similar to: Plot by column

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Plot by column"

2008 Aug 08
Multivariate regression with constraints
Hi all, I am running a bivariate regression with the following: p1=c(184,155,676,67,922,22,76,24,39) p2=c(1845,1483,2287,367,1693,488,435,1782,745) I1=c(1530,1505,2505,204,2285,269,1271,298,2023) I2=c(8238,6247,6150,2748,4361,5549,2657,3533,5415) R1=I1-p1 R2=I2-p2 x1=cbind(p1,R1) y1=cbind(p2,R2) fit1=lm(y1~-1+x1) summary(fit1) Response 2: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value
2008 Aug 04
Multivariate Regression with Weights
Hi all, I'd like to fit a multivariate regression with the variance of the error term porportional to the predictors, like the WLS in the univariate case. y_1~x_1+x_2 y_2~x_1+x_2 var(y_1)=x_1*sigma_1^2 var(y_2)=x_2*sigma_2^2 cov(y_1,y_2)=sqrt(x_1*x_2)*sigma_12^2 How can I specify this in R? Is there a corresponding function to the univariate specification lm(y~x,weights=x)??
2008 Jul 30
Sampling two exponentials
Hi all, I am going to sample two variables from two exponential distributions, but I want to specify a covariance structure between these two variables. Is there any way to do it in R? Or is there a "Multivariate Exponential" thing corresponding to the multivariate normal? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel:
2008 Aug 07
Covariance matrix
Hi all, Assume I have a random vector with four variables, i.e. A=(a,b,c,d). I am able to get the covariance matrix of vector A, but how can I get the covariance matrix of vector B=(a,c,b,d) by manipulating the corresponding covariance matrix of A? Thanks. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel: 609-275-2176 Email:
2008 Aug 07
Switch two rows in a matrix
Hi all, I have a 4 by 4 matrix, and I want to switch row 2 and row 3 first, then switch column 2 and column 3. Is there an easy way to do it? The following is a tedious way to get what I want. But I wonder if there is a way to simplify this. > a=matrix(rnorm(16),4,4) > a [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.33833811 -0.9422273 -0.06181611 -1.8346134 [2,] -0.68167996
2008 Jul 25
Numerical question
Hi all, I have n independent variables A_1, A_2, A_3,......,A_n, and each with known variances var(A_1), var(A_2),..., but unknown mean. How can I get the approximation of the variance of the product of the variables using numerical computation, i.e. var(A_1*A_2*A_3*.....*A_n)? Thanks. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel: 609-275-2176
2008 Aug 12
VAR question
Hi all, I got another VAR question here and really appreciate if somebody would help me out :) I have five time series, say A,B,C,D,E. My objective is to predict the series A using the rest, that is, B, C, D and E. A Vector Autoregression Model should work here. But first of all, I should select which series of B, C, D and E to be include in the VAR model, as well as the number of lags. I wonder
2008 Jul 23
Questions on weighted least squares
Hi all, I met with a problem about the weighted least square regression. 1. I simulated a Normal vector (sim1) with mean 425906 and standard deviation 40000. 2. I simulated a second Normal vector with conditional mean b1*sim1, where b1 is just a number I specified, and variance proportional to sim1. Precisely, the standard deviation is sqrt(sim1)*50. 3. Then I run a WLS regression without the
2008 Aug 06
Matrix multiplication
Hi all, Is there an easy way to do cumulative matrix multipliation in R? What's the syntex? Thanks. Sincerely, Yanwei Zhang Department of Actuarial Research and Modeling Munich Re America Tel: 609-275-2176 Email:<> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Feb 26
need help to resolve RODBC error
I've installed R-2.9.2 (64 bit), unixODBC-2.2.14-p2 (64 bit) and RODBC_1.2-5 (64 bit) on a 64 bit Redhat Linux server (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga), x86_64) release 2.6.18-164.2.1.el5. I've tested the ODBC drive via isql and the test was success: [yzhang@ROracleTest ~]$ isql -v DRTST yzhang test +---------------------------------------+ | Connected!
2003 Nov 02
lattice function splom
Hola! In the lattice function splom, is it possible to get the tickmarks/value labels _outside_ the scatterplot matrix, and not inside each of the panels in the antidiagonal of panels with variable labels? Kjetil Halvorsen
2001 Feb 16
command line R; readline history
Hello, I need help now. I installed R in my Solaris 5.8 box. But two things I am missing comparing to my old Splus. 1. I used to invoke a command edit Splus by type "Splus -e". So I can surfer in Splus like ksh environment. Can I do the same in R? 2. I used BSD version of R, which I can use "up" key to call back last command. But in Sun, I can't make it happened. I
2013 Jan 17
error installing KEGGSOAP
Hi, I am new to bioconductor, trying to install KEGGSOAP package, but got warnings() when installing and error message when trying to load the package, can anyone suggest what went wrong? many thanks John > source("") Bioconductor version 2.11 (BiocInstaller 1.8.3), ?biocLite for help > biocLite("KEGGSOAP") BioC_mirror:
2010 Aug 25
why was XENMEM_translate_gpfn_list removed
Why was XENMEM_translate_gpfn_list removed in Xen 4.0. How to achieve similar purpose in HVM? _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list
2006 Nov 03
ANOVA in Randomized-complete blocks design
Dear all, I am trying to repeat an example from Sokal and Rohlfs "Biometry" -- Box 11.4, example of a randomized-complete-blocks experiment. The data is fairly simple: series genotype weight 1 pp 0.958 1 pb 0.985 1 bb 0.925 2 pp 0.971 2 pb 1.051 2 bb 0.952 3 pp 0.927 3 pb 0.891 3 bb 0.892 4
2011 May 16
Problem on glmer
Hi all, I was trying to fit a Gamma hierarchical model using "glmer", but got weird error message that I could not understand. On the other hand, a similar call to the glmmPQL leads to results that are close to what I expect. I also tried to change tha "nAGQ" argument in "glmer", but it did not solve the problem. The model I was fitting has a simple structure - one
2009 Mar 30
Possible bug in summary.survfit - 'scale' argument ignored?
Hi all, Using: R version 2.8.1 Patched (2009-03-07 r48068) on OSX (10.5.6) with survival version: Version: 2.35-3 Date: 2009-02-10 I get the following using the first example in ?summary.survfit: > summary( survfit( Surv(futime, fustat)~1, data=ovarian)) Call: survfit(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian) time n.risk n.event survival
2010 Jan 03
update packages from local
Hi all, I have an old package installed, say "abc". Now I made some changes to the source, and built a new version of the source code "abc_0.1.1.tar.gz". How can I update the old package to this newer version from the local tar.gz file? I was running the following, but it did not work. setwd("directory where the tar.gz file locates")
2011 Sep 07
Fwd: FSelector and RWeka problem
Hi all, Although I sent the mail to Piotr, the author of FSelector, it should be better to ask here to let others know. Yanwei Begin forwarded message: From: Yanwei Song <> Date: September 7, 2011 4:41:58 PM EDT To: Subject: FSelector and RWeka problem Dear Piotr, Thanks for developing the FSelector package for us. I'm a new
2011 Mar 04
a simple problem
Hello R-help   I am working with large data table that have the occasional label,  a particular time point in an experiment. E.g: "Time (min)", "R1 R1", "R2 R1", "R3 R1", "R4 R1" .909, 1.117, 1.225, 1.048, 1.258 3.942, 1.113, 1.230, 1.049, 1.262 3.976, 1.105, 1.226, 1.051, 1.259 4.009, 1.114, 1.231, 1.053, 1.259 4.042, 1.107, 1.230, 1.048, 1.262