similar to: Identifying objects from a data set

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Identifying objects from a data set"

2007 Sep 29
Help with functions (iterations)
Hello: I am a bit confused by this problem. Can anyone give me some advice on this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for all your help. Need to create a for loop that saves the estimate of pi from each 0f 100 separate iterations and store it in a numeric vector (of length 100). The for loop should be placed in a function that allows the user to vary the sample size, the simulation size,
2007 Oct 01
how to plot a graph with different pch
I am trying to plot a graph but the points on the graph should be different symbols and colors. It should represent what is in the legend. I tried using the points command but this does not work. Is there another command in R that would allow me to use different symbols and colors for the points? Thank you kindly. data(mtcars) plot(mtcars$wt,mtcars$mpg,xlab= "Weight(lbs/1000)",
2008 Mar 24
Newbie help with Sweave
I think I've gotten my Emacs/Sweave/R system set up correctly, thanks to Vincent and Jim, but I haven't been successful getting my first document produced. I'm trying to use one of Friedrich Leisch's examples, I cut and pasted the text into a document sweaveexample.Rnw in Emacs. It seemed to be processed successfully with R:
2017 Jun 26
Odd behaviour in within.list() when deleting 2+ variables
>>>>> peter dalgaard <pdalgd at> >>>>> on Mon, 26 Jun 2017 13:43:28 +0200 writes: > This seems to be due to changes made by Martin Maechler in > 2008. Presumably this fixed something, but it escapes my > memory. Yes: The change set (svn -c46441) also contains the following NEWS entry BUG FIXES o
2011 Dec 23
cast in reshape and reshape2
> library(reshape2) > x = melt(airquality, id=c('month', 'day')) With reshape I can cast with multiple functions: > library(reshape) > cast(x, month+variable~., c(mean,sd)) month variable mean sd 1 5 ozone 23.615385 22.224449 2 5 solar.r 181.296296 115.075499 3 5 wind 11.622581 3.531450 4 5 temp 65.548387
2012 Feb 23
Sexpr not getting expanded in Sweave
An Sweave file, 'test.Rnw': \documentclass{article} \title{Sweave minimal} \author{MK} \begin{document} \maketitle We try Sweave: <<1>>= data(airquality) summary(airquality) x <- airquality[1, 1] @ I try Sexpr: \Sexpr{x} We plot: \begin{center} <<2, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE >>= boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality) @ \end{center} \end{document} I check the
2017 Dec 19
lm considers removed predictors when finding complete cases
Dear R-devel list, I realized that removing a predictor in lm through the "-"'s operator in formula() does not affect the complete cases that are considered. A minimal example is: summary(lm(Wind ~ ., data = airquality)) # 42 observations deleted due to missingness summary(lm(Wind ~ . - Ozone, data = airquality)) # still 42 observations deleted due to missingness, even if only 7
2008 Dec 23
Using transform to add a date column to a dataframe
I would like to add a column to the airquality dataset that contains the date 1950-01-01 in each row. This method does not appear to work: > attach(airquality) > data1 <- transform(airquality,Date=as.Date("1950-01-01")) Error in data.frame(list(Ozone = c(41L, 36L, 12L, 18L, NA, 28L, 23L, 19L, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 153, 1 I can't decipher what
2010 Nov 11
Troubleshooting sweave
Hi All, I've reproduced the example from Prof. Friedrich Leisch's webpage. When I write sweave("Example-1.Snw") OR sweave("Example-1.Rnw"), (yes, I renamed them). I get the following error: Writing to file example-1.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : echo term verbatim Error: chunk 1 Error in library(ctest) : there is no package called 'ctest' Also while
2005 Jul 01
Simple indexing conundrum
My apologies in advance for my thickness but I can't seem to solve the following, seemingly simple, data manipulation problem: I have a data frame that contains multiple factors and multiple continuous response variables, but duplicates of some factor combinations. The duplicates contain bad data, so I would like to eliminate the duplicates. I would like to retain the entire rows
2012 Jan 06
Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()
I'm trying to understand how to set graphical parameters for trees created with the party package.  For example take the following code:   library(party)     data(airquality)     airq <- subset(airquality, !     airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,                    controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))     plot(airct)   My problem is, I've got a ctree that has
2006 Jan 29
What does this command "~" mean?
Hi all, I am reading books and tutorials about R. I don't understand the following: plot(salary~rank, data=salary) plot(Ozone~date, data=airquality) I don't understand what does "~" here, and how can plot() have a input argument called "data"... I have looked it up in "plot"'s help but I could not find about argument "data". Could you please
2010 May 04
randomforests - how to classify
Hi, I'm experimenting with random forests and want to perform a binary classification task. I've tried some of the sample codes in the help files and things run, but I get a message to the effect 'you don't have very many unique values in the target - are you sure you want to do regression?' (sorry, don't know exact message but r is busy now so can't check). In
2017 Jun 21
selecting dataframe columns based on substring of col name(s)
> On Jun 21, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Evan Cooch <evan.cooch at> wrote: > > Suppose I have the following sort of dataframe, where each column name has a common structure: prefix, followed by a number (for this example, col1, col2, col3 and col4): > > d = data.frame( col1=runif(10), col2=runif(10), col3=runif(10),col4=runif(10)) > > What I haven't been able to
2018 Dec 12
Subset dentro de un for
Gracias a los tres, Raúl, Marcelino y Carlos. Lo del "get" de Marcelino me da la respuesta a lo que yo exactamente preguntaba, y funciona, pero ahora tengo problemas con el for, por lo que probablemente recurra al eval parse de Raúl o Carlos, que ya tienen el for. Aún así, lo intento 1º con el get. Con subset(df, subset=get(GT[i])>0) el problema es que en el for hago un
2018 Dec 12
Subset dentro de un for
Gracias Marcelino. Si, (i in 1:length(GT)), lo he utilizado mil veces, pero se me sigue olvidando de una vez a otra. Lo iba a mirar, pero me centré primero en que me hiciera bien el mapa. He probado el for y me da este error: Error in aes(x = lon, y = lat, color = get(GT[i]), size = 2) + scale_colour_gradient(low = ("white"), : non-numeric argument to binary operator
2009 Apr 14
Subset function: selecting variables within a factor
Hi all I know this must be an easy one so sorry for the trouble. I would like to select a list of variables within a factor The following example is given in help for subset: subset(airquality, Temp > 80 select = c(Ozone, Temp)) So how do I select all temperatures of 90 and 80 ie Temp = c(80,90) I would appreciate your help. Kind regards andy Andrew McFadden MVS BVSc Incursion
2019 Jun 04
Trivial error in documentation
This must have been there for a while> In the datasets package, the help for airquality says: A data frame with 154 observations on 6 variables. But: > str(airquality) 'data.frame':??? 153 obs. of? 6 variables: ?$ Ozone? : int? 41 36 12 18 NA 28 23 19 8 NA ... ?$ Solar.R: int? 190 118 149 313 NA NA 299 99 19 194 ... ?$ Wind?? : num? 7.4 8 12.6 11.5 14.3 14.9 8.6 13.8 20.1 8.6
2019 Oct 11
Estimados -Este paquete parece que saca un reporte bastante completo, a mi me da error y no comprendo porque,por favor audenme en esto library(DataExplorer) create_report(iris) create_report(airquality, y = "Ozone") error que me da Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 99 TENGO INSTALADO PANDOC
2008 Feb 12
fun.aggregate=mean in reshape
Hi all, We are facing a problem while introducing ourselves to Reshape package use. Melt seems to work fine, but cast fails when we use mean as fun.aggregate. As you see here, length and sum work fine, but mean throws this same error whatever dataset we use. > cast(aqm, month ~ variable, length) month ozone solar.r wind temp 1 5 26 27 31 31 2 6 9 30 30