similar to: glmer documentation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "glmer documentation"

2009 Oct 02
Tabulating using arbitrary numbers of factors
Dear R-help, First of all, thank you VERY much for any help you have time to offer. I greatly appreciate it. I would like to write a function that, given an arbitrary number of factors from a data frame, tabulates the number of occurrences of each unique combination of the factors. Cleary, this works: > table(horse,date,surface) <SNIP> , , surface = TURF
2010 Oct 04
glmer or not - glmer model specification
Hello, I'm having some trouble figuring out the correct model specification for my data. The system consists of multiple populations of an organism, which have been genetically sampled for several years. The problem is this: A minority of individuals are found in more than one sample, either they have survived into the next sampling at the same location, or have migrated to another another
2017 Jun 02
Question on interpreting glmer() results
Hello, I originally posted this on the stats stack exchange site, but given its focus on R software, it was removed -- so I figured I'd post here. I'm having trouble interpreting a change in effect direction and significance when I add an interaction term to my glmer() model. *Part 1* I ran an experiment in which participants made categorical decisions (out of two categories) in one of
2010 Feb 09
step and glmer
Is it possible to use the step() function with a glmer() as an object? I obtain the following error message when I try to do it: "Error in x$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class". I perform the glmer correctly but I can't do the step. Thank you so much. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2008 Aug 07
incorrect usage of glmer crashes R (PR#12375)
Full_Name: susscorfa Version: 2.7.1 OS: ubuntu Submission from: (NULL) ( Incorrect implementation of the grouping variable in the function glmer crashes R a small example: require(lme4); a<-data.frame(b=rpois(1000,10), c=gl(20,50), d=rnorm(1000,3), e=rnorm(1000,5), f=rnorm(1000,2)+5); glmer(b~d+f|c+(e), family=poisson, data=a) It crashes R on debian linux (2 independant
2013 May 18
glmer.nb: function not in downloaded lme4 package?
Dear R Help, I would like to use the glmer.nb function for mixed modelling using negative binomial distribution please. On the CRAN website apparently this function is called from the lme4 package (version 0.99999911-1). I have downloaded the latest version of the lme4 package (version 0.999999-2) and have recently reinstalled the latest version of 64-bit R (version 3.0.1) but after
2009 Mar 24
I've built a poisson regression model for multiple subjects by using the GLMER function. I've also developed some curves for defining its limits but I did not succeed in developing confidence interval for the model's curve (confint or predict does not work - only for glm). Does anyone know how can I produce confidence interva for a glmer model? I'll appriciate any help... Liat --
2013 Dec 12
censored counts and glmer/glmmADMB
dear R-users, I have to model counts where all counts above some threshold have been censored. In the same dataset I have too many zeroes for a Poisson or even a negative binomial distribution to make sense, so I would need a zero-inflated-censored negative binomial family for use in glmer (or glmmADMB?). That seems not to exist. my question is : how could I add a custom-built family of
2009 Jan 07
how to estimate overdispersion in glmer models?
Dear all, I am using function glmer from package lme4 to fit a generalized linear mixed effect model. My model is as follows: model1 <- glmer(fruitset ~ Dist*wire + (1|Site), data, binomial) summary(model1) Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation Formula: fruitset ~ Dist * wire + (1 | Site) Data: data AIC BIC logLik deviance 68.23 70.65 -29.11 58.23 Random
2009 Nov 11
lme4 glmer how to extract the z values?
Hello, I am using glmer() from lmer(lme4) to run generalized linear mixed models. I can't figure out how to extract the z values for the fixed effects that are reported using the summary function . Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Spencer [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 21
glmer -- extracting standard errors and other statistics
Hello, I am using glmer() from lmer(lme4) to run generalized linear mixed models. However, I am having a problem extracting the standard errors for the fixed effects. I have used: summary(model)$coef fixed.effects(model) coef(model) to get out the parameter estimates, but do not seem able to extract the se's. Anybody have a solution? Thanks, John
2008 Nov 20
glmer for cauchit link function
Dear all, A am trying to fit a generalized linear mixed effects model with a binomial link function, my response data is binary, using the lme4 R package, for the glmer model but with the cauchit link function (CDF of Cauchy distribution), under the package this has not yet been coded and was wondering if anyone knew a way in which I could incorporate this link function into the code. Thankyou
2010 May 30
sanity-checking plans for glmer
Having briefly fallen for the notion that the negative.binomial family in MASS could be used in glmer, I want to use these lists for a sanity check on my final (?) plans. I want to use glmer for logistic regression and for poisson regression on a data set of 10,000 items. There will be two crossed random effects. For the logistic regression, I want odds ratios with confidence intervals.For the
2011 May 13
using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed response variable
Sub: using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed response variable Hello, I'm currently trying to fit a mixed effects model , i.e.: > burnedmodel1.2<-glmer(gpost.f.crwn.length~lg.shigo.av+dbh+leaf.area+|site/transect/plot), family=gaussian, na.action=na.omit, data=rws30.BL) If I run this code, I get the error below: Error:
2010 Jan 04
glmer (lme4), glmmPQL (MASS) and xtmepoisson (Stata)
Dear R users, I'm trying to specify a generalized linear mixed model in R, basically a Poisson model to describe monthly series of counts in different regions. My aim is to fit subject-specific curves, modelling a non-linear trend for each region through random effects for linear splines components (see Durban et al, Stat Med 2005, or " Semiparametric regression" by Ruppert et al,
2008 Aug 25
Specifying random effects distribution in glmer()
I'm trying to figure out how to carry out a Poisson regression fit to longitudinal data with a gamma distribution with unknown shape and scale parameters. I've tried the 'lmer4' package's glmer() function, which fits the Poisson regression using: library('lme4') fit5<- glmer(seizures ~ time + progabide + timeXprog + offset(lnPeriod) + (1|id), data=pdata,
2009 Aug 28
Help with glmer {lme4} function: how to return F or t statistics instead of z statistics?
Hi, I'm new to R and GLMMs, and I've been unable to find the answers to my questions by trawling through the R help archives. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I'm running an analysis on Seedling survival (count data=Poisson distribution) on restoration sites, and my main interest is in determining whether the Nutrients (N) and water absorbing polymer Gel (G) additions to the
2012 Feb 02
glmer question
I would like to fit the following model: logit(p_{ij}) = \mu + a_i + b_j where a_i ~ N(0, \sigma_a^2) , b_j ~ N(0, \sigma_b^2) and \sigma_a = \sigma_b. Is it possible to fit a model with such a constraint on the variance components in glmer? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Feb 04
Retrieve estimates from glmer()
Dear all, I am running glmer() in R. How can I retrieve the estimates of fixed effects and the variance of the random effects from the result? Thank you so much. Joe ___________________________________________________ ±zªº¥Í¬¡§Y®É³q ¡Ð ·¾³q¡B®T¼Ö¡B¥Í¬¡¡B¤u§@¤@¦¸·d©w¡I [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 17
update on mcmcsamp for glmer
I've searched the help archives of both lists and apologize if I missed the answer to my question: Is there an update on developing mcmcsamp for glmer? I'm using R v. 2.7.2 (on our Unix server - will hopefully be updated soon) and 2.8.1 on my PC and get the message for both: gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),family = binomial, data = cbpp)