similar to: Where to find the source codes for the internal function in stats package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Where to find the source codes for the internal function in stats package"

2003 Apr 13
Peculiarity in non-central qchisq for ncp > 294.92 ...
Hello all, Here's my query: Running R 1.6.2 on FreeBSD 5.0, and on WinXP, and I find that the following hangs the process: dchisq(alpha=0.01, df=1, ncp=295) but it does work for ncp < 294.92. Is this general? Best wishes to all, Andrew Andrew Robinson Ph: 208 885 7115 Department of Forest Resources Fa: 208 885 6226 University of Idaho E : andrewr at PO
2000 Dec 14
Accuracy problem in dchisq for non-central chi-squared
Hi, I think I have identified a inaccuracy in dchisq when the non-centrality parameter is non-zero and large. Here's a little test: sys.dchisq.test <- function(N = 100000,mean = 0) { z <- rnorm(N,mean = mean, sd = 1) x <- z^2 xmin <- min(x) xmax <- max(x) br <- seq(xmin,xmax,length = 101) dbr <- br[2]-br[1] hist(x,br) p <- dchisq(br,df = 1,ncp =
2009 Oct 09
Creating a Clustered-Stacked Column Chart
Hi all, In R, is there some functions or ways to create a Clustered-Stacked Column Chart as the example in the following page I have browsed the R Graph Gallery ( and searched the R site, and didnot find an appropriate method to do it. Anybody has met this problem before? Thanks a lot.
2008 Aug 21
pnmath compilation failure; dylib issue?
(1) ...need to speed up a monte-carlo sampling...any suggestions about how I can get R to use all 8 cores of a mac pro would be most useful and very appreciated... (2) spent the last few hours trying to get pnmath to compile under os- x 10.5.4... using gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5553) as downloaded from CRAN, xcode 3.0... ...xcode 3.1 installed over top of above after
2001 May 18
Non-Central t
In the help file for the non-central t, the following appears: ncp: non-centrality parameter delta; currently `ncp <= 37.62'. I assume that this means the ncp cannot exceed 37.62. Is this still the case and is there any plans to increase this restriction? Thanks! Jeff Jeff Morris Design Support Clinical Chemistry R&D Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics email: jmorris6 at
2003 Feb 14
FW: [Fwd: Re: [S] Exact p-values]
Dear all Just for fun, I have just downloaded the paper mentioned below and checked it with R-1.6.1. Everything is ok with exception of Table 2b, where I get always 1 instead of 0.5: > pbinom(1e15,2e15,0.5) [1] 1 Which value should be correct? Best regards Christian Stratowa ============================================== Christian Stratowa, PhD Boehringer Ingelheim Austria Dept NCE Lead
2002 Oct 17
Non-central distributions
Hi Folks, I note that, while the "chisq" functions dchisq(x, df, ncp=0, log = FALSE) pchisq(q, df, ncp=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qchisq(p, df, ncp=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rchisq(n, df, ncp=0) all have a slot for the non-centrality parameter "ncp", of the functions for the t and F distributions: dt(x, df, log = FALSE)
2009 Jul 29
cannot allocate a vector with 1920165909 length
Dear Rusers, The error for the following was that it cannot allocate the vector of length 1920165909. a <- expand.grid(se1=0:100/100, sp1=0:100/100, se2=0:100/100, sp2=0:100/100, DR=0:100/100) How to solve it? Maybe setwd(dir) can, i am not very sure about it. Any ideas about it? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Feb 11
How to see a R function's code
I was wondering how do I actually see what's inside a function, say, density of t distribution, dt()? I know for some, I can type the function name inside R and the code will be displayed. But for dt(), I get > dt function (x, df, ncp, log = FALSE) { if (missing(ncp)) .Internal(dt(x, df, log)) else .Internal(dnt(x, df, ncp, log)) } <environment: namespace:stats> I
2009 Jul 27
How should i change the SAS Codes into R Codes?
Dear R users, I have a SAS codes with several loops in it, and i hope to use R to do the same task. The SAS codes are as follows, /*to generate the dataset*/ DATA Single_Simulation; DO se=0 to 1 by 0.01; DO sp=0 to 1 by 0.01; DO DR=0 to 1 by 0.01; TR=(DR+sp-1)/(se+sp-1+1.0e-12); Adjust_Factor=TR/(DR+1.0e-12); OUTPUT; END; END; END; RUN; /*to select some data*/ DATA
2006 Jul 13
set the bahavior that R deal with missing values?
Dear Rusers, The default behavior in R when performing a regression model with missing values is to exclude any case that contains a missing value? How could i set the bahavior that R deal with missing values? e.g.: exclude cases listwise exclude cases pairwise replace with mean Thanks very much! -- Kind Regards, Zhi Jie,Zhang ,PHD Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health Fudan
2008 Dec 06
Questions on the results from glmmPQL(MASS)
Dear Rusers, I have used R,S-PLUS and SAS to analyze the sample data "bacteria" in MASS package. Their results are listed below. I have three questions, anybody can give me possible answers? Q1:From the results, we see that R get 'NAs'for AIC,BIC and logLik, while S-PLUS8.0 gave the exact values for them. Why? I had thought that R should give the same results as SPLUS here.
2007 Sep 13
handle dates in R?
Dear Rusers, I have some data in .csv file like "2004-8-1" and "2004-10-1", and i need to convert them into days from the origin (January 1, 1960). I have tried the function date.mmddyyyy(), but cannot get it. Anybody can show me how to handle the date data? Thanks very much! My dataset like: time 2004-8-1 2004-10-1 2001-9-1 2002-9-1 -- With Kind Regards,
2006 Jul 02
how to recode in my dataset?
Dear Rusers, My question is about "recode variables". First, i'd like to say something about the idea of recoding: My dataset have three variables:type,soiltem and airtem,which means grass type, soil temperature and air temperature. As we all known, the change of air temperature is greater than soil temperature,so the values in those two different temperaturemay represent different
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the order of the arguments. This is an example: > rpois(n=1,lambda=2) [1] 3 > rpois(lambda=2,n=1) [1] 2 0 It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be drawn, which is wrong. I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997). Fredrik
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the order of the arguments. This is an example: > rpois(n=1,lambda=2) [1] 3 > rpois(lambda=2,n=1) [1] 2 0 It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be drawn, which is wrong. I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997). Fredrik
2008 Jun 02
High resolution figures for a paper?
Dear Rusers, My manuscript has been conditionally accepted recently. The problem to generate the high resolution figures in R for the manuscript cannot be solved by me. The journal editor ask me to generate the figures with a minimum resolution of 500 dpi. I have tried the *menu-driven method* to save the figures as JPEG (100% printed quality), but the results seem not to be very good. I have
2006 Nov 07
plot questions?-errors in persp(x1, x2, y) and contour(x1, x2, y)
Dear Uwe Ligges , I still can't finish it. *> aa* #my data x1 x2 y 5 0.05 6 4.4180 1 0.50 3 2.6979 4 0.50 9 2.9000 7 0.95 6 2.6230 8 0.95 6 2.9078 9 0.95 6 2.6727 3 1.40 3 2.4203 2 1.40 9 2.5329 6 1.85 6 2.4867 *> attach(aa)* *> persp(x1,x2,y* error in persp.default(x1, x2, y) : increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected
2009 Mar 17
R does not compile any more on FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT
On a recent FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT (i386) building R (any version) breaks with the following messages: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [...snip...] gcc -std=gnu99 -I. -I../../src/include -I../../src/include -I/usr/local/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -c wilcox.c -o wilcox.o gcc -std=gnu99 -I. -I../../src/include -I../../src/include -I/usr/local/include
2004 Aug 10
Check failed after compilation (PR#7159)
Full_Name: Madeleine Yeh Version: 1.9.1 OS: AIX 5.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( After compiling R-1.9.1 on AIX 5.2 using the IBM cc compiler, I ran the checks. One of them failed. Here is the output from running the check solo. root@svweb:/fsapps/test/build/R/1.9.1/R-1.9.1/tests/Examples: ># ../../bin/R --vanilla < stats-Ex.R R : Copyright 2004, The R