similar to: How to use available.packages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "How to use available.packages"

2007 Sep 10
Too many warnings when updating R
Hello friends, I loaded R 2.4.1 onto a Fedora Core 6 Linux box (taking all defaults). Then I ran these commands from within R: options(CRAN="") install.packages(CRAN.packages()[,1]) As a new user of R, I was shocked when I finished loading R and discovered the following message: "There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)"
2005 Feb 28
Unable to install packages
> Dear Sirs , > Today I've downloaded the last release of the R-Program (I an a novel user). I am interested on performing time series analysys (regression,ARIMA,ARCH) to some data-sets, therefore I would like to use some of the packages of R-Contributors (like the tseries one).When I try to install or update packages from CRAN the following text always appear: > > local({a <-
2002 Apr 19
y-intercept forcing
R-gurus, I am plotting data against each other using t-tests. In this scenario, I am plotting coinage / total money. When there is no total money, then there is no coinage, but the plots I generate do not reflect this. Instead the y-axis always has an intecept that is not zero in these instances. Is there any way to force the y-intercept to begin at zero? Thank you in advance for any
2002 Dec 30
Writing packages with `methods' package
I'm trying to write a package which uses classes/methods as defined in the `methods' package. I have a single .R file which defines the class and various methods for that class. At the top of the file I have require(methods) and then setClass("myclass", ...) setGeneric("intersect") setMethod("intersect", "myclass", function(x,y) ...) I noticed
2001 May 24
Problem with hist(x, prob=T) (PR#947)
Full_Name: Roger Peng Version: 1.2.3 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( In R version 1.2.3, the hist command does not respond to the probability=TRUE parameter. So hist(x, probability=FALSE) and hist(x, probability=TRUE) produce the same (graphical) output. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2008 Jan 26
Read stata file from internet?
Dear R-helpers, I would like to have my students read into R an online Stata dataset: '' I was able to read it into R after downloading it and converting it with StatTransfer ( Here is what happens when I use read.dta() as I would use read.table(): > require(foreign) > risk2 <-
2002 Apr 06
packages in OS X
======================================================================= Simple CRAN packages which do not compile without modifications (all others do) ======================================================================= -- akima /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _idlc_ -- fracdiff /usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _gammfd_ (and others) -- odesolve --
2002 Oct 06
I have build R-1.6.0 on Jaguar (actually on 10.2.2), using gcc 3.1 from Apple, g77 3.1 from fink, ATLAS from fink. It passes all checks OK. I also re-compiled the 233 packages listed below with the same setup. I have NOT tested all these packages in any detail. A tar.gz file with the whole /usr/local/lib/R will be on on Tuesday. It will NOT include anything from fink
2003 Aug 17
R-devel problem
With the current version from rsync (8/16, 19:00) I get make[3]: *** No rule to make target `helpsearch.c', needed by `Makefile'. Stop. make[2]: *** [R] Error 1 make[1]: *** [R] Error 1 make: *** [R] Error 1 === Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics; Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software US mail: 9432 Boelter Hall, Box
2004 May 23
OpenSSH v3.8p1 fails to interoperate for GSSAPI (Kerberos) and X-Windows
Versions: openssh-3.8p1-33, heimdal-0.6.1rc3-51, XFree86-, tk-8.4.6-37, all from SuSE 9.1 (unhacked); back-version peers have openssh-3.5p1, XFree86-4.3.0-115, etc. from SuSE 8.2. Symptoms: 1. When the client and server versions are unequal, the Kerberos ticket is not accepted for authentication. All the clients have PreferredAuthentications gssapi-with-mic, gssapi, others. 2.
2002 Jun 19
R-1.5.1 for Darwin/X11
The file has grown to 60 MB. It consists of a meta-package and its packages and it will allow you to install binaries for R-1.5.1 and about 300 packages, just by clicking the R-1.5.1.mpkg file. It also install quite a few dylibs in /sw, but not the ones for X11R6 and gnome yet. You can choose which of the packages to install, of course. The same
2002 Jun 19
R-1.5.1 for Darwin/X11
The file has grown to 60 MB. It consists of a meta-package and its packages and it will allow you to install binaries for R-1.5.1 and about 300 packages, just by clicking the R-1.5.1.mpkg file. It also install quite a few dylibs in /sw, but not the ones for X11R6 and gnome yet. You can choose which of the packages to install, of course. The same
2003 Aug 17
(no subject)
RAqua now builds fine, but for some reason tcl/tk support cannot be compiled in. I get checking for /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/ /Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/ checking for /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/ /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/ checking whether compiling/linking Tcl/Tk code works... no This is with configure
2002 Dec 26
BLAS/Lapack on OS X
R-devel has the --with-lapack flag for configure. If you build R with --with-blas="-framework vecLib" --with-lapack="--framework vecLib" then the build goes through, using the native optimized BLAS and Lapack in /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework. Also, it works, in the sense that it does eigenvalue problems correctly. I don't have any timings yet, because I
2002 Oct 24
packages in non-system directories
Quick question about installing packages on a system where you do not have root access. Suppose a person is using R on a shared system where he cannot write to the installation directory (i.e. /usr/local/lib/R). What general advice would you give regarding where to install packages from CRAN. Should he use the R_LIBS environment variable or maybe .libPaths() in R or .Renviron? Thanks, -roger
2005 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] [fwd] Re: LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
Hi, Yiping! I am not sure of the answer to your question, but I am forwarding it to the LLVMdev list where I am sure someone will be able to answer you. Please send development questions directly to LLVMdev and you will get a response quicker, as it is read by many LLVM developers. ----- Forwarded message from Yiping Fan <fanyp at> ----- Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 17:20:24 -0800
2002 Aug 22
I was obviously fascinated by Duncan's earlier message on RXLisp. I managed to build a working version of RXLisp for OS X, by some unabashed and rather uninformed hacking. I compiled XLISP-STAT using the gcc flags -fno-common and --no-cpp-precomp (not sure if they are necessary or not, they are part of an older hack). I "make", using Duncan's replacement for the
2003 Oct 18
libR.dylib on OS X
If one installs the CLI and RAqua versions, by saying both "make install" and "make install-aqua", then packages that use libR.dylib get their symbols from /Applications/ and not from /usr/local/lib/R/bin/libR.dylib. That's unfortunate, because the first is likely to change, and the second is not. For instance, what
2002 Jan 27
Journal of Statistical Software
JSS, which is at, publishes statistical software with manuals, as well as papers describing, comparing, and evaluating statistical software. Abstracts of all contributions accepted in JSS are published in printed form in JCGS. Although we publish software written in any language, we especially welcome software written in R. The general idea is that packages written in R
2002 Jan 27
Journal of Statistical Software
JSS, which is at, publishes statistical software with manuals, as well as papers describing, comparing, and evaluating statistical software. Abstracts of all contributions accepted in JSS are published in printed form in JCGS. Although we publish software written in any language, we especially welcome software written in R. The general idea is that packages written in R