplot2: not displaying annotation (label = expression) in/on graph
Hi all, I am trying to print some generated text on plot which is comprised of text and the value of a variable. Thanks to the response from Joshua Wiley <> on the thread "How to format R superscript 2 followed by "=" value, I can now get R^2 = value. However with the following code: ggplot(blData, aes(x = xData, y = yData)) + geom_point(aes(colour
2012 Jan 31
(de)serialization problem with rails 3.2
I have a custom serializer object that I use for an attribute of ActiveRecord as presented in this article: If I assign a value to that attribute with a form (in my case a nested form), I don''t get the deserialized value in the params hash as it used to be with
2009 Mar 21
Subsetting data where the condition is that the value of some column contains some substring
I have some data that looks like this: > dataP input output corpusFreq pvolOT pvolRatioOT 1 give(my sister, the old book) P 47.0 56016 0.1543651 5 donate(her, the book) P 48.7 68928 0.1899471 9 give(my sister, the book) P 73.4 80136 0.2208333 13 donate(my sister, the old book) P
2017 Nov 04
mariadb server memory usage
Hi, is this ok for a database server, or do I need to turn the memory allowance down? The machine has 48GB and mariadb is allowed about 40. The machine is a dedicated database server. Mysql seems to go up to what top says is virtually allocated under some circumstances; I don?t know what mariadb does. I don?t want anything get killed because memory runs out. Swap should prevent that anyway,
2005 Dec 13
Problem with understanding output of Cox model
Hi all, I am using a 'tricked' Cox Hazard regression model for discrete choice habitat modelling. However, I'm having a hard time understanding the meaning of the first line the following part of the summary() output: Rsquare= 0.307 (max possible= 0.475 ) Likelihood ratio test= 91.8 on 12 df, p=2.23e-14 Wald test = 26.3 on 12 df, p=0.00977 Score (logrank) test = 58.6 on 12 df,
2004 Jun 29
discrete hazard rate analysis
Dear R users, I have more of a statistical/econometric question than straight R one. I have a data set with the discrete hazard rate of small firms survival on 400 counties over a period of 9 years. This data was generated using census information from the VAT registration number of each one of these business. I would like to analyze the effect of regional factors (deprivation index, real
2007 Jun 19
Linear model predictions, differences in class
Hi, I am using R to fit statistical models to data were the observations are means of the original data. R is used to calculate the mean before fitting the model. My problem is: When R calculates the means using tapply, the class of the means differs from the class of the original data, which gives me trouble when I want to use the original data to calculate model predictions. Here is a simple
2004 Aug 06
Icecast / liveice quandry
I've been running classic icecast + liveice for some time now (several years) without problems. A couple days ago, the station manager (NPR affiliate) came to me and asked if we could 'inject' a static file into the stream. Basically what he wants is for the client to first receive a static file (requesting donations of course) and then on to the live stream (*not* intermittently).
2006 Jul 21
glm cannot find valid starting values
glm(S ~ -1 + Mdif, family=quasipoisson(link=identity), start=strt, sdat) gives error: > Error in = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart > = > etastart, : > cannot find valid starting values: please specify some strt is set to be the coefficient for a similar fit glm(S ~ -1 + I(Mdif + 1),... i.e. (Mdif + 1) is a vector similar to Mdif. The error
2012 Aug 20
automatically detaching PCI host devices from guest for SRIOV usage.
Dear List , We are using intel 82599EB based SRIOV capable 10GbE cards on the host machine.The VFs are being assigned to the guest in pass through mode and are providing the network connectivity as expected. However when we shutdown the guest the connectivity does not comes back via the VFs on the guest in next boot unless the VFs are detached from the *guest* *before* initiating a shutdown of
2004 Aug 06
Icecast / liveice quandry
i know with icecast2/ices , karl heyes has some example config files for mixing live/static content ( if i recall correctly ) . however, what i had done in the past is add the static file to the .pls prior to the live mount . if you generate the .pls files on demand , this would work . ALSO , i'm quite sure that both icecast1/2 support intro/outtro files , etc .. this may achieve the same