similar to: table questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "table questions"

2010 May 11
question about R
Hi, At each iteration in my program,I need to generate tree vectors,X1,X2,X3, from exponential distribution with parameters a1,a2,a3. Can you help me please how can I do it such that it take a little time? thank you khazaei
2008 Jul 29
tensor product of equi-spaced B-splines in the unit square
Dear all, I need to compute tensor product of B-spline defined over equi-spaced break-points. I wrote my own program (it works in a 2-dimensional setting) library(splines) # set the break-points Knots = seq(-1,1,length=10) # number of splines M = (length(Knots)-4)^2 # short cut to splineDesign function bspline = function(x) splineDesign(Knots,x,outer.ok = T) # bivariate tensor product of
2008 Aug 08
Multivariate regression with constraints
Hi all, I am running a bivariate regression with the following: p1=c(184,155,676,67,922,22,76,24,39) p2=c(1845,1483,2287,367,1693,488,435,1782,745) I1=c(1530,1505,2505,204,2285,269,1271,298,2023) I2=c(8238,6247,6150,2748,4361,5549,2657,3533,5415) R1=I1-p1 R2=I2-p2 x1=cbind(p1,R1) y1=cbind(p2,R2) fit1=lm(y1~-1+x1) summary(fit1) Response 2: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value
2010 May 17
best polynomial approximation
Dear R-users, I learned today that there exists an interesting topic in numerical analysis names "best polynomial approximation" (BSA). Given a function f the BSA of degree k, say pk, is the polynomial such that pk=arginf sup(|f-pk|) Although given some regularity condition of f, pk is unique, pk IS NOT calculated with least square. A quick google tour show a rich field of research
2008 May 29
Troubles plotting lrm output in Design Library
Dear R-helpers, I'm having a problem in using in Design Library. Tho following example code produce the error: > n <- 1000 # define sample size > set.seed(17) # so can reproduce the results > age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10) > blood.pressure <- rnorm(n, 120, 15) > cholesterol <- rnorm(n, 200, 25) > sex <-
2008 Jul 23
mle2(): logarithm of negative pdfs
Hi, In order to use the mle2-function, one has to define the likelihood function itself. As we know, the likelihood function is a sum of the logarithm of probability density functions (pdf). I have implemented myself the pdfs that I am using. My problem is, that the pdfs values are negative and I cann't take the logarithm of them in the log-likelihood function. So how can one take the
2009 Dec 12
Replace NAs in a range of data frame columns
Dear all, I'm stuck in a seemingly trivial task that I need to perform for many datasets. Basically, I want to replace NA with 0 in a specified range of columns in a dataframe. I know the first and last column to be recoded only by its name. I can select the columns starting like this a[match('first',names(a)): match('last',names(a))] The question is how can replace all NA
2009 May 07
data transformation using gamma
Hi R-users, I have this code to uniformise the data using gamma: > length(dp1) [1] 696 > dim(dp1) [1] 58 12 > dim(ahall) [1]  1 12 > dim(bhall) [1]  1 12 > trans_dt <- function(dt,a,b) + { n1 <- ncol(dt) +   n2 <- length(dt) +   trans  <- vector(mode='numeric', length=n2) +   dim(trans) <- dim(dt) +   for (i in 1:n1) +   {  dt[,i] <- as.vector(dt[,i])
2009 May 04
Reversing axis label order
Dear R Users, I am executing the following command to produce a line graph: matplot(aggregate_1986[,1], aggregate_1986[,2:3], type="l", col=2:3) On the x-axis I have values of Latitude (in column 1) ranging from -60 to +80 (left to right on the x-axis). However, I wish to have these values shown in reverse on the x-axis, going from +80 to -60 (ie. North to South in terms of Latitude).
2008 Dec 10
repeated searching of no-missing values
hi all, I have a data frame such as: 1 blue 0.3 1 NA 0.4 1 red NA 2 blue NA 2 green NA 2 blue NA 3 red 0.5 3 blue NA 3 NA 1.1 I wish to find the last non-missing value in every 3ple: ie I want a 3 by 3 data.frame such as: 1 red 0.4 2 blue NA 3 blue 1.1 I have written a little script data = structure(list(V1 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L ), V2 = structure(c(1L, NA,
2013 Jan 04
SpatialPolygon with the max value gets no color assigned in spplot function when using "at" parameter
Hi, I would like to do coloring of map regions based on the region values "weight". The approach I am taking is first to break regions into equal intervals, classIntervals(spdf$weight,4)$brks #4 intervals in this case and coloring all regions within the interval with the same color col = brewer.pal(4,"RdYlGn")) The max "weight" is as well the boundary of the
2019 Mar 03
bug: sample( x, size, replace = TRUE, prob= skewed.probs) produces uniform sample
When `length( skewed.probs ) > 200' uniform samples are generated in R-devel. R-3.5.1 behaves as expected. `epsilon` can be a lot bigger than illustrated and still the uniform distribution is produced. Chuck > set.seed(123) > > epsilon <- 1e-10 > > ## uniform to 200 then small > p200 <- prop.table( rep( c(1, epsilon), c(200, 999-200))) > ## uniform to 201
2008 Jul 22
How to simulate heteroscedasticity (correlation)
Hi, I would like to generate two correlated variables. I found that funktion for doing that: a <- rmvnorm(n=10000,mean=c(20,20),sigma=matrix(c(5,0.8*sqrt(50), 0.8*sqrt(50),10),2,2)) (using library(mvtnorm)) Now I also want to generate two correlated variables where the error variance vary over the variable-correlation. And I want to plot this for showing heteroscedasticity. Like shown
2010 May 13
access objects in my environment
Dear group, Here are my objects in my environment: > ls() [1] "Pos100415" "Pos100416" "posA" "pose15" "pose16" "pose16t" "position" "trade" "x" I need to pass the object "Pos100415" to a function. This element is a data.frame, obtained through a function: Pos(x)<-myfun(x)
2010 Sep 16
use same breaks and colors, but the displayed scale are different-image.plot()
Hi all, I want to put several figures in a one figure for easy comparison, so i need to use the same methods to plot these figures. The following is an example. I also list my method, but it does not work. #Example data x<- 1:10; y<- 1:10; z<- outer( x,y,"+");z2<- outer( x,y,"-") #Quick view them image.plot(x,y,z) #relatively larger value image.plot(x,y,z2)
2003 Apr 02
normalized frequency histogram
Hi folks I'm trying to plot a normalized frequency histogram of some data. After checking the docs, it seems there is no built in feature for this. from the definition for normalized frequency, I need to divide the relative frequency by the size of the intervals being used. So I could divide the series by this interval length, and then plot the relative frequency. The problem is
2010 Nov 19
Color Alaska in USA map
Hello: I have a problem when I tried to color the USA map with different colors. The following is my data (I only used the second column of data): alaska, 1, 2 Hawaii, 0, 0 USA, 5, 5 And here is my code: library("latticeExtra") library("mapproj") state<-read.table("C:\\usaclass.txt",sep=",") state
2007 Sep 27
New R website:
R Community, I've put together a website that I thought this mailing list might be interested in: It's a (free) community-driven content management system for R "recipes", or working examples. Some of the features of the site are code highlighting, recipe ratings, recipe comments, personal "recipe boxes" to save your favorite
2012 Oct 17
loop of quartile groups
Greetings R users, My goal is to generate quartile groups of each variable in my data set. I would like each experiment to have its designated group added as a subsequent column. I can accomplish this individually with the following code: brks <- with(data_variables, cut2(var2, g=4)) #I don't want the actual numbers, I need a numbered group data$test1=factor(brks,
2009 Mar 19
function question
Dear R Gurus: I read somewhere that functions are considered vectors. Is this true, please? thanks Edna Bell