similar to: two-sample test of multinomial proportion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "two-sample test of multinomial proportion"

2010 Feb 22
matching on two criteria
Howdy y'all, I am looking to use the match function to match a data attribute to another data frame but i need it to do so on two criteria to ensure an appropriate match. The following matches incorrectly. I know the example looks pointless but its just an example. Perhaps there is another way of doing this? Thanks #Sample Data Props<-c("p754921","p754921"
2008 Nov 05
Simple rep() question duplicating times and dates.
I want to create a data.frame of time and date for a year. I started with the idea of simply producing two vectors (time and date) The first part ( time) is easy. rep(1:24, 365) But how do I get a series of 24 dates for O1 January 2005 and repeat this to 31 December 2005. It should be easy but I don't see it. Thanks
2006 Dec 08
Hi All, I think i'm failing to undersatnd how aggregate() is supposed to work. example: test1<-sample(c(0,1),100,replace=T) test2<-sample(letters,100,replace=T) aggregate(test1,list(test2),sum) Error in data.frame(w, lapply(y, unlist, use.names = FALSE)) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 26, 0 I thought this would give me a list containing the number of ones that
2009 Dec 14
write.csv and header
Dear list, I would like to export a matrix to a TXT-File by using write.csv (not necessarily). Is there a way to add a header (with additional informations concerning the project) spanning multiple lines to this file before the actual data are listed up? Should look like this: date: filename: number of permutations: ------------ data (as a matrix) Any suggestions? Thnx in advance.
2010 Jun 22
New errors with difftime()-objects in 2.11.1 (was Re: Request: difftime method for cut())
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Gustaf Rydevik <gustaf.rydevik at> wrote: > Hi all, > > The recent change in 2.11 that made as.numeric() return false on > difftime-objects broke some of my code that calculated age classes of > individuals using cut(). While this was no big thing to fix for me, it > might be wise > to provide a cut.difftime method to ?stop
2010 Jun 22
New errors with difftime()-objects in 2.11.1 (was Re: Request: difftime method for cut())
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Gustaf Rydevik <gustaf.rydevik at> wrote: > Hi all, > > The recent change in 2.11 that made as.numeric() return false on > difftime-objects broke some of my code that calculated age classes of > individuals using cut(). While this was no big thing to fix for me, it > might be wise > to provide a cut.difftime method to ?stop
2007 Oct 10
download.file not working
Hi all, I'm trying to download a file from the net, and the download.file command leaves it corrupted, i.e excel cannot open it. It seems as if it's going ok, however. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on? regards, Gustaf Rydevik ---- >download.file(url="",destfile="whodem.xls") trying URL
2008 Jan 09
An "R is slow"-article
Hi all, Reading the wikipedia page on R, I stumbled across the following: It does seem interesting that the C execution is that much slower from R than from a native C program. Could any of the more technically knowledgeable people explain why this is so? The author also have some thought-provoking opinions on R being no-good and that you should write
2008 May 23
Preparing high quality figures with tiff as end result
Hi all, I'm currently preparing some figures that will be submitted to PloS One. In their guidelines they state that they will only accept figures in tiff or eps format, with the warning that eps figures will be converted to tiff format ( see ). Because of this conversion, I figured I'd generate tiff-format figures from the beginning.
2010 Jun 03
moving average on irregular time series
Hi all, I wonder if there is any way to calculate a moving average on an irregular time series, or use the rollapply function in zoo? I have a set of dates where I want to check if there has been an event 14 days prior to each time point in order to mark these timepoints for removal, and can't figure out a good way to do it. Many thanks in advance! Gustaf Example data:
2009 Feb 11
Generating Numbers With Certain Distribution in R
Dear all, Is there a way to generate K numbers of integer (K = 10^6). The maximum value of the integer is 200,000 and minimum is 1. And the occurrences of this integer follows a lognormal distribution. - Gundala Viswanath Jakarta - Indonesia
2007 Jul 13
The "$" operator and vectors
Hi all, I've run into a slightly illogical (to me) behaviour with the "$" subsetting function. consider: > Test A B 1 1 Q 2 2 R > Test$A [1] 1 2 > vector<-"A" > Test$vector NULL > Test$"A" [1] 1 2 > Test[,vector] [1] 1 2 Is there a reason for the $ operator not evaluating the vector before executing? best, Gustaf -- Gustaf
2006 Dec 01
Vertical line in densityplot?
Hi all, I'm trying to get a vertical line at a specific point in a densityplot. abline seems to be what's required, but it doesn't align itself to the scale used in the plot. example: library(lattice) x<-rnorm(100) densityplot(x) abline(v=0) ----- The line seems to use some other coordinate system. What kind of call do I use to make abline use the graph's
2008 Apr 08
Change the position of panel strips in a lattice plot.
Hi all, In lattice plots, is there any option to position the panel strips with text below each subgraph, instead of above? i.e. in: Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1) xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes) ,is there any way to make "Depth" appear below the subgraphs, instead of above? I've been looking through the lattice documentation and the list
2008 Dec 11
getting ISO week
Hi all, Is there a simple function already implemented for getting the ISO weeks of a Date object? I couldn't find one, and so wrote my own function to do it, but would appreciate a pointer to the "default" way. If a function is not yet implemented, could the code below be of interest to submit to CRAN? Best Regards, Gustaf --------------------
2008 Oct 07
FW: Reading Data
Rahul Agarwal Analyst Equities Quantitative Research UBS_ISC, Hyderabad On Net: 19 533 6363 hi let me explain you the problem we have a database which is in this format Stocks 30-Jan-08 28-Feb-08 31-Mar-08 30-Apr-08 a 1.00 3.00 7.00 3.00 b 2.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 c 3.00 8.00 655.00 3.00 d 4.00 23.00 4.00 5.00 e 5.00 78.00 6.00 5.00 and we have a query
2010 May 02
Set encoding when load()-ing workspaces?
Hi all, I hope that there is someone that can help me out here. I am trying to load() a workspace on os x (R 2.11.0) that was saved in windows XP (R 2.9). In that workspace, there's a data.frame with names that contain swedish characters. These characters become garbled, which is a major problem. >From the R windows FAQ, I read: "Note though that character data in a workspace will be
2007 Sep 28
Is there a model like that in R?
Hi to everyone, I am starting to work with a model that is not familiar to me. The model would be like that: y = . - a*max(Q(i) - Q(0), 0) + . where Q(i) is the accumulated effect of a variable at time i and Q(0) a threshold above it there is effect on y. The value of Q(i) could be estimated as: Q(i+1) = Q(i) + b*max(s(i) - s(0), 0) + c*min(s(i) - s(0), 0) + . Where s
2009 Dec 28
WHO Anthro growth curve macros and R
Hi all, I've got a project where I have to calculate weight-for-age Z-scores, preferably using the WHO standards. WHO have been very nice to publish macros for doing this in both STATA,SPSS, SAS and Splus formats (see, but for some reason have chosen not to use the free R alternative to Splus. In the Splus zipfile there are nine datafiles with a
2007 Sep 14
x-axis order
Hi all, I have a time series which contain data collected weekly from week 26 to week 25 the following year. How do I plot this data, so that the x-axis is displaying the week numbers, ordered as in the data? Thanks in advance, Gustaf --- x<-c(26:52,1:25) y<-rnorm(52)+1:52 plot(x,y) ## How do I get the x axis to be ordered by the current ordering of x? -- Gustaf Rydevik, M.Sci. tel: