similar to: resetting par() to all defaults: par(reset=TRUE) ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "resetting par() to all defaults: par(reset=TRUE) ?"

2009 Oct 30
.Rprofile replacement function setwd() causing errors
In my .Rprofile I have the following functions which display the current directory in the main R window title bar, and modify base::setwd() to keep this up to date. I like this because I can always tell where I am in the file system. cd <- function(dir) { base::setwd(dir) utils::setWindowTitle( short.path(base::getwd()) ) } short.path <- function(dir, len=2) { np
2008 Nov 27
par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) not working
Hi, First, I do some calculation, then a plot. Add some lines and texts to the plot. Second, do some further calculation, then a plot. Add again some lines and texts to the plot. Third, do some further calculation, then.... Fourth, ..... After a plot is complete (means the plot itself, lines and texts) I would like to click 'enter' to see the next complete plot (again the plot itself,
2009 Jan 21
Panning map to a point vs. setCenter
Several map providers have functions to pan to a location, as opposed to the direct setCenter call. Panning animates the move from one point to another. To implement this in mapstraction, I created a panCenter function. I don''t know how to go about committing the change to svn, or who decides whether my naming convention is worthy, but I thought I''d share the function
2011 Aug 24
silently testing for data from another package for .Rd examples
In an .Rd example for a package, I want to use data from another package, but avoid loading the entire package and avoid errors/warnings if that other package is not available. If I don't care about loading the other package, I can just do: if (require("ElemStatLearn", quietly=TRUE)) { data(prostate) # rest of example } I'd rather just be able to do something like:
2012 Aug 06
bibtex::read.bib -- extracting bibentry keys
I have two versions of a bibtex database which have gotten badly out of sync. I need to find find all the entries in bib2 which are not contained in bib1, according to their bibtex keys. But I can't figure out how to extract a list of the bibentry keys in these databases. A minor question: Is there someway to prevent read.bib from ignoring entries that do not contain all required fields?
2010 Feb 01
hiding/protecting utility functions in .Rprofile
[Env: WinXp, R 2.9.2] In my .Rprofile, I define a number of utility functions I'd like to have available in my R session, but don't want them to be *normally* listed by ls(), or more importantly, saved if I save my session variables/functions. How can I do this? -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. York University Voice: 416
2015 Jul 28
Installing/updating packages on a lab network
I'm the faculty member in my department who advises our IT staff on the details of installing R for students and faculty on our Windows 7 lab network. We are about to upgrade from R 3.1.1 to R 3.2.1, and once that is done, this version of R and all installed packages will be frozen in the image that appears in C:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.1/ on every lab computer, and this image is refreshed
2005 Jan 17
debian /etc/apt/sources.list for CRAN?
When I set up my debian linux (unstable) system, the only R debian packages were on CRAN, so I followed directions and added the last line to my /etc/apt/sources.list euclid: # m /etc/apt/sources.list deb unstable main non-free contrib deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free deb unixteam-debs/
2010 May 27
Trying to upgrade from R 2.7.1
[Running debian stable] I followed the instructions at, adding deb lenny-cran/ to /etc/apt/sources.list. But apt-get still leaves me with R 2.7.1. How can I diagnose what's wrong or correct this? euclid: /etc/apt # apt-get update Hit stable Release.gpg Ign
2004 Oct 20
par() defaults in Rprofile
Dear List, I've tried to set default par() in .Rprofile by putting the following in the .First function: setHook(packageEvent("graphics", "onLoad"), function(...) {graphics::par(cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=2, las=1)} ) My goal was to set par() defaults without opening a device everytime at startup. However, the next plot I create doesn't show these
2007 May 15
apt-get update: GPG error from
I recently was forced to do a dist-upgrade and rebuild my kernel, so a lot has changed on my system, and I don't know if that is related to the errors & warnings I get from apt-get update. Any ideas? thanks -Michael euclid:~# apt-get update Get: 1 stable Release.gpg [378B] Get: 2 stable/updates Release.gpg [189B] Get: 3
2020 Oct 01
Kerberos ticket lifetime
On 9/30/2020 7:23 PM, Jason Keltz wrote: > On 9/30/2020 4:11 PM, Remy Zandwijk via samba wrote: > >>> On 30 Sep 2020, at 21:42, Jason Keltz via samba >>> <samba at> wrote: >>> >>> >>> On 9/30/2020 3:01 PM, Remy Zandwijk via samba wrote: >>>>>>> On the client, add: >>>>>>>
2010 Jul 19
par("uin") ?
I inherited a function written either for an older version of R or SPlus to draw a brace, "{", in a graph. It uses par("uin") to determine the scaling of the quarter circles that make up segments of the brace, but that setting doesn't exist in current R. I'm guessing that, in the function below, ux, uy can be defined from par("usr") and
2006 Apr 24
trellis.par.get without opening a device?
I am using the Deepayan's Sweave trick to set graphics parameters for all graphs: ltheme = canonical.theme(color=TRUE) sup = trellis.par.get("superpose.line") ltheme$superpose.line$col = c('black',"red","blue","#e31111","green", "gray") .... Works perfectly, there is only a minor nuissance that trellis.par.get opens a device
2020 Oct 22
vanilla session in R Gui or RStudio
Have you looked into your .Rprofile file? Loading packages is not something R normally does without your telling it to do so, but many people forget that they have done so. On October 22, 2020 3:47:04 PM PDT, Michael L Friendly <friendly at> wrote: >[env: Windows, R 3.6.6] > >When I start R from the R Gui icon or from RStudio, I get a large >number of packages loaded
2002 Aug 20
Sum: Reset par(xaxp) in plot
Many thanks to Peter Dalgaard BSA and Uwe Uwe Ligges for their prompt responses. It turns out xaxp can not be set by par(xaxp = c(x1, x2, n)) as indicatedd in Help for 'par' document. Both pointed me to the right direction by setting axes = F or xaxt = "n" in plot() and using axis(1, seq=c(0,150,15)) to produce an axis with desired intervals. Richard My original question:
2018 Jun 29
Sharing Mailbox between users using IMAP
Zitat von Remko Lodder <remko at>: Hi Remko, > Emails can only be read if they are authenticated / authorized in > someway to access the store. That means you might need to share the > info@ credentials with the other > people so that they can read it over imap or webmail etc. That is self-evident and it is not a problem. I can't understand what you
2015 Jul 28
Installing/updating packages on a lab network
Just add the line R_LIBS_SITE=F:/R/library to the file R_HOME/etc/x64/ Best, Uwe Ligges On 28.07.2015 15:53, Michael Friendly wrote: > I'm the faculty member in my department who advises our IT staff on the > details of installing R for > students and faculty on our Windows 7 lab network. We are about to > upgrade from R 3.1.1 to > R 3.2.1, and once that is
2007 Dec 27
boot hangs on trying to start sendmail
I am building a new server. It will be a temporary firewall of sorts. I am well into the config, made a lot of changes; almost ready to set it up in the target networks, but now.... The system hangs trying to start sendmail. I was thinking hard about disabling sendmail, but thought I needed it for internal functions, so did not. yet. So is there someway to get the system working so I can
2006 Mar 23
comparative density estimates
I have two series of events over time and I want to construct a graph of the relative frequency/density of these events that allows their distributions to be sensibly compared. The events are the milestones items in my project on milestones in the history of data visualization [1], and I want to compare trends in Europe vs. North America. I decided to use a graph of two overlaid density