similar to: color area between two time-series via polygon()?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "color area between two time-series via polygon()?"

2006 Jun 07
Fw: Help needed using lattice for area plots lpolygon, xyplot.
I am trying to learn how to use the graphics from the lattice package ( and am very new to R). I am trying to replicate the example plot referenced below, by using the lattice xyplot & lpolygon to create panels. I get what appears to be the correct shape of the filled region, but cannot get the position to overlay properly. I have attempted with various settings of position. ( i.e.
2004 Apr 20
Dear all In order to clearly mark values wich are larger than a treshold value, I would like to color the surface below the line given by plot (yy~xx). To color is only the surface between abline (treshold) and yy if they are larger than the specific limit. I guess I can use the function polygon, but I can not find any valuable solution. I'm grateful to you for an advice or an example.
2008 Aug 15
continuous coloring of a polygon
R2.7.1, WinXP Hi, I have a polygon inside a circle as follows: radius <- 3 x <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y <- sqrt(radius^2-x^2) xx <- c(x,-x) yy <- c(y,-y) plot(xx,yy, xlim=c(-radius,radius),ylim=c(-radius,radius), type="l", ylab="", xlab="", axes=F) radius <- 2.7 x1 <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y1 <- sqrt(radius^2-x1^2)
2006 Jun 07
Help needed using lattice for area plots lpolygon, xyplot.
I am trying to learn how to use the graphics from the lattice package ( and am very new to R). I am trying to replicate the example plot referenced below, by using the lattice xyplot & lpolygon to create panels. I get what appears to be the correct shape of the filled region, but cannot get the position to overlay properly. I have attempted with various settings of position. ( i.e.
2011 Jun 16
Polygon question
Hi all, I have the following script which fills the values which are less than the mean of a given timeseries. If you look closely, the colored regions are "out of line". Any suggestions how I can rectify this? Thanks Muhammad # ----- #rm(list=ls()) x <- abs(rnorm(100)) tt <- 1:100 m <- mean(x) w <- which(x>=m) x1 <- x ; x2 <- x ; x3 <- x x1[w] <- m
2009 Jun 25
grid.polygon() + color gradient
Hi, I wonder whether there is a way to generate a polygon (a triangle in my case) with color gradient using grid.polygon() in package grid? I tried something like library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0, 0.5, 1), y=c(0.5, 1, 0.5), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=colorRampPalette(c("green", "lightgray"), space="Lab")(200))) But am only
2009 Mar 13
malformed plot symbols in lattice pdf
Hi, I'm using panel.polygon inside a custom panel function to generate filled polygons for an xyplot. Everything is as expected until I specify a value < 1 for alpha to fill with a semi-transparent color and output to pdf. The plot symbols appear malformed. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks, Mark Here is an example (pdfs are attached): library(lattice) ## example data
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list, I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like to know where I should have filled it. And to the subject matter: I would like to use a command like this: plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n") polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list, I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like to know where I should have filled it. And to the subject matter: I would like to use a command like this: plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n") polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),
2007 Oct 30
Polygon shading line colors
Hi there, I'm having trouble working out how to change the colors of polygon shading lines. If I plot a polygon with polygon(poly,density=30,borders=gray(0.5)) I get gray borders but black shading lines; I have tried adding col=gray(0.5), bg=gray(0.5) and fg=gray(0.5), but no luck. How can I change the colors of the shading? The help file doesn't seem to detail this, so any
2010 Oct 19
superpose.polygon, panel.polygon and their colors
Dear R-helpers, the problem I'm facing today is to convince lattice to paint some areas in gray. The areas I would like to have in gray, are confidence bands I've googled around in the mailing list archives and eventually find some clues. This link is my starting point I'm reproducing here the code for your convenience est
2013 Sep 19
How do I ensure that the polygon in spatstat::owin(poly=<polygon>) does not have “negative area”
I am a new user of the R spatstat package and am having problems creating a polygonal observation window with owin(). Code follows: library("maps") library ("sp")` library("spatstat") <- map("state", "massachusetts:main", fill=T) # This returns a data frame includding x and y components that form a polygon of massachusetts mainland`
2005 Apr 28
shading in line plots
Hello, I cannot figure out how to shade between two lines in a plot. For example, if I am trying to plot a confidence envelope and I would like to shade the interior of the envelope grey. Is this possible in R? Thanks in advance. Heather Lynch
2007 Sep 26
Area of overlap between polygon and circle
R-listers, Given a polygon and a circle defined by its center coordinates and a radius, I would like to calculate the area of overlap. I know that I can create a polygon from the circle and then use available packages to get the area of the intersection. However, because the polygon is of a fixed size and I will be doing this for circles of varying sizes, I'm concerned about
2012 Feb 06
ggplot2 geom_polygon fill
Hi everyone, i've been trying to make a special plot with ggplot2, but I can't get it to fill the polygon I'd like to see filled so very very much. I want to display the difference or change in the distribution of the modified Rankin Scale between two groups. mRS is a scale for disability or daily activities competence. It looks like this.
2004 Dec 10
Adding a polygon to a time series plot
Preamble: Sorry for being dense. Now that that's done, here are my questions. I want to put a polygon on a plot of a time series. I'm going to add lines from a smooth.spline interpolation and other annotation to it. But here's the general idea: # Start code n <- 121 dat <- rnorm(n) plot(dat, type="n") polygon(c(1:n,n:1), c(dat,c(rep(0,n))), col =
2010 Aug 15
Adding colored background area to a time series plot
Hi, I am trying to add a rectangular colored background area to a plot of a time series of relative price changes. I believe that what I'm trying to do is very similar to the question and example given here: at My problem/difference is that my time series looks like so: >
2006 Oct 23
calculate area of outer polygon
Dear all, Does anyone know of a function that calculates the area of the outer polygon constructed from a data frame with co-ordinates? For example, library(splancs) test = rbind(c(0,0), c(10,0),c(10,10),c(0,20)) plot(test) areapl(test) [1] 150 This is OK, but I want the same area to be returned (150) when adding yet another co-ordinate in the middle of the polygon: test = rbind(c(0,0),
2010 Jun 14
I would like to propose adding a new plot function to the 'graphics' package. The new function is called areaplot() and I have implemented it as a generic function that supports a variety of data classes. An area plot consists of a simple line, like plot(x, y, type="l"), except the area between 0 and the line is a filled polygon. Areas can be stacked on top of each other,
2004 Dec 19
Can I calculate the area of a polygon?
Hello, I'm verry new in R. My Problem: I have a PostgreSQL-Server with installed support for the R-Language. And now I have a table with a Polygon like this: test_db=# select * from geo where id=1; id | koerper ----+--------------------------------- 1 | ((0,0),(0,2),(2,2),(3,3),(5,0)) (1 row) Now, I need to know the area of this object. Please, can you tell me, if it