similar to: determing font type in expression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "determing font type in expression"

2013 Jul 01
Male and female signs as subscript in plot
Hello, I'd like to add labels to my plot that include a male or female symbol as subscript. I'm working in Windows Vista and R 3.0.0. I am able to add the male symbol to the plot as regular text (NOT as subscript), e.g. with: mtext("Male\u2642") This displays the word "Male" followed by the male symbol on the plot. But "\u2642" does not work when I try to
2020 Mar 30
Plotmath on Fedora 31 broken with with pango >= 1.44 - workarounds?
Le lundi 30 mars 2020 ? 15:24 +1300, Paul Murrell a ?crit : > Hi > > I have created an R branch that contains a potential fix ... > > > > This allows, for example, ... > > cairo_pdf(symbolfamily="OpenSymbol") > > ... to specify that the OpenSymbol family should be used as the > "symbol" font
2007 Apr 28
Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?
Hey, Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular) symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough ("||"), but I haven't been able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired result,
2020 Mar 30
Plotmath on Fedora 31 broken with with pango >= 1.44 - workarounds?
Le mardi 31 mars 2020 ? 10:14 +1300, Paul Murrell a ?crit : > Hi > > On 30/03/20 11:12 pm, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: > > Le lundi 30 mars 2020 ? 15:24 +1300, Paul Murrell a ?crit : > > > Hi > > > > > > I have created an R branch that contains a potential fix ... > > > > > > > > >
2002 Mar 12
How to get special (Hershey) font symbols into plot axis labels?
Dear R experts- I'm running R 1.2.3 (2001-04-26) on Linux. I need to get special symbols, such as a circle with a dot in it as used to indicate Solar units in astronomy, into my plot axis labels. How can I do this? Using the R documentation on the Hershey font sets, one can plot a Solar symbol within the world coordinates of a plot like this: >plot(1:10,1:10)
2010 Dec 19
Hershey fonts and substitute()
Hello R users, I am new to R, so this may be a very stupid question. I need to subscript the dotted circle (Hershey escape sequence "\\SO") to a string. I tried using text(.5,.5,substitute( R[disk] == 5 R["\\SO"] ) ) but it turns out to be a syntax error. Do you have any suggestion? Thanks Gaetano
2006 May 16
Changing expression font
I'm trying to label axes using 'expression', but I would also like to change the font to Times New Roman (a requirement of the journal). I'd appreciate any advice. Here's one example of several things that I've tried, including changes to par() parameters 'family', 'font', 'font.axis', and 'font.lab', which are not shown below. x <- 1:10
2024 Mar 12
evince not showing "greek" and "math" in *.pdf plots
HI I?aki,? That's interesting.? I may be wrong but I think it's the Symbol font that's got the substitution bug, not Helvetica.? ? fc-match "Symbol" StandardSymbolsPS.t1: "Standard Symbols PS" "Regular" Is what I get, but then in the Evince properties it's telling me that it's substituting Symbol with "Noto Sans Regular", despite the
2011 Jul 29
Changing font type within y axis labels
I wish place the following axis label in such a manner that some of the text is plain and the scientific name is in italics (i.e. a mixture of two font types) Using plot: mtext("Total Landings of Pecten maximus (tonnes)",font,=3, side=2, line=3) makes everything italic, but how do I apply the font change to only "Pecten maximus"? Rgds Phil
2012 Apr 27
expression() and font.lab ?
Hi.. I managed to use expression() for superscripting and subscripting values in my axis labels. However, I notice that the font and style that I had passed through par() are ignored. I used : par(font.lab=2, font=2, family="sans") but when I employ expression() for my xlab, the styling given above is completely ignored. I would greatly appreciate it if someone knew of a method of
2004 Mar 17
R-1.8.1-4: Font family, ticks and mathematical expression??
Hi all, Could anyone help answer the following questions, please? (I'm using R-1.8.1-4 on Fedora Core 1 and very new to R) (i) Is it possible to specify a font family (e.g. courier or helvetica) when graphing? (ii) How can I make ticks point inwards on all four sides of a plot? Is it possible to have minor and major ticks? (iii) How would I specify a symbol "\sim" (i.e.
2007 Nov 15
font formating
I am tryindo to do a very simple thing but cannont find how to do it anywhere. I need to formap part of my title as subscript ans superscript. How can I do it? Thanks a lot in advance José -- MSc José Alberto F. Monteiro Botanisches Institut Universität Basel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 03
embed latex beamer sans serif default font into R plot
Hello, I have seen instructions on how to embed Latex Computer Modern fonts into R, but these are the default serif fonts. I am trying to embed the default font used for Latex beamer (theme Warsaw), which is a sans serif font and may be the default LateX Computer Modern sans serif font. Does anyone know the names of the font files? Thanks Heemun
2010 Aug 24
percentage sign in expression
Readers, According to the documentation for the function 'plotmath' there is no apparent possibility to add the percent sign (%) to a plot function, e.g. plot(a[,1]~b[,2],ylab=expression(x~%),xlab=expression(z)) How to achieve this please? yours, rhelp at r251 mandriva2009
2009 Nov 23
Different fonts on the same axis
Hi, I need to have both italics and standard font on the y axis. This is my script: plot(x,y,pch=16,xlab="metric",ylab="species CPUE") I want species in italics and CPUE in standard text. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list
2006 Oct 24
Plotmath expression
Hello, I've been trying to plot a subscript in a text formula using plotmath but I haven't been able to do so. In my example below I would like the text label to show X[min] = 10.1 +/- 5.5 Here is the code: ll <- c(x=10.1, sde=5.5) plot(1:10) text(x=9, y=2, pos=2, expression(paste(X[min], "=", paste(ll, collapse="+/-")))) This works fine up to the inner paste
2013 Dec 02
plus/minus +/- in factor; not plotmath not expression
I want to put the "plus or minus" symbol into a character variable, so that this can be turned into a factor and be displayed in the "strip" of a faceted ggplot2 plot. A very nice solution, thanks to Professor Ripley's post of Nov 16, 2008; 3:13pm, visible at and subsequently
2006 Mar 05
plotting partial deriviatives
Dear R Helpers: I am trying to annotate a plot. The following code snippet works, but it is kind of a kludge since it adds the partial derivative symbols after creating the plotmath frac(). Is there a more elegant way to write a partial derivative? plot(NA, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,1.6), xlab="", ylab="", tck=-0.015) text(1.6, 1, expression(paste("slope =
2010 May 31
Wiindows San Serif Font Error
Hello, I've installed "Wine-Doors" along with "Winetricks", I installed the "core-fonts" as well and I'm getting an error about the program "Livezilla" needing the "Microsoft San Serif Default Font" not being available. I've searched high and low and I haven't been able to figure out how I can install this font in wine. I even
2011 Jul 03
using Arial font
To whom it may concern, I am e-mailing you concerning the use of Arial Font in the program R and I am using a mac. I am trying to create graphs in R and the publisher I wish to publish an article with needs the font to be Arial. I have tried looking around to find out how to do this with no luck and must help on the topic is geared towards Linux users - the only help available is from the PLoS