similar to: read.table opening a website incl Password

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "read.table opening a website incl Password"

2007 Sep 21
mysql-proxy vs. acts_as_readonlyable vs. ?
I have replicated my db (mysql) and have hit roadblocks with both mysql-proxy and with acts_as_readonlyable . Firstly, is there something else I should be using? What would be the advantages of mysql-proxy over in-rails solutions? One is that it keeps the rails config and code simpler, puts the db redirection (kinda) where it should be, at the (kinda) db layer of the architecture. Has anyone
2005 Oct 24
Samba + LDAP + TLS
Hi! I'm a bit new to Samba+LDAP integration, and most likely because of that I experienced this morning something I can't fully understand. I would appreciate if someone could explain to me what was really wrong. So, our name server was unavailable this morning due to OS update. Division's Samba and LDAP services are running on same server, and Samba is using TLS in connecting to
2011 Apr 10
demography's lifetable: how to incoporate the parameter "franction of last age interval of life"
Dear list: I have tried demography package in my Ubuntu(10.04). What I interested in was lifetable analysis. Chiang(1984)'s reference have been copied to steeper my learning curve. step by step, the example presented by the textbook also have been examined. In the course I find that the paramter "fraction of last age intervl of life" could not be take as a option in the module
2004 Jul 14
hosting library (ie. PVCS) on Samba
Hello. I believe that I've done my due diligence in researching what info. is currently available on this issue. I have been jacking with this for days, & believe that I have tried all possible solutions. I am basically trying to move a [Merant] PVCS installation from an OS/2 file server to a SuSE/Samba file server. This installation consists of 'standard' source archives,
2004 Feb 11
Unable to join ADS domain
I've installed Samba 3.0.2 (from the source) on a SuSE 8.2 system with MIT Kerberos 1.3.1 (I uninstalled the Heimdal code) and the OpenLDAP 2.1.27 development libraries installed on it. I want to make this system a domain member of a Win2K native-mode ADS domain but can't get "net ads join" to work. I've run "kinit myid@MYDOMAIN.COM" and I get at ticket, but when
2016 Apr 01
knit and smbclient executed with different users but no error thrown
Hi, I am using different users while executing kinit and smbclient as shown below, but I am not getting any error. How can a initial ticket granted to one user can be used for another user. Can you give some clarification. I am not an expert hence this doubt. I am using win 2003 AD. [root at 0050568B7DEB samba-4.3.4]# klist klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)
2006 Sep 15
How to catch a parameter that contains a full url
Hi I need some help! I have controller that I need to pass a full url (with its own parametrs) as a parameter, e.g. I want to call my controller with: /mycontroller/catchurl?url= and in action "catchurl" in mycontroller.rb I would like to have params[:url] to be ""
2013 Sep 26
[PATCH v5 0/7] Dissociate logical and gic/hardware CPU ID
Hi, This is the fifth version of this patch series. With the Versatile Express TC2, it''s possible to boot only with A7 or A15. If the user choose to boot with only A7, the CPU ID will start at 0x100. As Xen relies on it to set the logical ID and the GIC, it won''t be possible to use Xen with this use case. This patch series is divided in 3 parts: - Patch 1: prepare Xen
2001 Dec 11
printing from unix to NT printer
Setup: samba 2.2.2 Solaris 8 Trying to print to a printer attached to an NT4/sp6a machine. Printer passes 'test print page' test on NT and is shared. Problem: An error occurs when the smbclient command is used: cat afile | smbclient \\\\tech223\\testprn -U username%password -P -c "translate;print -" The error reported is "ERRDOS - ERRbadaccess (Invalid open mode.)
2004 Jun 03
Force user
Hello list The Samba Howto Collection repeatedly asserts that by setting the sticky bit on directories any files created in those directories will be created with the owner set to that of the directory (for example, see This has never worked for me. Files created inherit the group of the directory, but not the owner.
2006 Apr 18
[patch] sparc build fix
add object rules so that the division, remainder and friends get really build on sparc, patch from Fabio M. Di Nitto <>. reworked to apply on latest git tree. Signed-off-by: maximilian attems <> --- Has been since long in the Debian and Ubuntu klibc. diff --git a/klibc/arch/sparc/ b/klibc/arch/sparc/ index
2005 Apr 12
FXSettings problem
Hi all. I tried to subclass FXSettings in order to add some functionality to it but I ran into the following problem. The code which shall be executed looks like this: def test reg ="test.reg") reg.Parse end The Registry class basically looks this way: require "fox12" include Fox class Registry < FXSettings
2000 Oct 25
lifetable, survivorship.. [forwarded message from Diana Fischer]
This was accidentally addressed to me, personally: ------- start of forwarded message ------- Message-id: <39F70D7C.287323D5 at> MIME-version: 1.0 From: Diana Fischer <diana.fischer at> To: maechler at Subject: R-Project Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:42:36 -0500 I briefly looked at the R documentation of available statistical procedures. It appears
2007 Jul 23
Theora and OLPC
Hi guys, My name is Adir. I'm a Google Summer of Code student, and in addition to that I will be working both with and with OLPC on optimizing Theora's performance. I'm in the list to get a shiny B4, but at the moment I can't do anything since sending the laptop to my place involves some difficulties. Until I get the laptop, I would like to hear from any of you, XO users
2008 Mar 03
Deliver question
Hi, I searched whole 2007-2008 mailing lists for answer but couldn\'t find. I think it\'s easier and quicker to ask here. Suppose I have a message saved in file /tmp/afile. How can I tell deliver to deliver it to user\'s abc at mail box SPAM? I tried two following ways but no success: 1. more /tmp/afile | deliver -d abc at -m SPAM 2. deliver -d abc at
2010 Sep 11
'programatically' list or call objects for use in a function?
Esteemed R users and developers, How does one 'programatically' list or call objects for use in a function? For example, i thought i could do something better than this: save(A.cwb, B.cwb, C.cwb, D.cwb, E.cwb, F.cwb, file="afile.RData") with something like these- prfxs <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F") #**
2014 Dec 17
Problema con el subset
Hola a todos, Agradeceros de antemano vuestro tiempo y paciencia ya que soy un poco novato y tal vez esto sea un poco trivial.  Lo que quiero hacer es que me represente en eje de las x las fechas (columna fecha) y los valores de z (columna z) pero de los datos que he filtrado antes en (dfgrupo<-subset(df,df$parametroslaboratorio=="Aflatoxinas ByG")) y que los parámetros iguales
2004 Mar 09
how to use conditional statements to handle exceptions?
Hello, I have a problem to handle the following statements. for(i in [1:3]) { file=paste("file", i, ".dat") bb <- read.table(file) x11() plot(bb) } When the input .dat file is empty, the program stops running and an error message appears. Could someone tell me how to handle this exception? Thanks
2005 Apr 26
problem with foxpor adir function under win'98
hi, we use samba as fileserver. i always download and install the newest version of it to keep the system up-to-date. but now i have a problem. i've updated to 3.0.14a. after it i can not start an old DOS program, because it sais a directory does'n exist. i tried to start it under win'98. under windows xp it had no problem and started. i consulted with the programmer and he said that
2004 Nov 19
Tools for data preparation?
Hello list, I'm regularly in the position where I have to do a lot of data manipulation, in order to get the data I have into a format R is happy with. This manipulation would generally be in one of two forms: - getting data from e.g. text log files into a tabular format - extracting sensible sample data from a very large data set (i.e. too large for R to handle) In general, I use Perl or