similar to: help on nested mixed effects ANOVA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "help on nested mixed effects ANOVA"

2003 Nov 13
iax configuration
Hi, I have configured 3 users in my iax.conf, i am using iaxcomm phones. Iaxcomm has excellent voice quality although there is no ringing tones(either ring back or ringing tone),but i can live without right now. I find that for each user i want registered i have to add his name and his ip address.I have been using "host = dynamic".Isnt there any way that i can define a dialmap such as
2007 May 07
Dovecot not handling r/o mailboxes completely, and problem with ACL as a workaround
First of all, I think dovecot is really fantastic and I have thanks for all the hard work. I think it will be the best fit for my ~5000 users when I have it setup completely. We normally have approx 500 concurrent IMAP connections during the day. I am trying to convert from courier-imap to dovecot, but I have an issue with public namespace folders that are not writable by certain users.
2010 May 28
difference in sort order linux/Windows (R.2.11.0)
Dear R users, I'm a bit perplexed with the effect sort has here, as it is different on Windows vs. linux. It makes my factor levels and subsequent plots different on the two systems. Given: types <- c("PC-D-Euro-0", "PC-D-Euro-1", "PC-D-Euro-2", "PC-D-Euro-3", "PC-D-Euro-4", "PC-D-Euro-5", "PC-D-Euro-6",
2009 Jun 20
string splitting and testing for enrichment
Hi List I have data in the following form: Gene    TFBS NUDC     PPARA(1) HNF4(20) HNF4(96) AHRARNT(104) CACBINDINGPROTEIN(149) T3R(167) HLF(191) RPA2     STAT4(57) HEB(251) TAF12     PAX3(53) YY1(92) BRCA(99) GLI(101) EIF3I     NERF(10) P300(10) TRAPPC3     HIC1(3) PAX5(17) PAX5(110) NRF1(119) HIC1(122) TRAPPC3     EGR(26) ZNF219(27) SP3(32) EGR(32) NFKAPPAB65(89) NFKAPPAB(89) RFX(121)
2006 Apr 23
Question about bicreg
Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers), I encountered a curious result in developing an example using the bicreg function in the BMA package: I noticed that pairs of models with equal R^2 and equal numbers of predictors had nevertheless different BIC values. Looking at the bicreg function, the definition of BIC appears to be the usual one, or close to it [bic <- n * log(1 - r2/100) + (size - 1) *
2007 Oct 21
assertion failed: (mailbox_list_is_valid_existing_name(_list, name))
When I was initially testing dovecot 1.1b2,3 I had ACLs turned on and encountered this problem below. I had them turned off until now, I'll need to have ACLs working before I can widen testing. I'm not sure how to make "env MAIL=maildir:~/Maildir gdb /tmp/imap" load the ACL plugin so I assume that is why it does not crash; not getting any log either from that, maybe I made a
2007 Nov 16
Path to public folder subscription file not created in 1.1b7?
I use CONTROL=%h/Maildir/dovecot/public/control/[namespace] for each of my public namespaces. A few nights ago, I noticed having a new user subscribe to public folders for the first time will silently fail, becuase the path up to the subscriptions file will not be created. I am pretty sure dovecot used to create it for me, but maybe that changed in a recent version, or maybe I did something to
2010 Feb 01
Trouble updating to latest version of R
Dear R Debian People: I'm trying to update a computer that I do not use often to the latest version of R. Here is the problem: debian:/home/erinh# apt-get -t unstable install r-base r-base-dev Reading package lists... Error! E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room E: Error occurred while processing uim-utils (NewVersion1) E: Problem with MergeList
2007 Nov 21
Users w/o acl access appear to be subscribed to public folders (1.1b8)
I noticed this today, I had a user outside of our department test out dovecot. They were using squirrelmail and I noticed that dovecot thinks this user is subscribed to ALL public folders even though a dovecot ACL prevents all access. I'm pretty sure access is still denied. I was able to reproduce this with a guest account I added: l lsub "" "#shared/decs/%" * LSUB
2008 Feb 06
imap fs quota (rpc) won't work?
In the past I dabbled with the imap quota plugin with the fs backend because I wanted to report usage to my users (not limit them). At the time, the quota plugin would make dovecot crash when trying to write to a folder (I can bring up this report if needed). However, in a later beta of dovecot 1.1 I tried quota again but I cannot get it to report any results. I've been wanting to use
2002 Jul 04
Samba 2.2.5 - Swat Died
I upgraded this morning to 2.2.5 on both my Linux boxes (Red Hat 7.3) and now SWAT doesn't work. I have it setup to start on a reboot and I've tried force turning it off and then turning it back on. I can't even connect on the actual Linux box, let alone the Windows machines that I used to be able to connect with. I get that the connection was 'broken' for port 901. What can I
2008 Nov 21
Dendrogram labels
Is there any way to change the orientation of the labels on the end of the dendrograms to horizontal rather than vertical? If so, how can I do that. _____________________________________________ Patrick Richardson Biostatistician - Program of Translational Medicine Van Andel Research Institute - Webb Lab 333 Bostwick Avenue NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 ph. 616.234.5787 This email message,
2008 Feb 06
(message_parse_header_next): assertion failed:, +(IS_LWSP(line->value[0])) 1.1beta14
I noticed these happen when one of my users searches his Trash folder which he doesn't empty. He uses thunderbird and it is reproducable. Feb 5 22:47:39 boomhauer dovecot: IMAP(username): file message-header-parser.c: line 350 (message_parse_header_next): assertion failed: +(IS_LWSP(line->value[0])) Feb 5 22:47:41 boomhauer dovecot: child 8022 (imap) killed with signal 6 Feb 5
2009 Aug 29
Quick and dirty server optimized for IMAP upload speed?
Early next week I need to upload over 100,000 emails to an IMAP server as quickly as possible from an Outlook client. I am looking for any methods I can use to (temporarily?) speed up the rate at which dovecot can accept and store IMAP uploads, whether it be storing on local disk, ram disk, etc. I can setup a temporary server on a laptop for example and once the upload has finished I can use
2004 Jul 05
Failing on reading a "slightly big" dataset
I have a file with 4 columns per line, all pipe delimited. $ wc -l cmie_firm_data.text 89325 cmie_firm_data.text $ ls -al cmie_firm_data.text -rw-r--r-- 1 ajayshah ajayshah 4415637 Jul 5 15:25 cmie_firm_data.text $ awk -F\| '(NF != 4)' cmie_firm_data.text $ head cmie_firm_data.text All figures are for the year 20030331||| Company|GVA Less Interest (Rs. thousand)|Interest (Rs.
2008 Mar 02
coxpath() in package glmpath
Hi, I am new to model selection by coefficient shrinkage method such as lasso. And I became particularly interested in variable selection in Cox regression by lasso. I became aware of the coxpath() in R package glmpath does lasso on Cox model. I have tried the sample script on the help page of coxpath(), but I have difficult time understanding the output. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if
2009 Feb 20
residuals from a fractional arima model and other questions
Dear list and Martin, I'm testing different approaches to fit an electricity demand time series and come upon the fracdiff package (v 1.3-1) for fitting fractional ARIMA models. The following questions are motivated by this package. 1. Despite having a help page, the residuals and fitted functions don't seem to have implementation, or did i miss something obvious? Alternatively, having a
2008 May 13
Time moved backwards
Hello, I would like to suggest a change in handling of 'Time moved backwards' problem. Right now dovecot just dies. So, the scenario: 1) Colocation server is shut down for some reason. The internal time drifts. 2) Server is started again. 3) Dovecot starts successfully. 4) In about a minute, NTP daemon feels confident about adjusting the system time. 5) Dovecot sees the changed time and
2007 Jul 21
Binomial multi-level (hierarchical) modelling [partly stats question, not completely R related]
Dear all, This question is partly statistics and partly R and I apologise in advance for my (usual) verbosity! My data is a little more complicated that this suggests, but essentially I have proportion data from different studies (id), each from a specific country and region of the World. I would like to examine the variables that affect the proportion, but these factors are hierarchical. In case
2007 Dec 09
Large determinant problem
I thought I would have another try at explaining my problem. I think that last time I may have buried it in irrelevant detail. This output should explain my dilemma: > dim(S) [1] 1455 269 > summary(as.vector(S)) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -1.160e+04 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 -4.132e-08 0.000e+00 8.636e+03 > sum(as.vector(S)==0)/(1455*269) [1]