similar to: Please, remind a function name

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Please, remind a function name"

2007 May 25
Problem with accessing internal variable in package.
I am writing a package, which contains several functions and variables. The variables are for internal use by functions. Functions are ment to be callable by a user. However, the function cannot access these variables. The package contains only R code, and was created using package.skeleton package.skeleton(name="ac9", list=c(ls(pattern="(AB2)|(ac9)"),
2007 May 25
private variables in package.
I am sorry, my previous questions about hiding variables from users in a package were obscure and vague, and would like to clarify them. This should be a basic question. I am writing my first package. It has several functions, which should be callable by users. These functions use several variables, and I would like to hide these variables from users. How can I do it? For example, the package
2007 Oct 16
Updating R-Software without complete new installation
Hallo, as I see there is a new version for R available. Can anyone tell me how I can update my version 2.5.0 under Windows? The last times I just uninstalled the old version and installed the new one. Afterwards I had to install also all needed packages again. All in all it cost me half a day until my system works fine again. Is there a quicker option? If yes please tell me the commands. Thanks,
2008 Jul 25
Problems with mock assigned to a constant
Hi all, Initially I thought this was a bug in the built-in mocking framework(and it still may be), but I better hash it out on the mailing list before I file/reopen the ticket: I thought my example illustrated my problem, but obviously I was passing the wrong arguments to the mock. I revised my example to
2013 May 21
Calculating AIC for the whole model in VAR
Hello! I am using package "VAR". I've fitted my model: mymodel<-VAR(mydata,myp,type="const") I can extract the Log Liklihood for THE WHOLE MODEL: logLik(mymodel) How could I calculate (other than manually) the corresponding Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)? I tried AIC - but it does not take mymodel: AIC(mymodel) # numeric(0) Thank you! -- Dimitri Liakhovitski
2018 May 18
Exporting to text files
I have dose response data analyzed with the package 'drc'. 'summary(mymodel)' prints my kinetic parameters. I want that text in an ASCII text file. I want to get exactly what I would get if I copied and pasted from the terminal window. I've read the documentation on data export to text files here:
2007 Apr 04
how to image.plot a XY grid file into a lat-lon map
Hi All, I have a netcdf gridded file with LCC projection. I can easily use image.plot to visualize it. However, as the axises are in X,Y, not Lat and Lon, I could not add state or country maps onto it (or lat lon information). I do have a grid2d file that describes the lat and lon for each (X,Y) grid, but the lat and lon are not regularly spaced, so I could not use image.plot. Does anyone know
2006 Nov 16
dynamically adding static (class) methods to a class
Hello again, I guess this is more of a Ruby question, but here goes anyways... I want to intercept all calls to non existent class methods and then call an existing class method with the non existent name. In code... class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base def MyModel.method_missing(symbol, *args) MyModel.func(symbol.id2name) end def MyModel.func(func_called) puts "You
2006 Feb 28
Examples for Money library ?
Can anybody share some examples of their Money implementation ? I''m trying to setup a Model to use this library, but can''t seem to wrap my head around how it is exactly supposed to work. My Model (Foo) looks like: =============== composed_of :commission, :class_name => "Money", :mapping => [ %w(commission_cents cents), %w(commission_currency currency) ] Yet, in
2010 Jan 01
Questions bout SVM
Hi everyone, Can someone please help me in these questions?: 1)if I use crossvalidation with svm, do I have to use this equation to calculate RMSE?: mymodel <- svm(myformula,data=mydata,cross=10) sqrt(mean(mymodel$MSE)) But if I don’t use crossvalidation, I have to use the following to calculate RMSE: mymodel <- svm(myformula,data=mydata) mytest
2003 May 13
several regression lines in panel of xyplot (trellis graphics)
Dear r-help, I need to draw xyplot() graphs with several regression lines: one line for the whole range of x (the variable on the horizontal axis) and two additional lines for subranges of x. Is it possible to make first regression line (panel.lmline(x,y,...);) to be drawn on the whole graph and regression lines of the subsets to be drawn only over their subsets? I have defined
2010 Dec 29
Referring to an object name from within a function
Can anyone show me how to refer to an object name that is passed to a function, from within the function? For example: MyModel <- 1 test <- function(x) { if(x == 1) {cat("x is a valid object.\n")} } test(x) What I would like this to do is pass MyModel to function test, and if it passes a test, be able to print "MyModel is a valid object." Thanks. -- View this
2007 Sep 12
Can''t disable ferret when running in Mongrel
In my environment.rb I say the following: MyModel.disable_ferret puts MyModel.ferret_enabled? The console works as expected: script/console false >> MyModel.ferret_enabled? => false I can then edit an instance, ferret remains disabled and the changes are not immediately indexed. However, when I start mongrel Ferret is initially disabled, but then somehow becomes enabled again
2011 Feb 12
Predictions with missing inputs
Dear users, I'll appreciate your help with this (hopefully) simple problem. I have a model object which was fitted to inputs X1, X2, X3. Now, I'd like to use this object to make predictions on a new data set where only X1 and X2 are available (just use the estimated coefficients for these variables in making predictions and ignoring the coefficient on X3). Here's my attempt but, of
2012 Oct 31
Problema con la función lm
Buenos días: Tengo un determinado código en R que en una máquina funciona correctamente, pero en otra devuelve un error del tipo "Error en as.formula(mymodel): Objeto ''mymodel'' no encontrado''" En mi código: mymodel <- "y ~ x1[, 1] + x2[, 1]" res <- lm (as.formula(mymodel)) ¿Qué puede estar motivando ese error?. La máquina en la que falla
2008 Apr 17
How to extract vectors from an arima() object and into a data frame?
This should be very easy, but alas, I'm very new to R. My end goal is to calculate p-values from arima(). Let's say I just ran this: > MyModel <- arima(y[1:58], order=c(1,0,0), xreg=MyData[1:58,7:14], > method="ML") > MyModel And I see: arima(x = y[1:58], order = c(1, 0, 0), xreg = MyData[1:58, 7:14], method = "ML") Coefficients: ar1
2005 May 04
How to intepret a factor response model?
Hello, I'd like to create a model with a factor-type response variable. This is an example: > mydata <- data.frame(factor_var = as.factor(c(rep('one', 100), rep('two', 100), rep('three', 100))), real_var = c(rnorm(150), rnorm(150) + 5)) > summary(mydata) factor_var real_var one :100 Min. :-2.742877 three:100 1st Qu.:-0.009493 two
2007 Oct 04
Offline indexing issues
If I disable ferret in my environment file and then run a cron job every hour to index the records that have been added/changed, do I enable Ferret just in the script that does the hourly indexing? Or do I somehow need to tell the process that runs the Ferret DRB server that it should start writing to the index again? Thanks in advance. Erik
2011 Aug 29
Weird assignment problem, very confused :(
Hey, I have the following line in my controller: User.create(:email => "", :password => ''asldfkjadsfadsf'', :ip => request.remote_ip) my IP is - now User.find_by_ip('''') returns 0 records although User.first contains '''' if I change it to: User.create(:email =>
2010 Oct 29
how to debug (mtrace) a function defined inside a function?
Hi, everyone. I am using a fair amount of closures in my code. Problem i am experiencing is i cannot figure out how to mtrace functions defined within a function. There must be some way to name such function for mtrace to see it and let me step into it. For example, say i have code mymodel<-function(){ data<-numeric(0) build<-function(){ data<<-1 } m<-list()