similar to: using eval-parse-paste in a loop

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "using eval-parse-paste in a loop"

2011 Feb 25
Small enhancement for CMD check
It would be nice if the 00check.log file also included this part of the output: Running ?bladder.R? Comparing ?bladder.Rout? to ? ... OK Running ?book1.R? Comparing ?book1.Rout? to ? ... OK Running ?book2.R? Comparing ?book2.Rout? to ? ... OK etc. The survival package has enough test scripts that it exceeds my terminal's scroll
2006 Jan 14
(no subject)
I am having difficulty installing the package "lattice". First I tried downloading it from the CRAN site (in the normal way) : the message said it worked but when I typed library I got an error message ("there is no package"). Second I tried installing it from the local zip. I have reproduced the result below. utils:::menuInstallLocal() package 'lattice'
2006 Apr 09
Write/Display AR query as Grouped Results?
I''ve got a publications table that contains an author_id foreign key and a pubrole_id foreign key. What I want to do is query the DB using AR so that I can get a list of all publications that belong_to a particular author, and group the results by the pubrole.role_name (Author, Joint Author, Editor, etc.) so that the results look something like: Author book1 info book2 info etc.
2006 Jun 27
Not Active Record Model Validation
I have a problem with ruby on rails validation total_book_toy.rhtml ================ <%= text_field ''book1'', ''title1'' %> <%= text_field ''book2'', ''title2'' %> I want to validate these text_field so user can''t insert same title. However, I was stuck how to do it. Or maybe you have another way how to do it.
2005 Sep 28
Errors in odbcConnectExcel()
Dear R-help I would like to read Excel Spreadsheets using odbcConnectExcel() in RODBC, but data in the first row can not be read. For example, I tried to read Excel file 'Book1.xls' in the current Work Directory with the following data (Range("A1:B5") in Excel), 1 19 2 27 3 61 4 76 5 98 My commands and the result are as follows. > library(RODBC) > Book1 <-
2003 Oct 20
Office2K & file overwriting problems
Using Office2K (Word & Excel) on NTWS 4.0 and samba 3.0.0 on Debian Linux, kernel 2.4.21. 1. Run Excel and create a sheet. Save it to the Samba server. No problem. 2. Close the sheet and open a new one (File->New). 3. Try to save the new sheet over the first one and Excel gives the error: "Cannot save the file. 'H:\test\Book1.xls' is not a valid file name." 4. Click
2012 Aug 17
Appending many different and separate Excel files using R
Dear all, Good day! I have a problem in reading Excel files in R and appending them to each other. Suppose we have several Excel files in a directory with headers and want to use R to append them in a single file with an additional variable in the final file indicating from which files the data come from. As I have many Excel files and their sizes are very big I should write a loop in R to do
2005 Dec 08
complex table
I have a data table with 712 cases (rows) describing young people’s activities for 72 months each case has been classified into one of 5 clusters. The first 72 columns are monthly activities coded 1 to 6 (e.g. school =1) and the 73rd column is the cluster number of the case. I wish to summarise the distribution of monthly activities by cluster e.g for cluster 1: 6 months school; 24 further
2012 Aug 01
Why the result is coming as NULL?
Why the result is coming as NULL. Can anyone help. I want to find the outliers for a reference setwd("D:/AZ") library("RODBC") cdb_cnct <- odbcConnectExcel("Book1.xls") cdb_frame <- sqlFetch(cdb_cnct, "Sheet1") odbcClose(cdb_cnct) rm(cdb_cnct) x<- cdb_frame$Publication >=1990 & cdb_frame$Publication <=2012 invalid <- cdb_frame[!x,
2005 Mar 01
almost lower triangular matrices
I have output from a program which produces a distance matrix I want to read into a clustering program in R. The output is a .txt file and is 'almost' lower triangular in the sense that it is just the triangle below the diagonal. So for example a 4-by-4 distance matrix appears as, 1 2 3 4 5 6 i.e. it looks like a lower triangular of a 3-by3. I thought I might be able
2009 Jun 02
How to convert blanks to NA
Hi R-helpers, I have imported data from Excel using the following code: library(xlsReadWrite) data <- read.xls(data,colClasses=c("character")) and this results in all of the empty (blank) cells in the imported Excel file also being empty (blank) in the resulting dataframe. I am not used to having blanks (rather NAs) and I think these are caused by the colClasses argument. I would
2008 Mar 25
reading Excel file
Hi R, I have an excel file in which the third column is "date" and others are "character" and "numeric". Number of columns are 12 If I use this to read the file in R: x = read.xls("D:\\file.xls") The problem is that my date column is read in julian dates. So I am using: x = read.xls("D:\\file.xls",
2011 Jun 03
Problem using read.xls - Everything converted to factors
Hallo, I would like to use to read.xls function from the gdata package to read data from Microsoft Excel files but I experienced a problem: For example I used the following code: testfile<-read.xls("/home/.../wsjecon0603.xls", #file path header=F, dec=",", na.strings="n.a.", skip=5, sheet=2,
2012 Jan 21
error in data.frame(...., check.names = FALSE)
Hi all, Error is coming as "error in data.frame(...., check.names = FALSE): arguments has differents counts of rows: 0, 18" for the following code. Can you please help? Thank you Devarayalu library(ggplot2) setwd("D:\\General Check list") library(RODBC) conn <- odbcConnectExcel ("Book1.xls") Orange1 <- sqlFetch (conn, "Sheet2") odbcClose(conn)
2012 Mar 31
Not getting correct graphs
Hi all, Can anybody debug the following programme, as I am getting some Junk graphs in the pdf. Please find the attached raw data file. Thank you Regards Rayalu library(ggplot2) setwd("D:\\General Check list") library(RODBC) conn <- odbcConnectExcel ("Book1.xls") Orange1 <- sqlFetch (conn, "Sheet3") odbcClose(conn) rm(conn) #CDAI Change
2007 Jun 09
problem with xlsreadwrite package
Hi friends, I have installed R 2.4.0 in my pc. I have a file xls entitled dali following this directory:c://programfiles//R 2.4.0. Recently I have installed xlsreadwrite 1.3.2. but , when I wrote the following lines: >library(xlsReadWrite) >read.xls( file, colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame", from = 1, colClasses = NA ) I obtained from R console the following messages:
2012 Dec 04
leer .xlsm con read.xls
Buenas tardes usuarios de R. Estoy tratando de leer un archivo excel con read.xls usando la siguiente sentencia: read.xls("resultados.xlsm", colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame", from = 1, rowNames = NA, colClasses = "character", checkNames = TRUE, dateTime = "numeric", naStrings = NA, stringsAsFactors = F) Pero me da el siguiente error: Error
2012 Dec 04
error reading xlsm file with read.xls
Dear all, I cannot reading a .xlsm file using read.xls. I executed: read.xls("resultados.xlsm", colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame", from = 1, rowNames = NA, colClasses = "character", checkNames = TRUE, dateTime = "numeric", naStrings = NA, stringsAsFactors = F) Error: Call("ReadXls", file, colNames, sheet, type, from, rowNames, :
2007 Jan 14
merging two lists but get indexes
Suppose I have two columns of entries, how can I get the union of the two columns? Please note: I input my columns through excel. These entries have text format in excel. Also, out of curiosity, how can I find out the data type of a data frame ? > a <- read.csv("book1.csv") > a n1 n2 1 apple soda 2 orange apple 3 soda green 4 red yellow 5 white blue 6
2010 Oct 13
RODBC: forcing a special column to be read in as character
Dear R-users, I am working with R version 2.10.1 and package RODBC Version: 1.3-2 under windows. Say I have a table "testtable" (in an Access data base), which has many different columns, among them a character column "X" with "integer-like" data as "0012345". Using sqlFetch, I'd like to assure that column X is read in as a character variable. So what