similar to: Help with 'spectrum'

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Help with 'spectrum'"

2007 Jan 08
Simple spectral analysis
Hello world, I am actually trying to transfer a lecture from Statistica to R and I ran into problems with spectral analysis, I think I just don't get it 8-( (The posting from "FFT, frequs, magnitudes, phases" from 2005 did not enlighten me) As a starter for the students I have a 10year data set of air temperature with daily values and I try to get a periodogram where the annual
2011 Jul 11
Spectral Coherence
Greetings, I would like to estimate a spectral coherence between two timeseries. The stats : spectrum() returns a coh matrix which estimates coherence (squared). A basic test which from which i expect near-zero coherence: x = rnorm(500) y = rnorm(500) xts = ts(x, frequency = 10) yts = ts(y, frequency = 10) gxy = spectrum( cbind( xts, yts ) ) plot( gxy $ freq, gxy $
2004 Oct 15
power in a specific frequency band
Dear R users I have a really simple question (hoping for a really simple answer :-): Having estimated the spectral density of a time series "x" (heart rate data) with: x.pgram <- spectrum(x,method="pgram") I would like to compute the power in a specific energy band. Assuming that frequency(x)=4 (Hz), and that I am interested in the band between f1 and f2, is the
2011 Feb 08
Recuperate Spectrum() amplitude
Dear list, I apologies first for my English, hope you will understand well my question. I am working on 1/2 hour piezometric data, time unit is second. They present daily oscillation when using the spectrum() function. What I am really interested in, is to find the amplitude corresponding to this oscillation. I work with a college using Matlab, and although we apply the same methodology, our
2004 Jan 22
Dear R users I have two questions about estimating the spectral power of a time series: 1) I came across a funny thing with the following code: data(co2) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) co2.sp1<-spectrum(co2,detrend=T,demean=T,span=3) co2.sp2<-spectrum(co2[1:468],detrend=T,demean=T,span=3) The first plot displays the frequencies ranging from 0 to 6 whearas the second plot displays the same curve but
2006 Jan 31
How do I "normalise" a power spectral density
I have done a fair bit of spectral analysis, and hadn't finished collecting my thoughts for a reply, so hadn't replied yet. What exactly do you mean by normalize? I have not used the functons periodogram or spectrum, however from the description for periodogram it appears that it returns the spectral density, which is already normalized by frequency, so you don't have to worry about
2007 Nov 21
Different freq returned by and spec.pgram()
Dear list, I've recently become interested in comparing the spectral estimates using the different methods ("pgram" and "ar") in the spectrum() function in the stats package. With many thanks to the authors of these complicated functions, I would like to point out what looks to me like a bit of an inconsistency -- but I would not be surprised if there is good reasoning
2007 Jun 06
Spectral analysis
Hi all, I am dealing with paleoceanographic data and I have a C14 time serie and one other variable. I would like to perform a spectral analysis (fft or wavelet) and plot it. Unfortunately I don't know the exact script to do this. Does anybody could send me an example to perform my spectral analysis ? I Thank you David Changez de tĂȘte et de tenue tous les jours si vous le voulez !
2011 Sep 23
Cross Spectrum : Conversion of 2-D spectrum into a single complex array
Hi, I'm wondering why the spectrum() phase of quadrature couple isn't purely +/-pi. But mostly, I'm looking for a recommended way to take a 2-D spectrum and convert it into a single complex array. Kindly consider: # 10 Hz sine wave 10 seconds long sampled at 50 Hz deltaT = 1/50 t = seq(0, 10, deltaT) w = 2 * pi * 10 x = ts( sin( w * t ), deltat = deltaT ) y = ts( sin(
1999 Jul 19
time series in R
Time Series functions in R ========================== I think a good basic S-like functionality for library(ts) in base R would include ts class, tsp, is.ts, as.ts plot methods start end window frequency cycle deltat lag diff aggregate filter spectrum, spec.pgram, spec.taper, cumulative periodogram, ar -- at least univariate by Yule-Walker arima -- sim, filter, mle, diag, forecast
2011 May 10
Power Spectrum from STFT (e1071)?
Hello. Does anyone know how to generate a power spectrum from the STFT function in package e1071? The output for this function supplies the Fourier coefficients, but I do not know how to relate these back to the power spectrum. Alternatively, if anyone is aware of other packages/functions that perform short time Fourier transforms, that would also be helpful. Thanks. -- View this message in
2008 Apr 30
Cross Spectrum Analysis
I am reading some documentation about Cross Spectrum Analysis as a technique to compare spectra. My understanding is that it estimates the correlation strength between quasi-periodic structures embedded in two signals. I believe it may be useful for my signals analysis. I was referred to the R functions that implement this type of analysis. I tried all the examples which generated a series of
2009 Nov 28
fft and filtering puzzle
I am puzzled by a filtering problem using fft(). I don't blame R. I have a waveform y consisting of the sum of 2 sinewaves having freqs f1 and f2. I do s = fft() of y. Remove s's spike at freq=f2 Do inverse fft on s. The resulting waveform still has a lot of f2 in it! But the filtering should have removed it all. What is going on, and how to fix?? Thanks very much for any help. Bill
2004 Aug 06
Frozen upper spectrum in WB VBR CNG
Hi, I've been using Speex in my voice-over-IP program on Win32, in wideband (16kHz) mode. I just starting using VBR recently and have run into something that might be a problem within Speex: If someone hasn't spoken for a little while, and the bitrate drops to very low, sometimes the high half of the spectrum becomes frozen with a looping sound. The bottom half of the spectrum is
2008 Mar 27
help! - spectral analysis - spec.pgram
Can someone explain me this spec.pgram effect? Code: period.6<-c(0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10 ,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,10) period.5<-c(0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,10 ,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,10,0) par(mfrow=c(2,1))
2008 Aug 06
Attempting to make a custom color spectrum to use in heatmap.2
Hello there! I'd just like to say in advance, "Thank you," for any help and/or advice. My problem is as follows: I have a dataset that is made up of percentages. I've assigned my "error" percentages a value of '-100', my "non-existent" percentages a value of '0', and all my other percentages are normal values that range from the high
2006 Jan 27
How do I "normalise" a power spectral density analysis?
Hi everyone Can anyone tell me how I normalise a power spectral density (PSD) plot of a periodical time-series. At present I get the graphical output of spectrum VS frequency. What I want to acheive is period VS spectrum? Are these the same things but the x-axis scale needs transformed ? Any help would be greatly appreciated Tom
2011 Feb 10
About Sampling Rate Correction in acoustic echo
Thank you, Andreas Engel. I downloaded the white paper of the Fraunhofer Acoustic Echo Control. It said > "In the Fraunhofer Acoustic Echo Control, the frequency spectrum of the microphone signal is > modified so that the undesired echo components are removed from the signal transmitted to > the
2009 Sep 16
fft help
I wrote a script that I anticipating seeing a spike at 10Hz with the function 10* sin(2*pi*10*t). I can't figure out why my plots do not show spikes at the frequencies I expect. Am I doing something wrong or is my expectations wrong? require(stats) layout(matrix(c(1,2,3), 3, 1, byrow = TRUE)) #SETUP n <- 256 #nextn(1001) gives next power 2 F <- 100 #Hz -50 to 50 Hz dt
2004 Aug 06
Frozen upper spectrum in WB VBR CNG
Jean-Marc Valin ( wrote: > > > I've been using Speex in my voice-over-IP program on Win32, in > > wideband (16kHz) mode. I just starting using VBR recently and > > have run into something that might be a problem within Speex: > > Are you turning on DTX in addition to VBR? Also, what version are you > using. As of 1.0, DTX is