similar to: clipping viewports

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "clipping viewports"

2010 Oct 20
need for speed on grid.rect
When I use grid.rect to print a multi-coloured grid, it is incredibly slow compared to a single colour grid, or even a two colour grid. I've set out some simplified examples below. This is something I run literally thousands of times a day, so I would greatly appreciate any hints on how I might improve the speed??? library(grid) pushViewport(viewport( width = unit(100,
2007 Aug 07
backslash c
How do I get output with "\color{blue}", i.e. with only one backslash??? > "\color{blue}" [1] "color{blue}" Warning messages: 1: '\c' is an unrecognized escape in a character string 2: unrecognized escape removed from "\color{blue}" > "\\color{blue}" [1] "\\color{blue}" > Any help greatly appreciated. Best regards,
2007 Dec 30
Date formats
Is the following expected behaviour for a date used in an ifelse function? > date <- Sys.Date() > date [1] "2007-12-30" > ifelse(TRUE, date-1, date) [1] 13876 > ifelse(FALSE, date-1, date) [1] 13877 > ifelse(TRUE, as.character(date-1), date) [1] "2007-12-29" > if (TRUE) {date} [1] "2007-12-30" It would seem more natural to me if a date produced
2012 Oct 19
grid(Base): How to avoid "Figure region too small and/or viewport too large" by specifying 'relative' units?
Dear grid-expeRts, The goal: I would like to construct a plot (matrix) with grid and gridBase, which consists of four "sub-plots". The sub-plots should have a square plotting region as one would force with par(pty="s") in base graphics. The problem: I don't get a square plotting region, not even by specifying pty="s" in par(). Indeed, if you display the grid
2012 Jun 20
exact relative positioning of lattice plots
Hello, I have two lattice plots for which panel.height is fixed. I am trying to position them in a column so that there is exactly half an inch of vertical space between them. This would be a simple task if I were not fixing panel.height. But given that I am, I can't find a way to put exactly half an inch of space between the plots. Is there a way? I've checked the Sarkar and
2007 Feb 12
Width of a plotting point (in inches) in grid package
Hello, I'm trying to determine the width of a plotting point (in inches) in the grid package. I naively thought I could create a pointsGrob with only one point and get the width (as tried below), but this results in an object with a size of 0inches (changing cex has no effect). Does anyone have a better approach? Of course, it would be dependent upon the graphics parameters and viewport...
2005 Mar 09
Lattice device page options-margins
I am using lattice to make figures as pdfs: trellis.device(device = "pdf",file = "Figure6.pdf",color = FALSE) I need to specify some blank space on the left-hand margins (the pages will be bound so we need about 0.5 inch)). I have tried a number of solutions but none seems to work (e.g. par.set). Can this be done when initiating the plotting device? Or is the some other way
2009 Mar 21
Forestplot () box size question
Hi All, I have been able to modify the x-axis to start at zero by adding xlow and xhigh parameters; that was pretty simple. I have been unable to find the location of the code that would turn off the information weighting of the box size (I have smaller randomized trials getting less weight than a much larger non-randomized trial). The function is forestplot() from rmeta. Thanks for any
2005 Mar 04
image size
Dear useRs, I'm working in R 2.0.1 for Windows and producing PDF files with Sweave. I seem to be hitting an image size ceiling of around 6.8 x 6.8 inches. I would like to produce taller images to make better use of my A4 page and have tried: <<TestMap, fig = TRUE, width = 6.5, height = 8 >>= par.old(fin = c(6.5, 8)) image(x, etc.) I get the message: Error in Figure
2009 May 21
size of point symbols
Dear list, This might be a topic for r-devel but i may be missing something obvious. I don't understand the rationale in the absolute sizes of the point symbols, and I couldn't find it documented. The example below uses Grid to check the size of the symbols against a square of 10mm x 10mm. > checkOneSymbol <- function(pch=0){ > gTree(children=gList( >
2009 May 21
size of point symbols
Dear list, This might be a topic for r-devel but i may be missing something obvious. I don't understand the rationale in the absolute sizes of the point symbols, and I couldn't find it documented. The example below uses Grid to check the size of the symbols against a square of 10mm x 10mm. > checkOneSymbol <- function(pch=0){ > gTree(children=gList( >
2008 Aug 17
Making use of names of viewports (grid)
The following code, though not brilliant, works on an A4 page. It might look odd on other devices of a very different size. =============X8------- cut here ---------------------------- require(grid) wide <- 15 vps <- grid.layout(nrow = 3, ncol = 4, widths = unit(rep(1, 4), rep("null", 4)), heights = unit(c(99, 1, 99),
2008 Dec 01
align two lattice plots with grid
Dear list, I need to align two plots on top of each other for comparison (they only have the x-axis in common). When the y-labels have a different extent, I cannot find a way to align the x-axes, as illustrated below, > library(grid) > library(lattice) > x <- seq(0, 10, length=100) > y <- sin(x) > y2 <- 10*sin(x) > f <- rep(c("1", "2"),
2010 Sep 18
Saving long character variable to database saves timestamp instead
When saving a data frame with long character variable, approximately longer than 30000 characters, to a text field in PostgreSQL, using RODBC on Windows XP, I get a timestamp saved to the database instead. Is there any way to extend the number of characters that a text variable can receive? Here are the details of my case (simplified): I'm using PostgreSQL to create a table CREATE TABLE
2007 Mar 25
controlling panel.width and panel.height in viewports
Dear all, I'm trying to get a series of lattice levelplots to appear in viewports in a particular way but struggling to exert fine control over their appearence. There are two conditions: (a) I only want the levelplot to appear (I don't want axes, colour key, etc) in the viewport and (b) I want the levelplot to expand to the maximum allowable space in the viewport while observing
2013 Sep 16
Patch: fix segfault from empty raster
Hi, A colleague recently came across an R crash, which I can boil down to the following, running under Rgui on Windows 7: library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame(x=1, y=1, z=4.7), aes(x, y, z=z)) + stat_summary2d() This reliably causes a segmentation fault. sessionInfo() below. What's happening is that (for reasons which I'll discuss with the ggplot2 developers) the 'colorbar'
2008 Mar 28
cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11045)
Good afternoon, This is possibly a windows only bug, definitely of comparatively low importance - but for the sake of completeness here we go. I've searched etc., but can find no mention. For RGui.exe, the CPU usage goes to 100% for certain dialog boxes for the duration that the dialog box is visible, e.g. * check CPU usage is low * On the RGui.exe menu chose
2011 Oct 01
error using ddply to generate means
Dear list, I encounter an error when I try to use ddply to generate means as follows: fun3<-structure(list(sector = structure(list(gics_sector_name = c("Financials", "Financials", "Materials", "Materials")), .Names = "gics_sector_name", row.names = structure(c("UBSN VX Equity", "LLOY LN Equity", "AI FP Equity",
2009 May 14
Problem with viewports, print.trellis and more/newpage
Dear R-users, I have got the following problem. I need to create 4x2 arrays of xyplot's on several pages. The plots are created within a loop and plotted using the print function. It seems that I cannot find the proper grid syntax with my viewports, and the more/newpage arguments. The following script is a simplification but hopefully will suffice to illustrate my problem. Any suggestion
2010 Nov 20
Grid newbie: aligning & scaling viewports
Oh Knowledgeable Ones: I'm working on a project using grid graphics (for the first time). A toy example is given below, run it simply with >foobar() I am wondering why the pink dot and concentric circles are not centered on the 3-color axis system. Further, I feel like the concentric circles don't have the intended radius - if my math is right, the outmost circle should touch the