similar to: trouble understanding why ...=="NaN" isn't true

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "trouble understanding why ...=="NaN" isn't true"

2018 May 15
... and the mailing list is picky about attachments... whatever you attached did not conform to the stringent requirements mentioned in the Posting Guide. Pasting the code right into the email is usually safest, though you DO have to post using plain text (as the Posting Guide indicates) or your code may get mangled by the automatic html format removal. On May 15, 2018 7:04:31 AM PDT, Bert Gunter
2018 May 15
OK, Let's try this again! Here is the reproducible script; it is long because I had to copy the panel dataset here. My question is related to systemfit; I don't know how to get the result for the entire panel. #Reproducible script Empdata<- read.csv("/Users/ngwinuiazenui/Documents/UPLOADemp.csv") View(Empdata) install.packages("systemfit")
2018 May 15
Unless there is good reason not to, always cc the list -- there are lots of smarter folks than I on it who can help. I may or may not have time to look at this. Hopefully someone else will. -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip
2018 May 16
Sadly you failed to set your email program to send plain text and the data is corrupted at my end. I also think you need to reduce the size of the data set... the intent here is to increase your understanding, not debug your particular analysis. I will say that I am having a very challenging time understanding what you are trying to accomplish though. What are the equations that you think need
2018 May 16
Systemfit Question
I can't get my simultaneous equations to work using system fit. Please help. #Reproducible script Empdata<- read.csv("/Users/ngwinuiazenui/Documents/UPLOADemp.csv") View(Empdata) str(Empdata) Empdata$gnipc<-as.numeric(Empdata$gnipc) install.packages("systemfit") library("systemfit") pdata <-,
2006 Feb 05
reading in a tricky computer program output
Hi R user I need to read in some values from a computer program output. I can't change the output format because the developer of the program doesn't allow to change the format of output. There are two formats. First one looks like this if I have 10 variables, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ 1]
2007 Aug 25
fill circles
Hi all, I'm an R newbie, I did this script to create a scatterplot using the "tree" matrix from "datasets" package: library('datasets') with(trees, { plot(Height, Volume, pch=3, xlab="Height", ylab="Volume") symbols(Height, Volume, circles=Girth/12, fg="grey", inches=FALSE, add=FALSE) } ) I'd like to use the column Named
2010 Feb 17
extract the data that match
Hi r-users,   I would like to extract the data that match.  Attached is my data: I'm interested in matchind the value in column 'intg' with value in column 'rand_no' > cbind(z=z,intg=dd,rand_no = rr)             z  intg rand_no    [1,]  0.00 0.000   0.001    [2,]  0.01 0.000   0.002    [3,]  0.02 0.000   0.002    [4,]  0.03 0.000   0.003    [5,]  0.04 0.000   0.003    [6,] 
2007 Jun 13
Formatted Data File Question for Clustering -Quickie Project
I am trying to learn how to format Ascii data files for scan or read into R. Precisely for a quickie project, I found some code (at end of this email) to do exactly what I need: To cluster and graph a dendrogram from package (stats). I am stuck on how to format a text file to run the script. I looked at the dataset USArrests (which would be replaced by my data and labels) using UltraEdit. That
2018 Jan 26
How to run mixed model with related independent variables
I've data that look like: Outcome V1_AA V1_EU V1_NA V2_AA V2_EU V2_NA 0 0.046 1.001 0.954 0.045 1.001 0.954 0 0.007 1 0.993 0.007 1 0.993 1 1.774 0.217 0.009 1.774 0.217 0.009 1 0.004 1.996 0 0.004 1.996 0 1
2013 Jul 23
Heat Map for species - code from Numerical Ecology with R
Hello, I am relatively new to R and I am working through the code that is provided in the book Numerical Ecology with R and I have run across an error message that I can't seem to figure out. I am using the vegan, ade4, gclus and cluster packages. The code is as follows: # Ordered community table # Species are ordered by their weighted averages on site scores or <- vegemite(spe,
2013 Apr 16
Dear Sir/Ma, I Adelabu.A.A, one of the R-users from Nigeria. When am running a coxph command the below error was generated, and have try some idea but not going through. kindly please assist: > cox1 <- coxph(Surv(tmonth,status) ~ sex + age + marital + sumassure, X) Warning message: In fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weights, : Ran out of iterations and did not
2006 Sep 01
Reading many files at once
dear group, i have 100 files starting with 'hsa-*'. ex. file: fruit p-value ------------ apple 0.0003 orange 0.004 kiwi 0.0003 peach 0.0004 I want to read all these files and create a single matrix. here each file may have different fruit names. in the matrix i want to have a union of all fruits and those should be the rows in the matrix and file names should be columns.
2010 Mar 19
How to plot two cumulative frequency graph together
Dear masters, I have data that looks like this: #val Freq1 Freq2 0.000 178 202 0.001 4611 5300 0.002 99 112 0.003 26 30 0.004 17 20 0.005 15 20 0.006 11 14 0.007 11 13 0.008 13 13 ...many more lines.. Full data can be found here: What I intend to do is to have a cumulative graph with "val" as x-axis with "Freq1" & "Freq2" as
2013 May 12
Duda básica
Hola Colegas: Me reintegro al estudio de R y quisiera me pudieran resolver el problema que planteo en el archivo adjunto. Gracias anticipadas. *MANOLO MÁRQUEZ P.* ------------ próxima parte ------------ Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML... URL: <> ------------ próxima parte ------------ An embedded
2008 Dec 08
partial correlation
Hej! I have the following problem: I would like to do partial correlations on non-parametric data. I checked "pcor" (Computes the partial correlation between two variables given a set of other variables) but I do not know how to change to a Spearman Rank Correlation method [pcor(c("BCDNA","ImProd","A365"),var(PCor))] Here''s a glimpse of
2002 Apr 09
Hello, When using write.table I am getting two variables pasted together (not by choice). Has anyone else had this happen? Specifically, I have the following: d _ read.dta(paste('/montecarlo/forecast/off/',F,'.dta',sep='')) write.table(d,file=paste('/montecarlo/forecast/off/csv/',F,'.csv',sep=''), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE,
2005 Jun 01
Problem with fPortfolio
Hello, I hesitate to call this a bug, because I could have forgotten something important, but the MarkowitzPortfolio example in fPortfolio does not work for me. Here's my code: > library(fPortfolio) > >xmpPortfolio("\nStart: Load monthly data set of returns > ") > data(berndtInvest) > # Exclude Date, Market and Interest Rate columns from data
2010 Jul 06
Hi list, I have the following code to compute the acf of a time series acfresid <- acf(residfit), where residfit is the series when I type acfresid at the prompt the follwoing is displayed Autocorrelations of series ?residfit?, by lag 0.0000 0.0833 0.1667 0.2500 0.3333 0.4167 0.5000 0.5833 0.6667 0.7500 0.8333 1.000 -0.015 0.010 0.099 0.048 -0.014 -0.039 -0.019 0.040 0.018
2013 Sep 04
Fwd: Bienvenido a la lista de distribución R-help-es
Hola Jose, si CONCATENAR significa APILAR, es decir, concantenar verticalmente, por decirlo de algun modo, podrias hacerlo con rbind(): nuevovector <- rbind(vector1,vector2) Si ademas quieres que cada valor de los vectores originales sea identificado en el nuevovector, puedes usar: nuevovector <- stack(vector1,vector2) en este ultimo caso se agrega una columna adicional tipo factor, con