similar to: Fitting model with response and day bias

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Fitting model with response and day bias"

2004 Sep 06
Cox regression for prevalence estimates
Hello, I'm an MD working in an eye clinic. I'm learning by myself to use R for use in my research works and for implementation in a software project. There are some authors who recomends the use of Cox regression as a substitute for Logistic regression (<a href=""> Barros AJD, Hirakata VN. BMCMedical Research Methodology, 2003;
2008 Oct 02
Load a program at the front end
I want to run a R program, prog.R, interactively. My question is, is there a way I can start prog.R on the shell terminal when invoking R, instead of using source() inside R? TIA, Gang
2009 Mar 31
how to increase the limit for max.print in R
Hi All, I am using DNAcopy package in R for copy number analysis of 500K chip. The final output which I get from DNA copy is too big to be printed in a file. So I am getting an error as "reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 475569 rows " Can somebody please provide me the pointers with how to increase the limit for max.print . Thanks, Pooja DISCLAIMER\
2009 May 13
Help with a cumullative Hazrd Ratio plot
Hi R-masters I need help to make modified cumulative hazard ratio plot. I need create a common plot but with the number of subjects in risk each ticks times for two different groups in bottom of plot (I put one example in attach). Do you know a routine for this? Is possible create a routine for this? In this case with how commands? Thanks in advance! -- Bernardo Rangel Tura, M.D,MPH,Ph.D
2007 Aug 27
Sequential Rank Test
Hi R-Masters I need use a sequential approach in serie of cases, but may data is not normal. If data is normal distribution is very easy create analysis using likelihood ratio like of Wald test. But in my case I need use a non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney). I was use: RSiteSearch("sequential rank test") but not solve my problem. Do you know routine or package implement
2006 Sep 24
Hi R masters! I need a Help with plot confidence intervals for one equation. I use library gplots and plotCI command in this script: require(gplots) ano <-1980:2002 rf<-exp(91.37162-0.04720281*ano) ciw.f<-sqrt(1.766073e-08) plotCI(ano,rf,uiw=ciw.f) But in the graph not shown the errors bar and I have this error msg zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
2009 Oct 01
How to use Subpopulation data?
Dear Helpers   I have a sample frame and i have sampled from it using three methods and now i want to calculate the statistics but i only get the population parameters.   H <- matrix(rnorm(100, mean=50000, sd=5000)) sampleframe=data.frame(type=c(rep("H",100)),value=c(H)) sampleframe   str=strata(sampleframe,c("type"),size=c(20,), method="srswor")
2009 Sep 05
Color index in image function
Dear All, I was looking for the color index in?image function,?such as from topo.colors(n) and etc. but still never found it. For instance, from the help menu. ########################################### # Volcano data visualized as matrix. Need to transpose and flip # matrix horizontally. image(t(volcano)[ncol(volcano):1,]) # A prettier display of the volcano x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y
2007 Nov 19
Hi, I am wondering how to draw biplot with the same scales on both plots? For example, if the two plots have much different scales, generally the two x-y's are scaled so that the two plots are sitting in the center automatically. How to disable this? Thanks -- Weiwei Shi, Ph.D Research Scientist GeneGO, Inc. "Did you always know?" "No, I did not. But I believed..."
2010 Jan 03
Help with function "fitdistr" in "MASS"
Hi, R users: I want to fit my data into a normal distribution by using the command "fitdistr" in "MASS". I changed my data class from "ts" to "numeric" by >class(mydata)="numeric" but after using "fitdistr", I got the result below >fitdistr(mydata,"normal") mean sd NA NA (NA) (NA) the help doc of
2004 Jan 09
Fit non-linear regressor
Hi R masters, Sorry for first mensage, this is orignal text... y<-c(2.8150,3.5239,4.0980,4.5845,5.0709,5.4824,5.8427,6.3214,6.7349,7.3651) x<-c(37,42,47,52,57,62,67,72,77,82) I need fit R and A in y=f(x)=R*exp(A*x), with minimize sd= sqrt(SRR/(n-2)) where SRR is Sum of the Square of the Residuals and n is number of data points (in this case 10) How do I make this? Thanks in advance
2007 Apr 04
compile errors with rgl-0.70.570 on FreeBSD
Thank you for your work on rgl. Reading in another thread about your new (inofficial) version of rgl (see below) I tried it with R version 2.5.0 alpha (2007-03-31 r40986) under FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT. Unfortunately I got the following error: ------- #R CMD INSTALL rgl_0.70.570.tar.gz * Installing to library '/usr/local/lib/R/library' * Installing *source* package 'rgl' ...
2007 Apr 10
Computational speed question
Hello, I'm doing bootstrap in R 2.4.1 in order to compute standard errors of an estimator. I'm running the same program on 4 computers. The core of the program is a nlm minimization of a function, which is (I believe) nicely coded using (t)apply and all the vectorized stuff. I'm slightly puzzled by the differences in the speed of computation. The program works twice as fast on a
2003 May 01
Test statistic for Spearman correlation
In the ouput below, what is the "S" statistic (S = 96) that is used for Spearman? I don't have easy access to the books cited on the help page. Other texts and web sources that I have found use t or z as a test for Spearman, perhaps inappropriately. Can anyone tell me how S is computed or refer to a web resource? I see from the code for that: q <- as.integer((n^3 - n) * (1
2002 Jun 01
Question about Title of Plot
Dear all, I'm a brazilian medical doctor that I research use of likelihood in the medical research. I need to do a plot with this layout: --------------------------------------- | Major Title | | | | Title Title | | -------- -------- | | | | | | | | | |
2009 Feb 20
System of logistics Equations
Hi R-masters I need yours help about a problema in one of may ongoing researchers. In my research the subjects (20 in total) answer 60 questions (20 type G, 20 type S and 20 type P). Which questions is classified about 3 factor (2 level each) and the subject score with 2 scale (not integer value is possible but rare): Val range -7 to 7 and other Car range 1 to 7. This a code to fake database
2009 Feb 11
Generating Numbers With Certain Distribution in R
Dear all, Is there a way to generate K numbers of integer (K = 10^6). The maximum value of the integer is 200,000 and minimum is 1. And the occurrences of this integer follows a lognormal distribution. - Gundala Viswanath Jakarta - Indonesia
2008 Jun 18
Complex Time Series
Hi R masters, In my work I analyse a time serie of number of birth in State of Rio de Janeiro. After study de ACF e p ACF I conclude the model is: Non seasonal ar(1) In 7 days lag 7 days seasonal ma(1) In 364 days lag 364 days seasonal ma(1) If the time serie was Non seasonal ar(1) with one seasonal ma(1) is simple using command arima for fit a time serie, but I don't know HOW TO fit a
2006 Dec 03
prop.trend.test issue
I have the clinical study data. Year 0 Year 3 Retinol (nmol/L) N Mean +-sd Mean +-sd Vitamin A group 73 1.89+-0.36 2.06+-0.53 Trace group 57 1.83+-0.31 1.78+-0.30 where N is the number of male for the clinical study. I want to test if the mean serum retinol has increased over 3 years among subjects in the vitamin A group. > 1.89+0.36
2005 Mar 18
logistic model cross validation resolved
This post is NOT a question, but an answer. For readers please disregard all earlier posts by myself about this question. I'm posting for two reasons. First to say thanks, especially to Dimitris, for suggesting the use of errorest in the ipred library. Second, so that the solution to this problem is in the archives in case it gets asked again. If one wants to run a k-fold cross-validation