similar to: Looking for the first observation within the month

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Looking for the first observation within the month"

2008 Mar 10
Error in extracting monthly observation from a daily time series data
Hi all, Suppose I have following dataset : library(zoo) SD = 1 date1 = seq(as.Date("01/01/90", format = "%m/%d/%y"), as.Date("12/31/08", format = "%m/%d/%y"), by = 1) len1 = length(date1); data1 = zoo(matrix(rnorm(len1, mean=0, sd=SD*0.5), nrow = len1), date1) Now I want to extract monthly observation. obs =
2008 Jul 15
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5615] New: iconv conversion not applied to symlinks Summary: iconv conversion not applied to symlinks Product: rsync Version: 3.0.3 Platform: Other OS/Version: SunOS Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2012 Aug 21
apply question
This works, where zz is a dataframe: for(i in 1:nrow(zz)) { zzz[i,1]<-paste(zz[i,1],zz[i,2],sep="_") } I would like to use "apply" to concatentate two columns of text along with a separator. How? Chet [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Oct 10
command line limit under unix?
Dear all, I have made my testing program to run successfully under unix in the background. However, my simulation work does not work. I read the foo.results file, I found it only have part of my code and not any output I want. Is there any line limit? My code is nearly 400 line. I can cut some of them, but I want to know whether there is any limit or exactly the number of limit is. Thanks.
2004 Oct 16
sapply and loop
Dear all, I am doing 200 times simulation. For each time, I generate a matrix and define some function on this matrix to get a 6 dimension vector as my results. As the loop should be slow, I generate 200 matrice first, and save them into a list named ma, then I define zz<-sapply(ma, myfunction) To my surprise, It almost costs me the same time to get my results if I directly use a loop
2004 Oct 16
sapply and loop
Dear all, I am doing 200 times simulation. For each time, I generate a matrix and define some function on this matrix to get a 6 dimension vector as my results. As the loop should be slow, I generate 200 matrice first, and save them into a list named ma, then I define zz<-sapply(ma, myfunction) To my surprise, It almost costs me the same time to get my results if I directly use a loop
2011 Sep 30
last observation carried forward +1
Hi R-helpers I'm looking for a vectorised function which does missing value replacement as in last observation carried forward in the zoo package but instead of a locf, I would like the locf function to add +1 to each time a missing value occurred. See below for an example. > require(zoo) > x <- 5:15 > x[4:7] <- NA > coredata(na.locf(zoo(x))) [1] 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 12 13
2003 Oct 21
run R under linux
Dear all, Our department uses the linux system and we are not allowed to submit job directly. We must make a batch to submit through "qmon". so, I make a file, which only contains one line: nohup R --vanilla < foo.txt > foo.results foo is all my codes. It is a simulation of 200 times. I set the seed at the beginning. It is to estimate the success probability, which is
2003 Jun 17
ssh does not work
Dear all, I got "permission denied" msg when I try to connect via SSH. The password that I used was correct as I can establish the connection via telnet using the same password. Any idea why this can happen?? root at kfiisdc:/sandbox/jason ssh kfiisdev Use of this system by unauthorized persons or in an unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized access can and will be
2011 Oct 09
help with using last observation carried forward analysis for a clinical trial please
Hi, I have a series of id's with multiple visits and questionnaire scores. This is a clinical trial that will be analyzed using the last observation carried forward method. In other words, in order to comply with intent to treat analysis when many subjects withdraw, data points for the last visit must be generated and filled in with the last observation. The ultimate goal is to tabulate the
2004 Sep 30
Vectorising and loop (was Re: optim "a log-likelihood function")
>From: Sundar Dorai-Raj <sundar.dorai-raj at PDF.COM> >Reply-To: sundar.dorai-raj at PDF.COM >To: Zhen Pang <nusbj at> >CC: r-help at >Subject: Vectorising and loop (was Re: [R] optim "a log-likelihood >function") >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 18:21:17 -0700 > > > >Zhen Pang wrote: > >> >>I also use
2005 Jan 05
Status of Windows builds for libvorbis/libogg
Hi all, I've just done a quick check of the libvorbis Visual C++ 6.0 project on Windows, and am happy to say that both libvorbis and libogg build fine. (Theora isn't quite so lucky -- see the theora-dev mailing list for details on that.) There are two suggestions I can make, though: 1. To build properly, the directories must be checked out with certain names, and in paths
2011 Jul 22
Picking returns from particular days of the month from a zoo object
Hello, I would like to implement a "turn-of-the-month' trading strategy in R. Given a daily series of stock market return data as a zoo object, the strategy would go long (buy) four trading days before the end of the month, and sell the third trading day of the following month. How can I select these days, particularly the fourth day before and the third day after the turn of the
2015 Nov 06
(sin asunto)
Hola a tod en s, sigo intentando representar una variable en función de meses. En la columna Mesos tengo los meses de la siguiente manera: 01/08/1996, 01/09/1996 etc. He probado con el siguiente comando: plot(Mesos, Serie01) obteniendo y tendría que obtener: [image: Imágenes integradas 2] Pero donde pone Observation Index, me gustaria tener los meses (para esta grafica he usado
2011 May 04
two-way group mean prediction in survreg with three factors
I'm fitting a regression model for censored data with three categorical predictors, say A, B, C. My final model based on the survreg function is Surv(..) ~ A*(B+C). I know the three-way group mean estimates can be computed using the predict function. But is there any way to obtain two-way group mean estimates, say estimated group mean for (A1, B1)-group? The sample group means don't
2018 Jul 13
Whitelist file for LDAP authentication
Hi, The dovecot version is and we are using LDAP to do the authentication for SMTP service. We have the following configuration in auth-ldap.conf.ext to deny some users for LDAP auth. passdb { args = /etc/dovecot/deny.smtp driver = passwd-file deny = yes } passdb { args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf driver = ldap } And now we want to change the mechanism and only users
2014 Jan 31
[LLVMdev] where to start?
Hi All, I am an experienced compiler engineer, I want to get involved in LLVM but don't know where I should start with. Can someone give any suggestion for my situation? I hope can do some easy work at beginning, then do some challenge work when I am familiar and comfortable with LLVM. I am interested in optimizations and code generations, but I am open to other areas either. Any suggestion
2013 Jun 05
[LLVMdev] a document bug in lib/CodeGen/README.txt
I think I found a bug in lib/CodeGen/README.txt: The register "lr" should be "r4" in instruction "str lr, [sp, #+52]" of : and then "merge" mul and mov: > mul r4, r4, lr > str lr, [sp, #+52] > ldr lr, [r1, #+32] > sxth r3, r3 > mla r4, r3, lr, r4 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2007 May 23
Catenating factors.
I was recently asked by one of new colleagues how to combine, or catentate, or concatentate two factors. If x and y are factors, doing c(x,y) appears to coerce x and y to numeric mode before catenating them. So what does one do if one wants the result to be a factor whose levels are the union of the levels of x and y? I vaguely recall seeing this discussed in r-help, but I can't find
2007 May 02
how to concatinate the elements of some text vectors cat() or print() ?
I have some comment text taken from a SAS data file. It is stored in two vectors and is difficult to read. I would like to simply concatentate the individual entries and end up with a character vector that give me one line of text per comment. I cannot see how to do this, yet it must be very easy. I have played around with cat() and print with no success. Would someone kindly point out where I