similar to: AIC and anova, lme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "AIC and anova, lme"

2009 Mar 27
nls, convergence and starting values
"in non linear modelling finding appropriate starting values is something like an art"... (maybe from somewhere in Crawley , 2007) Here a colleague and I just want to compare different response models to a null model. This has worked OK for almost all the other data sets except that one (dumped below). Whatever our trials and algorithms, even subsetting data (to check if some singular
2005 Oct 29
LaTex error when creating DVI version when compiling package
Dear Listers, I got this message when compiling a package: * creating pgirmess-manual.tex ... OK * checking pgirmess-manual.text ... ERROR LaTex errors when creating DVI version. This typically indicates Rd problems. The message is quite explicit but I struggled a lot before understanding that the trouble comes from a single file "selMod.rd" among 44 topics. Even though I have
2018 Apr 19
calculates the standard error with the delta method
I need your help because I am having difficulties to finalize an econometric model.By the way, I want to calculate the standard error with delta method in a 2sls model with interactions under R.I want to determine the total effect of the institutions (Institutions + D_MinMond * Institutions) on logYLby summing the estimated parameters of (Institutions) and (D_MinMond * Institutions);D_MinMond is a
2013 Aug 30
[PATCH] btrfs: commit transaction after deleting a subvolume
Alex pointed out the consequences after a transaction is not committed when a subvolume is deleted, so in case of a crash before an actual commit happens will let the subvolume reappear. Original post: Josef''s objections: While there''s no need to do a full commit for
2013 Feb 19
I tried to use calcMin with a function that uses a number of ... arguments (all args from resid on) besides the vector of parameters being fit. Same idea as optim, nlm, nlminb for which this form of ... syntax works. But with calcMin I get an error regarding unused arguments. No partial matches to previous arguments that I can see. Anybody know the reason or fix for this?
2008 May 05
troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy
Dear listers, I was used to package pgirmess under Windows with everything OK, but, for the first time, I had a trial this afternoon on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy (I have a double boot computer and work more and more under unix) and R 2.7.0. Everything went OK except this: sudo R CMD check pgirmess ..... * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'pgirmess-Ex.R' failed. The error most
2014 Jun 01
s4 built in sip client and 481 call/transation does not exist error
Hello i'm experimenting a bit with asterisk to see if i can get it to work they way i want it to. i'm no asterisk expert and i've run into a bit of a problem that i can't figure out what is wrong. what i'm trying to do is to use my mobile phones built in sip client (a samsung s4 phone) to connect to asterisk. this is directly over wifi to the asterisk box so there is no
2011 Aug 02
Writing multiple regression in one function
Hello all, I am newbie to R and have not been able to find too much stuff on a version of VAR(p) I am working on. Would someone be able to tell me if there is a more elegant way of writing A function for the following? Many thanks in advance. Darius I am regressing returns of 8 asset classes on lagged values of 4 state variables and so I have 8 equations like the following: cash_lag1= dynlm
2007 Mar 04
Globalize, how to remove a translation
Hi, The title tells it all. How do I remove a transation when using the Globalize plugin. Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send
2013 Nov 27
[Announce] CTDB 2.5.1 available for download
Hi, Since CTDB tree has been merged in Samba tree, any new CTDB development would be done in Samba tree. Till combined Samba+CTDB is released, CTDB fixes would be released as minor releases starting with 2.5.1. Amitay. Changes in CTDB 2.5.1 ===================== Important bug fixes ------------------- * The locking code now correctly implements a per-database active locks limit. Whole
2010 Nov 24
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2008 Sep 11
Problemas con JRI
Hola, me llamo Ángel y estoy haciendo una aplicación en Java que usa funciones ya implementadas en R, siento molestarte para esta tontería, pero es que ya ni paso de la instalación del JRI. A ver si me puedes ayudar, te lo agradecería muchísimo!! A ver, yo leí en la página de JRI que hacen falta las mismas herramientas que para R, MINGc y el conjunto de herramientas de /bin (/bin toolset), vale,
2008 Mar 19
object_transactions plugin w/2.x disables AR session store
All, Win XP Rails 2.0.2 object_transactions plugin ( transaction-simple gem 1.4 (required by object_transactions plugin) AR SQL Server Adapter 1.0 SQL Server 2000 Using the object_transactions plugin with Rails 2.0.2 (and I assume based on what I''m seeing that this goes for Rails 2.x) disables the ability to save to an ActiveRecord based
2009 Jul 09
When will nouveau kernel tree be merged into master
Hi, I've been using nouveau driveau for 8 months or so, using automated build from drm git, xf86-video-nouveau git and even sometimes mesa drm git and discovered the linux-core build did not build the nouveau driver the hard way: X was refusing to start as the nouveau.ko modules was not loaded nor build. Build process did chnage without obvious way to know womething was wrong. Then I tried
2001 Oct 04
Hello, Last week I submitted a problem with msdfs on samba. I didn't receive any reaction. I've also tried the samba-cvs version but this has also problems. We really like to use msdfs from samba, because we want to put all our homedirectories ( more than 4000 ) in one dfsroot. This is not possible with Microsoft's dfs because this has a limit of 1000 .... I didn't found this
2010 Apr 26
Rails I18n
I was just wondering about locales and .yml files. Is it better to store the multilanguage strings in .yml files than in databases? And if yes, why? I was also wondering how rails are loading this files (for example, I have 4 languages in my web app, each has her own .yml file, will my rails app loads all the files in ram and then it will call each variable inside my web app? Or something else?)
2005 Feb 08
Ext3 Journal corruption on hitachi deskstars
I recently came across an enormous cluster of x86 clone machines running fedora core 1 (2.4.24) which have typically all intel or amd have VIA IDE chipsets. They frequently experience corrupted journals rendering the ext3 partition in read-only mode. More important than recovering the filesystem, I am interested in finding the root of the problem. The common hardware that all of these
2008 May 23
[PATCH 0 of 4] mm+paravirt+xen: add pte read-modify-write abstraction
Hi all, This little series adds a new transaction-like abstraction for doing RMW updates to a pte, hooks it into paravirt_ops, and then makes use of it in Xen. The basic problem is that mprotect is very slow under Xen (up to 50x slower than native), primarily because of the ptent = ptep_get_and_clear(mm, addr, pte); ptent = pte_modify(ptent, newprot); /* ... */ set_pte_at(mm, addr, pte,
2008 May 23
[PATCH 0 of 4] mm+paravirt+xen: add pte read-modify-write abstraction
Hi all, This little series adds a new transaction-like abstraction for doing RMW updates to a pte, hooks it into paravirt_ops, and then makes use of it in Xen. The basic problem is that mprotect is very slow under Xen (up to 50x slower than native), primarily because of the ptent = ptep_get_and_clear(mm, addr, pte); ptent = pte_modify(ptent, newprot); /* ... */ set_pte_at(mm, addr, pte,
2008 May 23
[PATCH 0 of 4] mm+paravirt+xen: add pte read-modify-write abstraction
Hi all, This little series adds a new transaction-like abstraction for doing RMW updates to a pte, hooks it into paravirt_ops, and then makes use of it in Xen. The basic problem is that mprotect is very slow under Xen (up to 50x slower than native), primarily because of the ptent = ptep_get_and_clear(mm, addr, pte); ptent = pte_modify(ptent, newprot); /* ... */ set_pte_at(mm, addr, pte,