similar to: library/function that estimates parameters of well known distributions from empirical data?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "library/function that estimates parameters of well known distributions from empirical data?"

2008 Sep 22
Statistical question re assessing fit of distribution functions.
I am in a situation where I have to fit a distrution, such as cauchy or normal, to an empirical dataset. Well and good, that is easy. But I wanted to assess just how good the fit is, using ks.test. I am concerned about the following note in the docs (about the example provided): "Note that the distribution theory is not valid here as we have estimated the parameters of the normal
2003 Jul 25
named list 'start' in fitdistr
Hi R lovers! I'd like to know how to use the parameter 'start' in the function fitdistr() obviously I have to provide the initial value of the parameter to optimize except in the case of a certain set of given distribution Indeed according to the help file for fitdistr " For the following named distributions, reasonable starting values will be computed if `start'
2002 Aug 06
Estimating Weibull parameters
Hi R-Community, I have a vector of Weibull distributed observations and I would like to estimate the parameters "shape" and "scale" of the Weibull distribution. Is there a way to do this in R? Much thanks in advance, Hagen Schm?ller -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dipl.-Ing. Hagen K. Schm?ller Institut f?r Elektrische Anlagen und
2011 Nov 03
Fit continuous distribution to truncated empirical values
Hi all, I am trying to fit a distribution to some data about survival times. I am interested only in a specific interval, e.g., while the data lies in the interval (0,...., 600), I want the best for the interval (0,..., 24). I have tried both fitdistr (MASS package) and fitdist (from the fitdistrplus package), but I could not get them working, e.g. fitdistr(left, "weibull", upper=24)
2005 Jun 08
Fitting Theoretical Distributions to Daily Rainfall Data
Dear List Members, I need a bit help about fitting some theoretical distributions (such as geometric, exponential, lognormal or weibull distribution) to the following *dry spell*, *wet spell*, *cycles (Wet-Dry or Dry-Wet)* from my meteorological (daily rainfall) data only for rainy seasen (july - september) of 14 years only:
2008 Oct 30
Is possible, on biological grounds, suggest to fitdistr (MASS library) that the estimated parameters must be between two values?
Sorry if it is a silly question, I haven't found documentation on this and I don't know if it is possible. library(MASS) ## for fitdistr library(msm) ## for dtnorm #prepare truncated normal distribution dtnorm0 <- function(x, mean, sd , log = FALSE) { dtnorm(x, mean, sd, 105, 135, log) } set.seed(1) #Generate normal distribution with the TRUE population mean (day 106 of the
2011 May 03
fitting distributions using fitdistr (MASS)
Please guide me through to resolve the error message that I get this is what i have done. >x1<- rnorm(100,2,1) >x1fitbeta<-fitdistr(x1,"beta") Error in fitdistr(x1, "beta") : 'start' must be a named list Yes, I do understand that sometime for the distribution to converge to the given set of data, it requires initial parameters of the distribution, to
2008 Sep 22
Why isn't R recognising integers as numbers?
I have a number of files containing anywhere from a few dozen to a few thousand integers, one per record. The statement "refdata18 = read.csv("K:\\MerchantData\\RiskModel\\Capture.Week.18.csv", header = TRUE,na.strings="")" works fine, and if I type refdata18, I get the integers displayed, one value per record (along with a record number). However, when I try "
2010 Jul 14
R's Data Dredging Philosophy for Distribution Fitting
Forum, I'm a grad student in Civil Eng, took some Stats classes that required students learn R, and I have since taken to R and use it for as much as I can. Back in my lab/office, many of my fellow grad students still use proprietary software at the behest of advisers who are familiar with the recommended software (Statistica, @Risk (Excel Add-on), etc). I have spent a lot of time learning
2005 Apr 28
have to point it out again: a distribution question
Stock returns and other financial data have often found to be heavy-tailed. Even Cauchy distributions (without even a first absolute moment) have been entertained as models. Your qq function subtracts numbers on the scale of a normal (0,1) distribution from the input data. When the input data are scaled so that they are insignificant compared to 1, say, then you get essentially the
2010 May 28
Gelman 2006 half-Cauchy distribution
Hi, I am trying to recreate the right graph on page 524 of Gelman's 2006 paper "Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models" in Bayesian Analysis, 3, 515-533. I am only interested, however, in recreating the portion of the graph for the overlain prior density for the half-Cauchy with scale 25 and not the posterior distribution. However, when I try:
2005 Nov 02
Distribution fitting problem
I am using the MASS library function fitdistr(x, dpois, list(lambda=2)) but I get Error in optim(start, mylogfn, x = x, hessian = TRUE, ...) : Function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) and all the first 50 warnings say 1: non-integer x = 1.452222 etc Can anyone tell me what I am doing
2006 Feb 01
Cauchy distribution limits
I have question (curiosity) regarding returned values of R's qcauchy () function, for nonexceedance probability (F). It seems the ideal returned range of cauchy distribution should be [-Inf,Inf]. For F=0 > qcauchy(0) [1] -Inf but for F=1 > qcauchy(1) [1] 8.16562e+15 It seems to me that the proper return value should be Inf??? For default (location=0,scale=1) quantile function of
2010 Jul 08
Query about using timestamps returned by SQL as 'factor' for split
I have a simple query as follows: "SELECT m_id,sale_date,YEAR(sale_date),WEEK(sale_date),return_type,DATEDIFF(return_date,sale_date) AS elapsed_time FROM risk_input" I can get, and view, all the data that that query returns. The question is, sale_date is a timestamp, and I need to call split to group this data by m_id and the week in which the sale occurred. Obviously, I would
2008 Jun 11
MLE Estimation of Gamma Distribution Parameters for data with 'zeros'
Greetings, all I am having difficulty getting the fitdistr() function to return without an error on my data. Specifically, what I'm trying to do is get a parameter estimation for fracture intensity data in a well / borehole. Lower bound is 0 (no fractures in the selected data interval), and upper bound is ~ 10 - 50, depending on what scale you are conducting the analysis on. I read in the
2008 Oct 20
How to get estimate of confidence interval?
I thought I was finished, having gotten everything to work as intended. This is a model of risk, and the short term forecasts look very good, given the data collected after the estimates are produced (this model is intended to be executed daily, to give a continuing picture of our risk). But now there is a new requirement. I have weekly samples from a non-autonomous process (i.e. although well
2002 Jun 28
Problem in optim(method="L-BFGS-B") (PR#1717)
Full_Name: Jörg Polzehl Version: 1.5.1 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( When calculating MLE's in a variance component model using constrained optimization, i.e. optim(...,method="L-BFGS-B",...) I observed an inproper behaviour in cases where the likelihood function was evalueted at the constraint. Parameters and value of the function at the constraint
2008 Oct 16
Two last questions: about output
Here is my little scriptlet: optdata = read.csv("K:\\MerchantData\\RiskModel\\AutomatedRiskModel\\soptions.dat", header = FALSE, na.strings="") attach(optdata) library(MASS) setwd("K:\\MerchantData\\RiskModel\\AutomatedRiskModel") for (i in 1:length(V4) ) { x = read.csv(as.character(V4[[i]]), header = FALSE, na.strings=""); y = x[,1]; fp =
2008 Feb 10
Error in optim while using fitdistr() function for estimation of parameters
Hello, I am trying to fit distribution for data consisting of 421 readings.It is basically no of requests arrived per minute.It contains many 0 entries as no of requests.When i use fd<-fitdistr(V2,"gamma") I get following error: Error in optim(x = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite What should I do ? I need
2008 Sep 19
Re lative Novice ? "Can I get some explanation of the docs for fitdistr(MASS)?"
In the docs I see: Usage fitdistr(x, densfun, start, ...) Arguments x A numeric vector. densfun Either a character string or a function returning a density evaluated at its first argument. Distributions "beta", "cauchy", "chi-squared", "exponential", "f", "gamma", "geometric", "log-normal", "lognormal",