similar to: Test for multiple comparisons: Nonlinear model, autocorrelation?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Test for multiple comparisons: Nonlinear model, autocorrelation?"

2008 May 30
Alternative options: nonlinear model &autocorrelation?
Dear R community, Using nlme library I have developed a nonlinear mixed model. Incorporating an autoregressive model gives me an error that I can't allocate vector of size X. The problem is that my computer does not have enough physical memory most probably due to a large number of observations (17,000). I was wondering what alternative options I might use: 1) To use ARIMA and
2008 May 16
autocorrelation error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb
Dear R community, I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000 observations for six years. I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error message after applying the function: update(lm11, corr=corAR1()) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb Do
2008 May 16
autocorrelation in nlme; Error: cannot allocate vector of size
Dear R community, I used a linear mixed model (named lm11) to model daily soil temperature depending upon vegetation cover and air temperature. I have almost 17,000 observations for six years. I can not account for autocorrelation in my model, since I receive the error message after applying the function: update(lm11, corr=corAR1()) Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb Do
2005 Apr 25
multiple autocorrelation coefficients in spdep?
Hello, Has anyone modified the errorsarlm in the R package spdep to allow for more than a single spatial autocorrelation coefficient (i.e. 'lambda')? Or, if not, any initial suggestions on how to make that modification? I have looked at the source code for the function and realize that any attempt to do it on my own would require much dedication, so would like to
2008 May 17
autocorrelation in nlme: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb
Dear R community, Below you may find the details of my model (lm11). I receive the error message "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 220979 Kb" after applying the autocorrelation function update(lm11, corr=corAR1()). lm11<-lme(Soil.temp ~ Veg*M+Veg*year, data=a, random = list(Site=pdDiag(~Veg), Plot=pdDiag(~Veg))
2012 Apr 14
master thesis
Hi, For my master thesis I have 24 micro-plots on which I did measurements during 3 months. The measurements were: - Rainfall and runoff events throughout 3monts (runoff being dependant on the rainfall, a coefficient (%) has been made per rainfall event and per 3 months) - Soil texture (3 different textures were differentiated) - Slope (3 classes of slopes) - Stoniness (one time measurement)
2011 Oct 11
singular gradient error in nls
I am trying to fit a nonlinear regression to infiltration data in order to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity and matric pressure. The original equation can be found in Bagarello et al. 2004 SSSAJ (green-ampt equation for falling head including gravity). I am also VERY new to R and to nonlinear regressions. I have searched the posts, but am still unable to determine why my data come up
2007 Aug 28
subcripts on data frames (PR#9885)
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I'm doing something wrong. =20 =46rom the worms dataframe, which is at in a file called worms.txt at =20 <>=20 =20 the idea is to extract a subset of the rows, sorted in declining order of worm density, with only the maximum
2005 Sep 26
nls and na/Nan/Inf error
I am trying to it a particular nonlinear model common in Soil Science to moisture release data from soil. I have written the function as shown below according to the logist example in Ch8 of Pinheiro & Bates. I am getting the following error (R version 2.1.1) *Error in qr(attr(rhs, "gradient")) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)* Below is the function and data. /#
2008 Jun 26
a question regarding package building
Hi List, In Windows, if I do " R CMD build mypkg", then I'll get 'mypkg_1.0.tar.gz'. Any option in R CMD build lets me to change the version, i.e. gives me 'mypkg_2.0.tar.gz"? It seems "-version" option doesn't do anything for me. Is it OK if I just change the version number in the file name manually? Thanks, ...Tao
2007 Jul 05
data messed up by read.table ? (PR#9779)
Full_Name: Joerg Rauh Version: 2.5.0 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Following Michael J. Crawley "Statistical Computing" on page 9 the worms.txt is required. After downloading it from the book's supporting website, which is I visually check the data against the book and they look identical. Then I do
2007 Oct 01
Clustering literature was Re: nonlinear regression
Hi It is preferable to echo your posts to r-help, you usually get more answers and some definitelly superb to mine. It is also better to start a new mail if your question has nothing to do with original subject "Maura E Monville" <maura.monville at> napsal dne 01.10.2007 17:44:43: > Unluckily I do not have the privilege of practising with R all day > long. I
2005 Apr 30
Test for autocorrelation in nlme model
Dear all, I am fitting a nonlinear mixed-effects model from a balanced panel of data using nlme. I would like to know whay would be the best options for formally testing for autocorrelation. Is it possible to carry out a Durbin-Watson test on a nlme object? As far as I've seen, I think the durbin.watson function from the car package just works on lm objects. Thank you very much, Antonio
2005 Apr 26
Error in nonlinear mixed-effects model
Dear all, I am trying to fit a mixed-effects non linear regression, but I have some trouble with it. My data are a balanced panel of 904 subjects with 8 observations (at regular periods) per subject. The functional form of my model is Y=Aexp(-BX1)X2 +e. I want to allow parameters A and B to vary among subjects and also include an autocorrelation term. I have already fitted a standard nonlinear
2008 Jun 24
Error Handling
Hi All, The for-loop below stopped when error("Cannot get confidence intervals on var-cov components: Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance") occurred. I assigned a row of NA values to the data frame "m1" manually and reset "j" in the for-loop every time error returned. I’m wondering if there is a function that can detect error or failure, so the
2009 Dec 17
nonlinear (especially logistic) regression accounting for spatially correlated errors
Hello, Sorry to be a bit longwinded, but I've struggled quite a bit with the following over the last few days. I've read all entries related to spatial autocorrelation in R help and haven't found what I'm after. If it's okay, I'm going to first describe my general understanding of the process by which a mixed model can account for correlated errors. If possible, please
2004 Jun 11
Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
I'm using Samba 3.0.3 on Fedora Core 2 with OpenLDAP 2.1.29 for a backend. I'm getting to typical "The user name could not be found." error upon trying to join a Windows box. I've gone through every digest on and other sites and nothing has worked yet. Any suggestions: Here's what I've done so far: 1. Installed everything via RPMS: [root@smbtest
2006 Mar 02
extracting RGB values from a colorspace class object
Greetings, After pouring over the documentation for the 'colorspace' package, I have not been able to figure out how the plot() method converts colorspace coordinates to RGB values for display on the screen. I am convert between colorspaces with the various as() methods... but cannot seem to find a way to extract RGB (i.e. for displaying on a computer screen) triplets from color space
2004 Sep 23
Re: Samba 3.0.3 on FC2: windows machine cannot join domain
After, oh, six months of attempts here and there to read everyone's experiences with Samba/LDAP and inability for a windows 2000/XP machine to join the domain, I finally discovered what was not working properly. In my smb.conf I put: add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u" As instructed by many How-to's and Idealx. However, I thought to myself, %m
2011 Oct 04
Adonis and nmds help and questions for a novice.
Hi, forgive me if someone has already posted about this but I have had a look and cannot find the answer, also I am very new to R and been getting the grips with this. I have been trying to use Adonis to find out if there are significant difference between groups on data that I have analyses with NMDS, and have been struggling with getting this to work and understanding what is going on. I am