similar to: Plotmath issue superscript "-"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Plotmath issue superscript "-""

2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List, I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the labels on some plots. I have got to here but now I'm stuck: plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, " yr"^{-1}))) Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2010 Oct 22
superscript characters in title with '+'
Hi, How can I get the '2+' into superscript in the following title: '[Ca2+]i onsets' I tried the command below, but it doesn't work. What am I missing? hist(X, main=expression(([Ca*]i^2+) 'onsets'), xlab = 'sec') -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2010 Aug 01
Constructing arguments for plotmath
Colleagues, I am encountering difficulty adding formatted text to a graphic. Specifically, I want to add a superscript in the middle of a text string but I would like to format the text string on the fly. The commands: plot(1,1) ARG <- bquote('TEXT'^'\u00ae') mtext(ARG, line=-2, side=1) yield the desired output. However, my goal is to paste together a string, then pass
2005 Jun 05
Superscript text in axis labels
Hello, I am guessing this is not a difficult question. But at the same time, I haven't had much luck figuring this issue out from the R documentation and help pages. How can I create superscript text in the labels of a plot? The parameter along my y-axis is volume and my desire is for the y-axis label to read "Volume (cm^3)" except with the "3" in the superscript
2010 Jan 29
Plotmath: suprscript on scalable delimiter?
ComRades, How do you put a superscript on a scalable delimiter? I want to put 'b' as the power of the expression in the following plot: t <- 1:25 K <- 0.2 y <- ((1-exp(-K*t))/(1-exp(-K*t)*exp(K)))^3 plot(t,y,"l",main="K=0.2, b=3") text(15,5,expression(bgroup("(",frac(1-e^-Kt,1-e^-Kt*e^K),")"))) Plotmath examples in demo(plotmath) do not
2018 May 21
strange behavior of plotmath
hi there, I find the following codes produce strange output. plot(1:10, xlab = expression(NO[3]^-~(mg/L))) you will notice that the unit, mg/L is in superscript format. That means that "~" is not for space. However, the help page of plotmath does not mention this behavior. Best, Jinsong [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Aug 04
expression() - Superscript in y-axis, keeping line break in string
I've tried several different ways to accomplish this, but as yet to no avail. My y-axis for a plot has a rather long label, and thus I have been using "/n" to break it into two lines. However, to make it technically correct for publication, I also need to use superscript in the label. For example: par(oma=c(0,0,2,0),mar=c(5,6,0.25,2),lheight=1) plot(1:10,
2001 Apr 01
ylab/ expression/ superscript to a bracket
Colleagues ---------------------------------- System info: R version rw1022 on NT ESS v. 5.1.18 using emacs ver. 20.4 ---------------------------------- I have some rather unusual units for acoustic volume backscattering integrated over several metres depth and 10 transmits (which happens to = 160 m along transect). I need to express these units in a graph label. My problem
2008 Sep 23
superscript text style in axis label in graph
Hi all, I'd like to use superscript or subscript in the axis label of a graph. Is that possible in R? For instance in xlab="Ce (mmol/m3)", I'd need the "3" of cubic meter in superscript. Regards/Cordialement ------------- Benoit Boulinguiez Ph.D Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Bureau 1.20 Equipe CIP UMR CNRS 6226 "Sciences Chimiques de Rennes" Campus
2011 Feb 01
Hi there, How can I superscript the "2" of "r2 =..." in the legend below? legend(210, 110, paste("r2 = ", format(summary(regression)$adj.r.squared,digits=3), sep="")) I usually use "expression(paste(...", but it won't work this time because "format(summary(..." needs to be evaluated. Thanks in advance! -- View this message in
2013 Apr 03
Hi, How do I write a superscript within gsub? I have the following: gsub("_mgkg",expression(paste("mg kg"^{-1})),names[1]) Thanks -- Shane [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 20
Inserting superscripts in free-format text line
I would like to insert a superscript in a body of text (e.g., a title or axis label), where the superscript is not necessarily at the end of the text. For example, suppose a title read, "This is a Test^1 of the Emergency Broadcast System" where there is a superscript 1 after the word Test. As a starting point for what I'm trying to do, the following shows a superscript:
2012 May 29
Boxplot superscript y-axis
Dear list, I need to include in a superscript number (-1) in a y-axis label of a boxplot graphic. I tried the following line: >boxplot(five$gr13~five$Code, xlab="Species code", ylab=substitute(paste("DGL growth (cm.yr"^{-1},")"))) It returns the following error message: Error in "DGL growth (cm.yr"^{ : non-numeric argument to binary operator I used
2013 Mar 18
Superscript followed by number then superscript in text
Hi all, I'm having problems finding the correct format for a command. I would like to write some text on a plot. I'm using the following command: text(x,y,"text here", srt=90) I would like the text to read: capacity 10^3 m^3 (with ^ denoting superscript (i.e. each '3' as superscript). I've tried fiddling around with expression(paste(etc.... to no avail. I
2011 May 04
Superscript number before letter
Salut, I have been struggling to superscript the 18 before the O without ^ visible and found only help to superscript numbers after the letter. Thanks to anyone who can help. xlab=expression(delta*18O VSMOW [?]") Cheers, Janine -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Jan 27
titles with superscript and variale value
Hi everyone, I am trying to write a title for a plot which has a superscript like D^2 and a value of a variable stored in that variable..... i am not sure if i am clear so i will try an example: Suppose i want my title to be like: Family: Gaussian; D^2 = 0.45 where i have the value 0.45 stored in variable d2 (which comes from some previous calculations, and depending which actual variables
2009 Jun 16
Superscript in y-axis of plot
Dear all, I've been trying to superscript the '2' in the following command (I don't want the '^' displayed), but as yet haven't had much luck. I've tried both the paste and expression commands, but neither have brought me any joy! mtext(side=2, line=5.5, "Monthly Precipitation (mm x 10^2/month)", font=2, cex=1.1) Any advice would be much appreciated,
2012 Sep 16
Sub- or superscript in factorial variable - possible?
Hello R-users, I would like to use subscript in chemical formulas for the different treatments in a boxplot. Fot title, xlab and ylab sub- and superscript is no problem, but for the different treatments of the following example I cannot get subscript. Example: weight <- c(6,5,7,2,7,3,9,4,2,7,8,9,2,3,4,5) treatments <- as.factor(rep(c('Control',
2009 Nov 02
superscript troubles
I know that this has been revisited over and over, yet I cannot figure out how to solve this case of superscript troubles... I would like the 2 in r2 to be superscript, yet I am pasting text before and after it. I have tried several variations but have not solved this yet, any suggestions? legend (bty =
2004 Aug 09
Simultaneous subscripts and superscripts
Dear List, I'd like to add text to a plot where a text symbol has both a superscript and subscript. For example, the variable S with a superscript 2 and a subscript t. I have been able to accomplish this using either expression( paste(S,atop(scriptstyle(2),scriptstyle(t))) ) or expression( {S[t]}^2 ) but the spacing isn't quite right (or rather what I'd like) using either of